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Do DoTs Like Interrogation Probe Trigger Cluster Bombs?


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Subject line says all. If I drop an Explosive Probe with cluster bombs on a target does the on-going damage from a DoT like Interrogation Probe trigger the cluster bombs? I imagine the first hit from Interrogation Probe would trigger one cluster bomb but will the on-going damage trigger the remaining cluster bombs if I don't attack the target again?
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Only the Explosive Probe itself detonates from any damage. The Cluster Bombs must be hit by rifle attacks - either yours or another person's. Note also that there is a small minimum amount of time that has to pass after setting off a cluster bomb before another can be detonated. For instance, even though Series of Shots fires 4 shots, it will only set off 2 Cluster Bombs. If you trained for a 3rd Cluster Bomb, you'll need to do another shot to trigger it.
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Only the Explosive Probe itself detonates from any damage. The Cluster Bombs must be hit by rifle attacks - either yours or another person's. Note also that there is a small minimum amount of time that has to pass after setting off a cluster bomb before another can be detonated. For instance, even though Series of Shots fires 4 shots, it will only set off 2 Cluster Bombs. If you trained for a 3rd Cluster Bomb, you'll need to do another shot to trigger it.


Rifle attacks. As in the plain default rifle attack? That's the only thing that triggers it? I guess not since your example of Series of Shots is not just the plain default attack. Can you please elaborate what triggers the cluster bombs vs the explosive probe.


Too bad DoTs don't trigger cluster bombs. That would be a nice DoT stack.

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Any damage triggers Explosive probe - rifle attacks, DoTs, grenades, attacks from other players/companions, whatever.


Cluster Bombs, though, only trigger if shot by a gun. Any of your rifle attacks (rifle shot, series of shots, snipe, ambush, etc, etc) will work, but not DoTs or probes or grenades or anything else. Shots fired by your companion (Kaliyo, Lokin, Temple) or another player will work too.


It's not often that they don't get triggered by something. The only time I could see it not happening would be if you hybrid-spec'd Engineering/Lethality and did all of your damage with Grenades and Corrosive Darts. The DoT ticks wouldn't detonate them, but you should probably be using Rifle Shot while running around anyhow.

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Rifle shot, leg shot, overload, shatter shot, suppressive fire, series of shots, snipe, ambush, takedown, and followthrough will all work with cluster bombs. Some companion's attacks will also work (kaliyo and temple's primarily)


I believe Cull and headshot work as well, although I've not tried personally.


Things that don't work on cluster bombs include plasma probe, int probe, shiv, debilitate, eviscerate, frag grenade, and corrosive dart/gren. I have not noticed any Warrior or Inquisitor attacks working, nor would I expect them to.



The intitial explosive probe detonates on any damage.

Edited by Infalliable
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Thanks for the helpful info. Frag grenade is my current spam attack for PvP in lieu of Snipe so I'll need to rely on alternating with Rifle Shot to trigger cluster bombs. Again, thank you.


Frag grenade..... Unless there are 3-4+ people being hit that is a terribly strategy and even so it is ussually only # padding. Even with 3+ people it often is far more valuable for your team to focus down the healer instead.

Edited by Cruorpunctis
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Frag grenade..... Unless there are 3-4+ people being hit that is a terribly strategy and even so it is ussually only # padding. Even with 3+ people it often is far more valuable for your team to focus down the healer instead.


Frag grenade does pretty decent damage for engineers (compared to snipe) and can be used on the run. Often, that mobility is much more important that a little more damage. Engineering also lacks the PROCs that marksman has with snipe, so snipe is nothing special (no followthrough, no faster ambush, etc.).


It's not "terrible," especially in all circumstances. 2+ people and frag is clearly better for overall damage.

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Rifle attacks. As in the plain default rifle attack? That's the only thing that triggers it? I guess not since your example of Series of Shots is not just the plain default attack. Can you please elaborate what triggers the cluster bombs vs the explosive probe.


Too bad DoTs don't trigger cluster bombs. That would be a nice DoT stack.


Ranged Attacks (Not tech) blow up Cluster bombs. In 1.2, they can be detonated every 1 second, so Explosive probe + SoS = big nuke damage with lots of explosions and numbers.

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Frag grenade..... Unless there are 3-4+ people being hit that is a terribly strategy and even so it is ussually only # padding. Even with 3+ people it often is far more valuable for your team to focus down the healer instead.


Nah, and engineer's snipe (Or mine) hits for about 800 on heavy targets, and frag grenade hits for about 500, so it's actually more time, energy, and damage effecient for only two targets (At least for me. Note that engineers have no real reason to use snipe except for Calculated pursuit which never worked (Fixed in 1.2!), and stroke of genius which is meh).

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To chime in on what everyone else said, yes, I use Frag Grenade in place of Snipe because of the LOS issues in PvP. It's too fast paced to use a spam attack that needs to be channeled. Frag grenade is instant cast. I make mince meat out of other snipers by lobbing a nade, ducking out of LOS while they channel Snipe or even worse Ambush, lobbing a grenade and so forth. And I don't mean cover, I mean getting behind a pillar, etc. And of course it works best against groups of foes. I typically hit for 800 to 1,500 with crits. Area denial and defense are my strong point anyway so it works great for that.


Thanks to this thread, now I know I can add Explosive Probe to my DoT list since my rifle attacks and others attacks also trigger it.

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