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Thoughts on light side warrior?


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I play LS warrior kinda fun cause it's a more emotionally light side than Jedi. I don't see how it's manipulative though. That's a stretch you're getting light side points cause your actions are good not because they just seem good lol. The force knows the truth ;)


I don't know if you're not far enough in, but there are plenty of light side awards for consigning people to miserable fates and/or pitting two sides against each other instead of acting against one or the other.

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For me i made my sith warrior darkside. i like the sith corruption when you go dark 1 to 4. that and i already have a light side jedi. so i wanted to be bad. plus most of the costumes look bad guyish.

double force choke was awesome.

Edited by sithgreyguard
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I'm only up to level 14, but I've been playing as looking out first and foremost for myself, using the Sith and the force as nothing but a tool to further my own ends. And I've found that I end up making more lightside choices than darkside. Darkside has a lot of evil for evil's sake.
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My impression is that you have to be Psycho Joe to always pick the DS option. I mean, a lot of them are just evil for evil's sake, counterproductive, or, sometimes, just plain dumb ("I can hack the republic network and pass you crucial info for the war, every hour of the day, every day of the week. For free!" "no, die").


The SW works as a DS story or a neutral story. If you go LS a lot of the orders you happily follow just don't really make sense (to a LS character).

Edited by Vetril
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My Juggernaut is Light and I have a Jedi Sentinel that's (mostly) Dark.


I'd say they're both equally evil. My Sentinel is just a lot more vengeful. It's fun cutting people down with my lightsaber as a Jedi. As my Sith it just seems too easy.


Guy I just fought: "Are you going to kill me?"

Warrior (Light): "Naw, I'm going to hand you over to the Imperial Intelligence where they'll probably torture you for every scrap of information in your brain."

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I found that playing though the game as Lightsided Sith was far more rewarding from a moral standpoint then many of the other classes. Besides the SI, whose story I didn't really find interesting at all, all the other classes fit with being light side because only the SW and SI really practice the dark side of the force.


Being a Sith Warrior and picking lightside choices, you feel like a mercyful god stalking the land rather then a "Oh my god, I will kill everyone that so much as looks at me" type feeling when you play darkside.


And what truly makes it interesting, is that we have all seen and read story's of the good guy turned bad, or the evil person being evil, but this has to be the first real instance I have experienced where I use dark side powers, and yet I break the mold by being somewhat good.


The turning point that really made me love the Light side Warrior was after finishing a part of your story quest where you help some republic soldiers, one of them says as you walk away, "Goodbye Sith, and thank you for saving my life". Easily the most profound moment for me in the game.


I've had many of those profound moments with my LS sith warrior as well. it pretty much sold me on the light side sith. there are plenty of times I've totally shocked republic soldiers (and even had them come to my aid later on simply due to the honor I showed them in combat). Two of the most profound for me were on Balmorra when you have to "kill" the republic general spy. the level of respect the general and the light side sith had for each others honor sent shivers up my spine. I literally had to force myself to click the inevitable "lets fight now" button.


the other was where you were looking for Darth Baras's sister, and you have to essentially team up with the jedi. I actually had the guy speechless! Thought he was gonna hug me at the end there too (ew). but it was a revealing moment when he just sorta stood there and was like, "wow. i did not expect that from a sith" .


I don't see what I was doing as manipulative for the most part. usually the times i was being manipulative I was actually trying to direct the conversations of the sith/soldiers that were doing evil things, and I was pushing them to go along with me. I almost saw myself as the "republic operative" my characters actual background story involves growing up on republic side, only to discover their true heritage as a sith. the story picks up as they arrive on Korriban, determined to learn more about their true ancestry, but for the reason of bringing the balance and honor she learned from her republic parents to the destitute on the empire side.


The light story fit perfectly with that. and was very enjoyable.

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I do quite enjoy playing a light leaning Sith Warrior, mostly for the interactions you get from shocked Jedi and Republic personnel. That being said, some of those "light side" options seem more evil in a way. getting other people to kill for you and that's a "light" side choice?


Just to clarify though, my warrior is a very "for the Empire" kind of gal and anything that benefits the Empire be it light or dark gets picked. That and I turned off the alignment indicators to see how it would work out.

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Let's just say around the middle of your class story line, any light side you had in you becomes utterly dark side. it is all about revenge. SW is just not really designed to play as LS.


I finished the SW storyline at max LS, so I have to disagree. It makes plenty of sense, though it'd make more sense if your actions had more consequences.

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LS Sith Warrior can certainly make a fair bit of sense, especially if you're consistent with it from the beginning. You can tell that Bioware anticipated some of the disconnect from the idea by the way they set up the quests on Dromund Kaas. Very minor spoilers about that...


On my first playthrough I was feeling a little conflicted about going full Light Side, but the rationale sort of solidified as soon as I got to the encampment of Revanites on Dromund Kaas. They pretty much lay it out for you; being a Sith should be about gathering as much power as possible, in any and all forms. And there can be more power in surrounding yourself with powerful allies (who actually want to help you) than in killing every fool in your path.


Besides, the light side options for Sith aren't really that much better than the dark side. I could choke you to death now... or I could bring you back to camp, where you will be tortured, interrogated, then probably killed anyway. Why throw away potentially valuable information?

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If we were on a RP-PvP server I would kill these traitors on sight.


Actually it's kind of cool though I just

chopped off that guys hand (instead of killing him because he was much nicer than the SI Harkun or w/e)



^ Safe if your SW is past level 10.

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I can give you a perfect example of LS / DS WR .


Don't read if you don't like Spoilers !



Voss is the perfect example . When you had to kill Baras sister , a Jedi helped you find her , once you fight her (kill or not , doesn't matter) That Jedi asks you : What are we now ? Enemies or Friends . You got 3 Options 2 LS and 1 DS .

1st LS : Friends

2nd LS : Enemies

3rd DS : Attack



50% of the DS choices are non sense , not just in SW story , in every story if Rep or Emp , doesn't matter .


I like to see LS SW as a Honorable Warrior , doing what HE thinks is right , not what Baras or anyone else thinks .Another thing , don't listen to ppl saying 'DS is the better story or LS is the better story' Both ways are good and interesting , in some situations LS might seem 'the better way to go' in some DS , at the end it's YOUR story , not theirs.

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