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My wishlist


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I'll try to keep everything as short as possible.


Server Mergers/Transfers

I'm kinda on the fence about which I would rather see first. And for those that are forcibly removed and have to change names would they receive any kind of bonus(Title, fluff item)?


Missing/Unobtainable Codex Entries

It almost seems like there are a few per planet, I'm sure the devs have already received bug reports about these


Individual Surnames

Yes the legacy system sounds interesting, but as a role-player honestly I don't want my Chiss' surname to be the same as my humans.


Open up the UI

1.2 improvements to the Ui are a good start. Now can ya please let me make them look as I want?


Cross-sever PVP/Group Finder

I see this as more a quality of life enhancement. In the beginning I was against a LFG Tool but now after literally sitting in chat on fleet trying to get a group as a healer for over an hour I have to say, I give in. Please put this sort of system in.


Well that's all for now, I'm sure I will be able to think of a few more at some point. Been subscribed since the beginning, about to input my 2nd 2 month code. Keep it going Bioware!

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I'll try to keep everything as short as possible.


Server Mergers/Transfers

I'm kinda on the fence about which I would rather see first. And for those that are forcibly removed and have to change names would they receive any kind of bonus(Title, fluff item)?


April is the floated date for transfers. After then, we may get mergers. A title for forced renames (Binky, the Rejected) could be fun, but the amount of QQ would be enormous. Seriously, do a search and you'll find dozens of people claiming that having Sprint stay on after death was the death of this game.

As someone who chose (most) of my names, especially my Legacy, with care, I hope they base the name changes (on forced moves) on the creation date of your name/legacy.


Missing/Unobtainable Codex Entries

It almost seems like there are a few per planet, I'm sure the devs have already received bug reports about these


As a completionist (at least on my main), this does bug me. And what's worse, it seems like a rather easy fix. Heck, they could get a couple of interns to rework the code and triggers.


Individual Surnames

Yes the legacy system sounds interesting, but as a role-player honestly I don't want my Chiss' surname to be the same as my humans.


Eh...I'm not a RPer. And, like I said, I chose my Legacy fairly carefully. Now giving players an option to unlock more surnames down the Legacy system, that may be cool.


Open up the UI

1.2 improvements to the Ui are a good start. Now can ya please let me make them look as I want?


Which is? Not much feed-back you gave there. I've read several articles the last few days and most of the people say the set-up is similar to the Dominoes plug-in for WoW. Currently, you can't have more than the 4 bars, but you can stack them different ways (1x12, 2x6, 3x4) scale, adjust transparency of each bar. I look any sort of flexibility. Also, it looks like you can Save/Load profiles.


For a pic of the UI editor:



Cross-sever PVP/Group Finder

I see this as more a quality of life enhancement. In the beginning I was against a LFG Tool but now after literally sitting in chat on fleet trying to get a group as a healer for over an hour I have to say, I give in. Please put this sort of system in.


CS WZs are coming soonish. Group Finder is less-soonish, from the way some of the Devs have talked in interviews.

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Sorry about not elaborating more on the UI front. I'd like to truly redesign the way they look, kinda like a different theme. IE putting a picture of the empire/republic symbol in my chat windows as the background, or changing up my healthbar color stuff like that.
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Sorry about not elaborating more on the UI front. I'd like to truly redesign the way they look, kinda like a different theme. IE putting a picture of the empire/republic symbol in my chat windows as the background, or changing up my healthbar color stuff like that.


In a couple of interviews the devs had sorta said that this is just phase 1 of the UI customization. After they have digested the comments and flames from 1.2, maybe we can have some more choices in a later patch.


Ah remembered another one.


Day/Night cycles

Immersion for me is a big thing.


I kinda agree to this, but that is a lot of development resources to pour into something that a small part of the population would even notice. If each planet had its own cycle (so that every planet isn't dark at the same time) that would be cool.

But I can see the forums the next day after this is patched in: "OMG!!! I logged out on this bright ice planet, now it is all black!!! Way to fail BW!!"


I wish that they would poll people in game. Give us 5 or 10 items and tell us to rank them in importance.

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