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Any possible way to make Gunslinger good in PVP?


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actually 1-49 has skills. Having expertise and geared out the *** fighting a no geared fresh 50 isn't skill. 1-49 everyone is on equal footing. 50 is were it gets tough cause of the gear gap.


Also its true they can los us but thats going to also hinder them. If its a healer always stick to them but if its a melee you should be owning them. I merc guardians on my sniper so i should be able to merc them on my slinger as well.


I don't find getting into cover has a big hassle. I play on a pvp server so i'm always having 1v1 if you don't count companions.


Fun fact is the 1.2 patch game out and hunker down also gives us 60% damage reduction on aoes. I hear they are buffing us slingers.


10-49 pvp doesn't count because of the level difference and the abilities/talents. also the ovrload of ppl that do not know how to play. That does also happen in 50 wz's though.


And open world pvp 1on1 you must have encountered ppl that do not know to play. Like 90% of the playerbase is.


Start duelling ppl that know how to play and are equally geared and you'll know how gs suck in plays like that.


A healer LoSing you just heals up and is good to go again. Actually healers ar not the gs main concern. It's the hybrid sorc/sage spec that is. They LoS and have instants damage skills that is easy to work with(and, hence easier to LoS other ppl). Then there is the hybrid assassin/shadow spec that can take a ton of damage(or rather mitigate) and are able to heal themselves. The guardian that owns me has DPS gear but also a sort of hybrid spec that burst me down in a matter of seconds. He doesn't even need to LoS me because I do squad damage to him. Good sentinels can also be a pain in the ***, but I seem able to kill them


tl;dr Killing an average player is easy, killing a player that know ho to play is not, especially as a gunslinger.



We(our guild) are getting our characters copied to the PTS, do you? I want to see you play. Contact Bivak when you are!


But you are most likely not, non arrogance intended(or maybe a little :D)


I definitely want to see a gunslinger kill in duels under the same circumstances I have been(arena type battles). So yeah if you can show me duelling the same ppl I do, pretty please! I want to learn how to play better.


I am going to check some other specs for pvp though. I am currrently using 31/7/3 Going to try 22/16/2 or more heavily DF spec.

Edited by Bivaccus
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10-49 pvp doesn't count because of the level difference and the abilities/talents. also the ovrload of ppl that do not know how to play. That does also happen in 50 wz's though.


And open world pvp 1on1 you must have encountered ppl that do not know to play. Like 90% of the playerbase is.


Start duelling ppl that know how to play and are equally geared and you'll know how gs suck in plays like that.


A healer LoSing you just heals up and is good to go again. Actually healers ar not the gs main concern. It's the hybrid sorc/sage spec that is. They LoS and have instants damage skills that is easy to work with(and, hence easier to LoS other ppl). Then there is the hybrid assassin/shadow spec that can take a ton of damage(or rather mitigate) and are able to heal themselves. The guardian that owns me has DPS gear but also a sort of hybrid spec that burst me down in a matter of seconds. He doesn't even need to LoS me because I do squad damage to him. Good sentinals can also be a pain in the ***, but I seem able to kill them


tl;dr Killing an average player is easy, killing a player that know ho to ply is not, especially as a gunslinger.



We(our guild) are getting our characters copied to the PTS, do you? I want to see you play. Contact Bivak when you are!


but you are most likely not, non arrogance intented(or maybe a little :D)


I never have a problem on my lvl 50 snipers on 1v1 with any dps/ tank or hybrid spec what so ever. We have a ton of cc, knockbacks, instant cast hard hitters, CC immunity to get us by. No we're not always going to win but thats like you said is based on the skill of the player.


Like any class out there we do not suck. Your argument is the same argument on other class forums. When i was playing on my maraudar i kept hearing on the forums how much they suck in pvp which i never had trouble with. on my guardian the forums are the same how much they suck. Vanguard and merc forums also keep saying they suck.


It just a matter of taste and los isn't really an issue with me since i actually get out of cover and follow them. I dueled a healer kept trying to los around a piller. I have 3 cc's to stop him and nuke him down which i did. Took a hell of a long time but i won.

