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Companion quests / dialogue questions


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Hey folks.


I wasn't entirely sure where to post this, so it's here in GD. I recently started playing SWTOR, and just got through Taris on my Jedi Knight (ugh, rakghouls). The companion I've been using as of late is Kira Carsen.


I'm currently at level 20, and have around 3k affection with Kira. I haven't received any kind of dialogue from her basically since she joined me on Curoscant. Should I have had more conversations with her by this point? Are they based around level, or story?


I've read that there is no 'romance' until after Act 1, which is around level 35 or so. Was just wondering if there were more conversations before that point.

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The companion storylines are triggered by the affection that companion has for you. If you want it faster, buy some gifts for the companion.


That, and how far you are in the story. Dont waste time/money on gifts, most likely you need to progress further in your story before getting more chats. If you raise affection high while still being blocked from the convos by your story progression, you'll just get tons of them at once when they unlock.


Edit: In your case, completing next planet could trigger something... :)

Edited by Freor
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Thanks for the replies :) Yeah, I used a lot of gifts on her because the gift missions were faster than the other underworld missions :p I'm having a lot of fun with SWTOR, but I swear if I never see another rakghoul it'll be too soon >.< I killed enough of them in KOTOR.


Hopefully during or after Nar Shaddaa I will get more conversations!

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