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The Maximus spec


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I'm having great results with this spec thus far, but would really like to have it's potential examined by a geared out level 50 so I can tweak it if necessary.


Basically, I took the best bleed talents and combined them with the super-crits from smash. I find it adds alot more tools to my arsenal, not to mention surprises the hell out of people when you smash for 30-35% of their health and THEN begin to lay on the bleeds.


Take a look at the spec, critique it if you like, and try it if you feel froggy. If you're a well geared pvp'r, please try it and report back your findings.


here ya go :



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Id rather take annihlate over smash, id rather 3k-4.5k crits every 10ish seconds then that 1 smash every minute. plus your missing the 30% bleed bonus and rage gen and the 30% on smash...


Personally I'd look at this spec and laugh.


If your having fun with it, then thats what really matters but.

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You know I played with this but found the loss of the bleed damage and anni was not enough to offset for the smash bonuses. These kinds of things sometimes work well in a PVP setting though, I'll admit that, but like I said, in this case-- no I disagree.


Hybrid templates typically work better on tanking toons where the slight loss of mitigation is more than made up for by the large increase in damage. Hybrid specs work wonders on assassins sometimes depending on play style. To each his own I suppose.


Bottom line is that your bleeds are also your heal, so you want them to go off often and for as much damage as possible to make up for your innate squishiness. It's why so few people go into less than 31 points-- you need the burst DPS, which ultimately is what PVP relies on.


This kind of template might work well with an alacrity build, but I'm skeptical.

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It definitely looks interesting. I have tried Rage before and Smash isn't as good as Annihilate imo. But I would find 2 extra points to put in Relentless Fury. Having 100% uptime Predation is a godsend of the Rage spec
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You could always try this.


I call it my retard-mode-pacifist-run-around-while-flailing-your-glowsticks build. The best part is your entire party gets to join in on the fun too! This build is great because, really, at the end of the day, who wants to kill anyone?


I'm actually really tempted to try this build...

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