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I never have a problem on my lvl 50 snipers on 1v1 with any dps/ tank or hybrid spec what so ever. We have a ton of cc, knockbacks, instant cast hard hitters, CC immunity to get us by. No we're not always going to win but thats like you said is based on the skill of the player.


Like any class out there we do not suck. Your argument is the same argument on other class forums. When i was playing on my maraudar i kept hearing on the forums how much they suck in pvp which i never had trouble with. on my guardian the forums are the same how much they suck. Vanguard and merc forums also keep saying they suck.


It just a matter of taste and los isn't really an issue with me since i actually get out of cover and follow them. I dueled a healer kept trying to los around a piller. I have 3 cc's to stop him and nuke him down which i did. Took a hell of a long time but i won.



Killing a LoSing full specced healer is not that hard, since they don't damage you enough. So there is 1 example you can kill another class! You can indeed follow them and make their healing miserable.


The ccs we have are a lot of times useless.


Name me a hard instant hitter besides quickdraw! (and trickshot does not count because it needs a crappy charge burst first). Instant charge burst is not so instant (cover first!) and it does not hit hard.



Hunker down: ranged just LoS you and wait it out. Or keep damaging, you with instants while you cannot. Then they cc the **** out of you(interrupting a lot of your casts, specially aimed shot).

pulse detonator: Keep melees away. It works, but assassins use sprint(breaks root) and are back at you in a second. Tanks just soak up the damage because you don't damage them enough anyway. Besides it only is a 2s root if you damage again.


flash bang/grenade: Gets instant ignored with the anti cc ability. This is your best chance to put a sabotage charge+aimed shot+trick shot(And after that hopefully a quickdraw, but you never get it off quick enough because of this.)


Talented push back aimed shot: Melees are right back at you, besides it fills the resolve bar for a **** ton :(.


Nut kick: 4 second stun, in which you have to wait for the 1.5sec CD Then you actually have only 2.5s left to do something. It helps but in many cases it's not good enough.


Sentinels are doable if they are stupid enough to keep walking in your Orbital/XS or don't have a way to LoS you.


Tanks mitigate most of your damage and kill you faster then you can kill them. Also with trying to CC them.


running up to LoSing ppl is what they want, so you are out of cover and are not able to cast the very needed dmg skills. Or you leaving hunker down, or just have time enough to throw them self a heal. also at that time you do not have ballistic dampers up.


Did you play any character to 50 yet? It's a world of difference.


Saying you don't have problems with other classes without real backup or arguments doesn't really hold. Like I said: most ppl are clueless and easy to kill.


just did a coupl of wzs again and it's a total different matter in wz.


Also in 1.2 you cant get knocked out of cover anymore, that's good!

Edited by Bivaccus
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Killing a LoSing full specced healer is not that hard, since they don't damage you enough. So there is 1 example you can kill another class! You can indeed follow them and make their healing miserable.


The ccs we have are a lot of times useless.


Name me a hard instant hitter besides quickdraw! (and trickshot does not count because it needs a crappy charge burst first). Instant charge burst is not so instant (cover first!) and it does not hit hard.



Hunker down: ranged just LoS you and wait it out. Or keep damaging, you with instants while you cannot. Then they cc the **** out of you(interrupting a lot of your casts, specially aimed shot).

pulse detonator: Keep melees away. It works, but assassins use sprint(breaks root) and are back at you in a second. Tanks just soak up the damage because you don't damage them enough anyway. Besides it only is a 2s root if you damage again.


flash bang/grenade: Gets instant ignored with the anti cc ability. This is your best chance to put a sabotage charge+aimed shot+trick shot(And after that hopefully a quickdraw, but you never get it off quick enough because of this.)


Talented push back aimed shot: Melees are right back at you, besides it fills the resolve bar for a **** ton :(.


Nut kick: 4 second stun, in which you have to wait for the 1.5sec CD Then you actually have only 2.5s left to do something. It helps but in many cases it's not good enough.


Sentinels are doable if they are stupid enough to keep walking in your Orbital/XS or don't have a way to LoS you.


