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Thoughts on light side warrior?


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I've about wrapped up my inquisitor and it seems like the whole story is best seen from a dark side playthrough. Nearly all of the characters like dark side choices and the general “Questing for more and more power” theme doesn't seem to work well with a light side user. Since the warrior is more of a martial class more focused on discipline and honor it could probably do well as a light side character, but is the story in general more about dark side choices? I've heard that the Jedi Knight is designed to be played by a light sider and thought WAR would be designed the opposite to fit the theme. I know that I can play anyway I want. I'm doing a light side IA and its been fun/challenging standing up to evil empire characters. But I've also noticed that when doing my Inquisitor if I did a light side choice it didn't fit well thematically.
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without giving away much, ill say that the sith warrior story is very much about revenge


not just in your character story, but also in some of your companions side quests


so its much more fitting dark side, imo, but it can work light side as well

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I found that playing though the game as Lightsided Sith was far more rewarding from a moral standpoint then many of the other classes. Besides the SI, whose story I didn't really find interesting at all, all the other classes fit with being light side because only the SW and SI really practice the dark side of the force.


Being a Sith Warrior and picking lightside choices, you feel like a mercyful god stalking the land rather then a "Oh my god, I will kill everyone that so much as looks at me" type feeling when you play darkside.


And what truly makes it interesting, is that we have all seen and read story's of the good guy turned bad, or the evil person being evil, but this has to be the first real instance I have experienced where I use dark side powers, and yet I break the mold by being somewhat good.


The turning point that really made me love the Light side Warrior was after finishing a part of your story quest where you help some republic soldiers, one of them says as you walk away, "Goodbye Sith, and thank you for saving my life". Easily the most profound moment for me in the game.

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I am playing a goody goody warrior but my inqui psychopathy was awesome. With the SI story you will want to make dark side choices. Even the LS ones are dark in a way, manipulating but I find playing with LS warrior was not too hard. But i think its equal if you play a DS warrior, imm gonna roll a maurader some day and gonna go DS.


my rule is tanks are LS, DPS are DS and heals can ....

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Well without giving major spoilers, light side warriors works, i think they are more of the grey sith, they don't just kill anyone in sight for fun but turn and twist them around, making them think your "good guy" so they help you even more, something like Palpatin was doing, evryone thought he is good guy, even Jedi ;)

And if you will go LS in some class quests you can skip some hard boss fights.

Edited by Sevonn
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It's hard to envision my huge muscular sith pureblood Marauder being light side, I dunno to me I believe if you wanna be lightside you should of rolled a jedi knight of course I don't flame anyone for it and choice is a part of the game, its just my personal opinion.


Though as a side note as a ds warrior there will be a point where you force choke 2 republic soldiers and then slam their dead bodies together so ya if you don't want to be evil on steroids I would go light side lol

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It comes down to personal preference. You will encounter a lot of situations during the story where the option and possibility to play as neutral or light actually comes to question in both moral and pure beneficial ways (or more like possible ways to more power) that sits well with being sith.


That being said - Im dark and love it! =)

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Though as a side note as a ds warrior there will be a point where you force choke 2 republic soldiers and then slam their dead bodies together so ya if you don't want to be evil on steroids I would go light side lol


Perfect man just perfect =) you just summarised the feeling on my jugg. : D


As I said - I LOVE IT =))

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My Juggernaut is nearly through Taris, and I've taken all Light Side actions (hit Light IV the other day).


The Sith Warrior Light Side options and path seem far more about calculated manipulation, sowing confusion in the ranks of the enemy, mercy with the intent of spreading fear of your reputation, working to steer the Empire on a fair and just (if still merciless and ruthless) path, and generally trading options for personal gain/satisfaction for that of the Empire.


In D&D alignment terms, it's very lawful evil, though at times some of the actions are actually quite good-natured, which may seem out of place, until you understand that the character is setting themselves up for repaid favours or merely trying to avoid being a victim of betrayal or revenge.


A number of people that you let live or offer to help factor in to later steps in the quest chain and later events, generally in your favour. Vette almost universally likes the Light Side options. Your second companion [minimizing spoiler potential] is of mixed mind on Light Side actions, as some coincide with fairness and loyalty and others fail to punish betrayal. The third companion likes Light Side actions so long as you were Light Side in your dealing with her. So, your first three companions can all respond pretty favourably to Light Side actions. I get the vibe that the fourth won't care for them as much, but given that he's a tank I probably won't be using him as a Jugg. ;)


There are a couple of quests where the Light Side option just seems really ham-fisted and forced -- as I felt was the case on my Operative, where one of the resulting dialogue options was more or less "boy, you didn't kill me and are letting me go, but I think I'll go turn myself in to be interrogated and imprisoned for life" -- but overall it plays out quite well.

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I found that playing though the game as Lightsided Sith was far more rewarding from a moral standpoint then many of the other classes. Besides the SI, whose story I didn't really find interesting at all, all the other classes fit with being light side because only the SW and SI really practice the dark side of the force.


Being a Sith Warrior and picking lightside choices, you feel like a mercyful god stalking the land rather then a "Oh my god, I will kill everyone that so much as looks at me" type feeling when you play darkside.


And what truly makes it interesting, is that we have all seen and read story's of the good guy turned bad, or the evil person being evil, but this has to be the first real instance I have experienced where I use dark side powers, and yet I break the mold by being somewhat good.


The turning point that really made me love the Light side Warrior was after finishing a part of your story quest where you help some republic soldiers, one of them says as you walk away, "Goodbye Sith, and thank you for saving my life". Easily the most profound moment for me in the game.


I completely agree. In the Jedi Order, almost anything Dark Side is supressed or cautioned against- the Jedi are afraid and/or want nothing to do with it or its teachings. We are shown that the Jedi are not willing to open themselves to all manner of possiblities within the Force, both Light and Dark. In the Warrior and Inquisitor stories, there is a similar view.


