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Player Housing - version that works with SWTOR's game engine


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May I ask something, not trying to be ignorant, what purpose does housing serve? What would you do there? What advantages would there be to having one? I never thought while playing this game that I felt the need to go to 'home'.


I've only used housing in one game, Ultima Online. In that game, you could put crafting tools in our house such as forge and anvil, loom, etc, and you could put vendors in to sell your crafted wares (pre AH days). The downside is that they absolutely cluttered the land; could hardly sneeze without knocking one down.


In modern MMO's, they build them into neighborhoods, like they did in Lotro.


They don't actually serve a valid purpose in MMO's these days. Dev's only consider them if they have absolutely nothing better to do.


Players that want housing generally want a Sim game in their MMO. They don't really want to play the MMO, they just want to build a house, put furniture in it and decorate it. Much like you do with a sim game.

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Housing helps with RPers. I myself don't RP much but I would like a place that I could call my own in the game. It just makes my character that more lovable for me. I don't want to be a lvl'er, 30 alts, pvp'ing machine. Every now and then I want to get into the game , turn up some music and hang out and talk with some buddies that I made in-game. In my own personal space.


I would like to live on Nar Shaddaa, right now it feels like I live on Carrick Station. Once you hit lvl 50 Carrick is much more of a home than our ships are. Carrick station isn't character building enough for me. I am getting attached to my current lvl 50 and would love to stay on him as often as possible. I find myself logging in , doing dailies, some fp's some pvp and thn off to another alt. Would rather spend more time even if down time on my main.


I think housing helps. One good thing about housing, if you don't want it, you don't use it. Those that do want it get to enjoy it to the fullest though.

Edited by Vochre
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Housing is also about changing the world permanently, sandbox style, buying a piece of land on some planet.


Nice idea, but it just sounds like the ship concept, only another example of heavy instancing and red or green doorways. BW might love that concept but it is not my cup of tea. Instancing ruins immersion.

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I see this request quite frequently in MMO's.


Could someone explain the attraction of player housing to me? I just don't see it...


Well thats easy :) 1st Roleplay 2nd More roleplay....i played Everquest 2 alot and there u have both house and guildhall....Both places are greate to show what u have done on your adventures :) And the guildhall...well..for the guild to show off :) Ofc. there are more... try youtube everquest 2 homes and Swg homes you will see the joy.


So id say housing and guildhalls are a must.

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