Tanks mitigate most of your damage and kill you faster then you can kill them. Also with trying to CC them.


running up to LoSing ppl is what they want, so you are out of cover and are not able to cast the very needed dmg skills. Or you leaving hunker down, or just have time enough to throw them self a heal. also at that time you do not have ballistic dampers up.


Did you play any character to 50 yet? It's a world of difference.


Saying you don't have problems with other classes without real backup or arguments doesn't really hold. Like I said: most ppl are clueless and easy to kill.


just did a coupl of wzs again and it's a total different matter in wz.


Also in 1.2 you cant get knocked out of cover anymore, that's good!



Have several 50's so i do know what im talking about.


And i stopped reading at "they can interrupt you in cover". Because first of all they can't


knock back aim shot is useless? I'm pretty sure now you'r just trolling now because on my lvl 50 sniper laze target + instant (0.5 cover) snap shot with snipe hits for like a truck with my 1.5 ambush if knock back and leg shot. I use series of shots then snipe again. If they do get next to be i use debilitate use head shot then pulse (doing this all when im entrench which is like 20sec so i can't get cc).


Even tho we are squishy they're some things to keep us going. Balistic dampers, Shield probe (defense screen), Evasion (the 100% dodge rate for 3 secs) and ballistic shield (another 20% damage reduction).


Sniper/gunslinger isn't a easy class but played right they can take anyone down. Saying they suck and can't isn't playing them justice. Also use flourish shots to bring down their armor by 20% (also new patch says it also decreases healing down my 20%!)

Edited by LordXalas
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this is mostly from a sharpshootin' standpoint:


we are awful 1v1


sometimes we win those fights but usually that means the other guy didn't count their numbers right


hunker down without any los tools nearby forces them to either run or just roll numbers against you so... do things to make them count wrong! pop your cooldowns at weird times, save your medpack for right at the end, throw your green grenade on them to give them 45% miss chance, flashbang and set up a burst combo...


regardless of your spec, use sabotage charge and flyby liberally. They're very good even if your tree doesn't particularly favor them.


For example, flyby can deny healers and ranged dps position between the pillar and wall at the first doors in Voidstar. While they run around, you can pop relics and kill people that they lose LOS on. if they stay you can bl0w them up. Even if your flyby doesn't do damage, if it forces people to move or fight in weird positions(for example, bombing the capture points at side nodes in civil war prevents people from LOSing you with them) then it's still effective. You can also flyby yourself to keep melees away from you or force them to pay 12k life just to hit you although this isn't really the best usage of it. It sorta sucks in huttball but when the enemy team's all ballin' up you can throw it infront of them and strain the healers or outright kill the entourage


sabotage charge doesn't trigger gcd. that's another thing that can throw off people's math. if you do something like aimed shot -> sabcharge -> charged burst(instant)/quickdraw/trickshot you can pretty much deliver 10k damage all at once.


sweeping fire is another thing that you should keep in mind. you can tag assassins who stealth and pop their tech immunity with it and force them out of stealth. more importantly, you can use it to hit people who are losing you with the cap points in alderaan. it comes out really fast too, so it's good to break a cap from a bunch of dudes at once. the animation for it is weird too, as it'll always display as firing towards the direction your gunslinger is facing. cover gives you 360 degree vision though, so you can sweeping fire and have the animation pointing in some random direction(or even into a wall so they can't see it) and it's somewhat tricky for the other team to see what's hitting them.


don't use it for damage tho it's freakin' awful


truth be told we're a little bit weak in pvp but you can be clever and deal w/ it


that or just whine until you get mad buff$

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I live longer on my gunslinger has a dps class in warzones then i do on my maraduar/ shield spec vanguard.


On the server i'm playing as people hardly ever go after snipers/slingers and when they do i have enough cc and knockbacks to take care of them. .



My server is the same...they usually don't go after me...because I'm really not that much of a threat compared to the rest of my team. Gunslingers are more of an annoying mosquitoe than anything...and when we get annoying enough, we get smacked with one SLAP, then respawn, rinse, repeat. Yes...we can have decent DPS numbers, but as a DPS class, we're don't really stand out in our "role". God forbid that an Operative decide to make our lives hell in a WZ. We're an easy kill to them, they love to see our little "cover" shield pop up...it gives them plenty of time to get behind us and start their cycle of death.