Sith teachings and Code express passion and emotions as pathways to power, and that the Force is a weapon. Yet, for all intents and purposes, they may fear the Light as Jedi do the Dark, as shown in one of the quests for both Inquistiors and Warriors when you have to seal tombs of old Sith Lords.


Upon attempting to complete said quest, you have the option to learning about the Light Side, and why some Sith fear it so. I chose to do so, and when I took it back to the Sith who gave me the quest, he was nervous about such "treachery" and "blasphemy", taking the information so that others won't find it.


... Lo and behold, the Sith are afraid of the Light, as Jedi are of Dark, and you can be the Sith renegade that opens your mind and try to understand more about the Force than simply Passion is Power...


I love playing Jedi Knight, especially as my main. But I think that playing a LS Sith Warrior is so fulfilling in a way playing a Knight won't be only because no one really expects a "nice" Sith.


In this case, it's pretty cool going against the grain. My Sith isn't a Jedi in her beliefs, but she also isn't completely meshed with Sith ideology. (Which is kind of ironic in a way, as well, because she is a Sith Pureblood...:p)


In fact, while treachery is the way of the Sith, and she is by no means a "friend" of the Republic, she isn't entirely (or intentionally) an enemy, either. :rolleyes:

Edited by RepublicGurl
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You people drive me nuts. If you want to be a good guy roll republic...


There is however the noteable perk of choosing light side options for the potential of companion affection gain if you care to squeeze out each gain that you can. Otherwise...murder taim nao.

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As mentioned already, not all of the Light and Dark decisions in this game are black and white. I have a Light Jedi Shadow with a measly 50 Dark Side points because I didn't want to lie for an NPC. There's also a quest on the Republic side in which your character makes death threats on an NPC if you choose the Light option (Dark is straight up merk). A Jedi making death threats? Go figure.


I have a lowbie Jugg (17) who's Light aligned. I wouldn't classify her as "good" or "bad." I have a loose background in my head for my Jugg. She masks her feelings well. She also would rather have pawns at her disposal than simply murder every incompetent fool that she comes across. The thing is, if she lets you live, you're in her pocket for the rest of your life-and she'll call that in when necessary.


One of my friends just bought the game and made a Marauder. When we quest together it's like he's my Right Hand; where I make a Light decision (Class quest) he's waiting down the hall to ruin their day.


My Jugg makes "bawss" moves; she tasks others with doing her dirty work.

Edited by GlennWippenberg
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You people drive me nuts. If you want to be a good guy roll republic...


If you've played a Republic character, it'll be readily apparent that a great many of the people in the Republic are no more "good" than many of the people within the Empire.

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Would you classify every single member of the Empire as "evil"? Sure, many of the Sith Lords are arrogant, power-hungry egotists, but the rank and file who comprise the bulk of the faction are just normal people, same as Republic citizens.


The ancient Sith expanded on Jedi Teachings, to draw power from ALL emotions, including those of love and compassion. The new ideology is to supress such "light-sided" emotions, and draw power exclusively from the negative emotions, such as rage, hatred, and fear.


Light Side Sith Warrior is OG (Original Gangsta)


Also: The Empire sells an ugly truth; the Republic sells a pretty lie. I hate being lied to.

Edited by Arlanon
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A light-side warrior is extremely entertaining to play, they are more about manipulation and spreading confusion then being blunt and incredibly direct. You're still pretty evil when it comes down to it, but you're evil in a very manipulative way, and that's always been my preferred kind of evil.


That said dark-side warriors can be pretty manipulative too, they just tend to leave alot of bodies behind XD.


And of course, it's fun as HELL confusing the crap outta the jedi you meet when you are NOTHING like any sith they've ever met, always makes me giggle.

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A light-side warrior is extremely entertaining to play, they are more about manipulation and spreading confusion then being blunt and incredibly direct. You're still pretty evil when it comes down to it, but you're evil in a very manipulative way, and that's always been my preferred kind of evil.


That said dark-side warriors can be pretty manipulative too, they just tend to leave alot of bodies behind XD.


And of course, it's fun as HELL confusing the crap outta the jedi you meet when you are NOTHING like any sith they've ever met, always makes me giggle.


Yeah its really funny, on some class quests when Jedi just go *** and are not sure what to do with you :p


And to a guy who said if you want to be goody go republic...

There is no good faction white and black.

Republic is just lieing to their ppl while still doing sick stuff.

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Yeah its really funny, on some class quests when Jedi just go *** and are not sure what to do with you :p


And to a guy who said if you want to be goody go republic...

There is no good faction white and black.

Republic is just lieing to their ppl while still doing sick stuff.


This is why I like being empire, the republic is so freaking manipulative its kinda sickening.

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I play LS warrior kinda fun cause it's a more emotionally light side than Jedi. I don't see how it's manipulative though. That's a stretch you're getting light side points cause your actions are good not because they just seem good lol. The force knows the truth ;)
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So far my light side options, as compared to my inq darkside options, has been Spare the guy, but then he just attacks you anyway starting the fight.


Sure theres some ppl i save by choosing light options, but mostly i just find that picking light side only affects what your character think of the situation but dont actually end up in a different end that if you had choosen dark side.



Theres a fight on Nar Shadaa where you fight a sith and when i choosed light side on letting him live after his defeat, he then just goes and kills himself, lol ***


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I just dinged lvl50 today as a LS Mara. A lot of the LS options I came across were kinda pro-empire as a whole instead of 'killzor I R EBIL' DS stuff. I did rack up some DS points as some people just HAD to die.


I have a pure DS Sorc that does indeed eat puppy tacos though, both are fun. So go with what you want.

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