There's a reason you don't see many gunslingers or snipers in WZ's and our numbers are low overall. GS is a hard class to play and play well. Can we do ok if we have a crap ton of heals? ya sure...any class can. But I think we're about the only class that doesn't have some type of "escape/get out of jail free" card. Everyone else has heals, sprint, combat stealth, flight whatever etc....and we get a few cc's, but cc's imo don't count as "escapes" because they're usually broken w/in a second or 2 of applying them by a team member.


a 30% HoT over 10 seconds would be nice....something to keep us alive long enough to get some real heals or run away and recooperate. But as is....once we're targeted, we're pretty much dead.

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Start duelling ppl that know how to play and are equally geared and you'll know how gs suck in plays like that.



tl;dr Killing an average player is easy, killing a player that know ho to play is not, especially as a gunslinger.



I definitely want to see a gunslinger kill in duels under the same circumstances I have been(arena type battles). So yeah if you can show me duelling the same ppl I do, pretty please! I want to learn how to play better.


I am going to check some other specs for pvp though. I am currrently using 31/7/3 Going to try 22/16/2 or more heavily DF spec.


I want to see a good GS win some true 1v1 or 2v2 as well! I really want the class to be good! But unfortunately from playing my GS in 1-49 bracket and now in the 50 bracket with 600+ expertise...I'm still not seeing it :( Do I need to have 800+ expertise and 20k HP like the tanks before I can be effective? I just don't get it how I can be a moderetly geared lev 50 and a new lev 50 Operative can still WTFPwn me when he has like 11k hp and I'm assuming not so good gear due to his low hp.


So far, I'm having to agree with Bivaccus in the GS debate.

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guess its in the eyes of the beholder. I have more ways to escape a fight then my maraudar does and live to tell the tale. Maybe the play style just doesn't suite you guys as much it does me. For one i feel wicked strong in pvp and 1v1s. I'm not going to win all the time but i'm sure as hell not losing all the time either.
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I want to see a good GS win some true 1v1 or 2v2 as well! I really want the class to be good! But unfortunately from playing my GS in 1-49 bracket and now in the 50 bracket with 600+ expertise...I'm still not seeing it :( Do I need to have 800+ expertise and 20k HP like the tanks before I can be effective? I just don't get it how I can be a moderetly geared lev 50 and a new lev 50 Operative can still WTFPwn me when he has like 11k hp and I'm assuming not so good gear due to his low hp.


So far, I'm having to agree with Bivaccus in the GS debate.


I love gunslinger and love a good 1v1 fight. I win 1v1s even if the other class gets the jump on me. There's a lot of terribad snipers and gunslingers, people assume we're all bad or the class is broken.


Also if your losing to an undergeared Operative, you sir are a noob and don't understand this class. The only classes that I think our class truly struggles with is pyrotech if they get the chance to get on you. And tank shadows/assassins. The rest its a pretty nicely balanced fight... unless its a sorc, to them I'm so sorry you die in like 4 hits.


I'm almost always top 3 on warzones damage and killing blows. And I solo queue a lot just because I get bored and rusty when I have a pocket healer.


I'm always so confused when people complain about weak classes. Seriously, if you spent less time crying and more time trying to learn your class you might not suck as much.

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I love gunslinger and love a good 1v1 fight. I win 1v1s even if the other class gets the jump on me. There's a lot of terribad snipers and gunslingers, people assume we're all bad or the class is broken.


Also if your losing to an undergeared Operative, you sir are a noob and don't understand this class. The only classes that I think our class truly struggles with is pyrotech if they get the chance to get on you. And tank shadows/assassins. The rest its a pretty nicely balanced fight... unless its a sorc, to them I'm so sorry you die in like 4 hits.


I'm almost always top 3 on warzones damage and killing blows. And I solo queue a lot just because I get bored and rusty when I have a pocket healer.


I'm always so confused when people complain about weak classes. Seriously, if you spent less time crying and more time trying to learn your class you might not suck as much.


aye i've seen it all across the forums people complaining their class is broken. Ops/scoundrels are fun to fight and i hardly die to them. Pyros are also easy for me but i got to agree with the sorc.

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Having rolled a Vanguard on another server, I actually have troubles with gunslingers/snipers of my own level unless I can LOS them. Something I never noticed playing my own gunslinger is I can't be interrupted behind cover (or that was a change to cater to the fact that we basically have to sit on our *** and turret people to death).


That makes playing against anything stationary behind cover sort of a pain in the ***. lol


The only class I have problem with as a gunslinger is sorc and marauder. Sorc because they can range and utility me to death with no problems, and because marauder, being the other pure DPS class in the game, can actually go toe to toe with us when given the chance. I've gotten in to the habit of not letting them get close enough to do that.

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Having rolled a Vanguard on another server, I actually have troubles with gunslingers/snipers of my own level unless I can LOS them. Something I never noticed playing my own gunslinger is I can't be interrupted behind cover (or that was a change to cater to the fact that we basically have to sit on our *** and turret people to death).


That makes playing against anything stationary behind cover sort of a pain in the ***. lol


The only class I have problem with as a gunslinger is sorc and marauder. Sorc because they can range and utility me to death with no problems, and because marauder, being the other pure DPS class in the game, can actually go toe to toe with us when given the chance. I've gotten in to the habit of not letting them get close enough to do that.


Yeah you never get interrupted while casting in cover. I found this annoying when i was pvping with my jedi shadow and slinger/snipers kept casting even tho i tried to interrupt. I was a heavily tank spec shadow and the only reason i ever lived on a 1v1 with a sniper was because i popped all my cd's (medkits also) and had a pocket healer companion. If that sniper had his healing companion he would've won but he was companionless.


Combat, rage spec mara i can take but an annilation spec mara will eat me if he gets his dots up and uses beserk.

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I love gunslinger and love a good 1v1 fight. I win 1v1s even if the other class gets the jump on me. There's a lot of terribad snipers and gunslingers, people assume we're all bad or the class is broken.


Also if your losing to an undergeared Operative, you sir are a noob and don't understand this class. The only classes that I think our class truly struggles with is pyrotech if they get the chance to get on you. And tank shadows/assassins. The rest its a pretty nicely balanced fight... unless its a sorc, to them I'm so sorry you die in like 4 hits.


I'm always so confused when people complain about weak classes. Seriously, if you spent less time crying and more time trying to learn your class you might not suck as much.


lol ok buddy..thx for your opinion. I won't even toss out any random counter insults like you seem to like to dish out. But please, tell me the secret to constantly beating them! I want to know the perfect technique to beat them! Yes, I do fine w/ them on open battle and out of stealth. I do fine w/ them if I have a healer to heal me after their burst from stealth...BUT if they attack me from stealth, and all their cooldowns are down and they can cycle through all their stuns, cc's, backstabs etc...There just isn't much I seem to be able to do. Ya, I'll get in my licks before I go down, but I usually don't win. So ya, PLEASE, you or anyone else are free to tell me the secret technique to easily smoke them ever time....hell even a video that shows you doing it would be nice. Thx in advance! :D


Oh and btw...I seem to do fine against pyrotechs and sorcs, especially sorcs...I love to kill that "OP" class

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lol ok buddy..thx for your opinion. I won't even toss out any random counter insults like you seem to like to dish out. But please, tell me the secret to constantly beating them! I want to know the perfect technique to beat them! Yes, I do fine w/ them on open battle and out of stealth. I do fine w/ them if I have a healer to heal me after their burst from stealth...BUT if they attack me from stealth, and all their cooldowns are down and they can cycle through all their stuns, cc's, backstabs etc...There just isn't much I seem to be able to do. Ya, I'll get in my licks before I go down, but I usually don't win. So ya, PLEASE, you or anyone else are free to tell me the secret technique to easily smoke them ever time....hell even a video that shows you doing it would be nice. Thx in advance! :D


Oh and btw...I seem to do fine against pyrotechs and sorcs, especially sorcs...I love to kill that "OP" class


i usally just use escape when they use their first stun and pusle them and leg shot. from there i just nuke them down with my rotation but they are pretty bursty so who's ever is quicker on the keys will win. I usually win 1v1 against them but its like a 50/50 with them. All depends on the skill of the player, but what i do hate is getting ganged up by 2 ops. All them backstabs hurt.

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Cool thx man. You are right...it is mostly who's quicker on the keys. It just seems that when they open, I'm on the ground, and at 1/2 life give or take before I can get my first shot off. Gear I know has to do w/ it, and I'm only 550'ish expertise at the moment so that makes a difference as well. I'll keep practicing. I've been dueling w/ their mirror class the scoundrel and am gettin better, but in open WZ pvp they can still be a pain in da butt sometimes.
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I tried a gunslinger today on the test server dirty spec and owned at lvl 12. My god I was hitting close to 150k at lvl 12. The class is uber for sure and it's fun to play.


I'd just like to chime in on this, because i see people post this reasoning a lot: "i was owning at level 11-12 so the class is uber, if i do this well at 12 imagine how good ill do at 25!"


The thing is, you won't be owning better at 25, in fact you'll be a lot worse. Reason is that the boosting system compensates for very low levels by boosting them to insane power.


For instance, when i first entered a warzone on my vanguard, at level 12 her equipment was not exactly stellar as you can imagine - but her damage reduction from armor was over 60%! I never came even close to that number ever again, and that's with keeping my equipment upgraded as well as i could.


So the morale of the story is, don't judge the performace of a class based on a warzone match you played at level 12. Some classes(DPS especially) just perform insanely good at those levels thanks to the artifical boosting.

Edited by Sharee
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I'm always so confused when people complain about weak classes. Seriously, if you spent less time crying and more time trying to learn your class you might not suck as much.


This. I've been having a ton of fun with all my alts but am surprised to come here and learn that they are all weak and under powered. All of them? OK.

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playing random wz is nothing compared when you do a little tournament with all kind of classes. We do it every friday on our server(black vulcars) in the tatooine pvp areas with high level guilds. We do this all in the back where you have this little arena with 2 pillars.


As a 31/7/3 spec I have no chance vs other classes.


Sages just LoS me to death. It's easy because they have instants, slows and when you need time to run up to them while they LoS you, they heal themselves. OH, they can also just force speed away or whatever.


Focus guardians just kill you dead in under 10 seconds. They have a lot more armor mitigation. they don't even need to LoS you. Force Exhaustion and then force sweep does 10K dmg. Then it's already gg. When I do Aimed Shot he uses his shield ability, and when that shield is up you cannot knock him back, you also do crap damage.


Tank guardians: they are able to kill, because they do weak damage.


Watchman sentinel: 50/50 chance.


hybrid tank assassin. You just don't do any damage at all at them and they heal themselves.


Healers: killable.


Operatives/scrappers: Kill you dead during their stun. Best is to escape the first stun and immediately cover+pulse detonator. You have a fair change in killing them :).


Other gunslingers: I kill them, because I know my class very very well.


So all ppl with a big mouth that they own every1 in 1vs1, don't make e laugh please. Especially the ones that get caught off guard. True, in wzs there are so many bads that most times it's not any problem.


Don't get me wrong, When doing right in wzs(except huttball, which is terrible for SS GS) you can kill a lot of ppl, sitting on ledges, sitting behind pillars, etc. Then again, when facing a good premade team with ppl that know what they do, you are going to have troubles. For example: stealthies will come up to you and wtfpwn you.


Now: I tried this 23/16/2 (http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700bsrddRoRZrI0boRZb.1) today. And it has a lot more control. The slow of Shock Charge is amazing and you can actually kite ppl with the kockbacktools you have MUCH better.


Dueling my guildie sentinel with this, they have absolutely no change. Killed him with 80% hp left. IT was *********** OP.


dueling other classes in wz with this spec is really a lot better. Coming Friday I will know more about it when I play some skilled players.


I'd just like to chime in on this, because i see people post this reasoning a lot: "i was owning at level 11-12 so the class is uber, if i do this well at 12 imagine how good ill do at 25!"


The thing is, you won't be owning better at 25, in fact you'll be a lot worse. Reason is that the boosting system compensates for very low levels by boosting them to insane power.


For instance, when i first entered a warzone on my vanguard, at level 12 her equipment was not exactly stellar as you can imagine - but her damage reduction from armor was over 60%! I never came even close to that number ever again, and that's with keeping my equipment upgraded as well as i could.


So the morale of the story is, don't judge the performance of a class based on a warzone match you played at level 12. Some classes(DPS especially) just perform insanely good at those levels thanks to the artificial boosting.


This man speaks the truth. I couldn't have said it any better. Well maybe I could, but I couldn't bother with an explanation very time ppl come up with this ********.


With all that said, we're getting some buffs and that's for a reason... Also, other specs than full SS are much more competitive in pvp.

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playing random wz is nothing compared when you do a little tournament with all kind of classes. We do it every friday on our server(black vulcars) in the tatooine pvp areas with high level guilds. We do this all in the back where you have this little arena with 2 pillars.


As a 31/7/3 spec I have no chance vs other classes.


Sages just LoS me to death. It's easy because they have instants, slows and when you need time to run up to them while they LoS you, they heal themselves. OH, they can also just force speed away or whatever.


Focus guardians just kill you dead in under 10 seconds. They have a lot more armor mitigation. they don't even need to LoS you. Force Exhaustion and then force sweep does 10K dmg. Then it's already gg. When I do Aimed Shot he uses his shield ability, and when that shield is up you cannot knock him back, you also do crap damage.


Tank guardians: they are able to kill, because they do weak damage.


Watchman sentinel: 50/50 chance.


hybrid tank assassin. You just don't do any damage at all at them and they heal themselves.


Healers: killable.


Operatives/scrappers: Kill you dead during their stun. Best is to escape the first stun and immediately cover+pulse detonator. You have a fair change in killing them :).


Other gunslingers: I kill them, because I know my class very very well.


So all ppl with a big mouth that they own every1 in 1vs1, don't make e laugh please. Especially the ones that get caught off guard. True, in wzs there are so many bads that most times it's not any problem.


Don't get me wrong, When doing right in wzs(except huttball, which is terrible for SS GS) you can kill a lot of ppl, sitting on ledges, sitting behind pillars, etc. Then again, when facing a good premade team with ppl that know what they do, you are going to have troubles. For example: stealthies will come up to you and wtfpwn you.


Now: I tried this 23/16/2 (http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700bsrddRoRZrI0boRZb.1) today. And it has a lot more control. The slow of Shock Charge is amazing and you can actually kite ppl with the kockbacktools you have MUCH better.


Dueling my guildie sentinel with this, they have absolutely no change. Killed him with 80% hp left. IT was *********** OP.


dueling other classes in wz with this spec is really a lot better. Coming Friday I will know more about it when I play some skilled players.




This man speaks the truth. I couldn't have said it any better. Well maybe I could, but I couldn't bother with an explanation very time ppl come up with this ********.


With all that said, we're getting some buffs and that's for a reason... Also, other specs than full SS are much more competitive in pvp.


not sure if serious? I find huttball to be the place i shine the most. Maybe your server just targets gunslinger more then on my server but man i kill things in huttball all the time and live. My favorite warzone tbh

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not sure if serious? I find huttball to be the place i shine the most. Maybe your server just targets gunslinger more then on my server but man i kill things in huttball all the time and live. My favorite warzone tbh


O yeah sitting on a scaffold and gunning ppl down, 1 or 2. The rest of the sorcs and assassin just run by with sprint, or get pulled up/down all the way to the other sid of the field.


Go ahead kill 1 or 2 ppl mid field. It won't win you the game. I guess you really fight against bads only.


300k in huttball np. But it still does not win you a huttball.


also I don't see any well formed arguments and experiences from your side.

Edited by Bivaccus
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