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Player vs Player... IS NOT Player vs Air/Avoid


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Im no noob to engage engage group alone, but even in group, that one which has more sorc and ranged will get the upperhand because they take advantage of range alowing them to switch targets faster, cc from range, multiplying their push backs when standing close etc.

Why melee have to crawl...

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Im no noob to engage engage group alone, but even in group, that one which has more sorc and ranged will get the upperhand because they take advantage of range alowing them to switch targets faster, cc from range, multiplying their push backs when standing close etc.

Why melee have to crawl...


I remember i clapped my hands when a mara charge in, aoe fear us and he had enough time to burn down the sorc ball carrier. then he force camo out to reset the ball.


although this could be a very specific occasion, but it was a really good play even he's not in my team.


There must be some way to do better in a fight, play more and experience more maybe one day i will clap my hands for you :)

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I remember i clapped my hands when a mara charge in, aoe fear us and he had enough time to burn down the sorc ball carrier. then he force camo out to reset the ball.


although this could be a very specific occasion, but it was a really good play even he's not in my team.


There must be some way to do better in a fight, play more and experience more maybe one day i will clap my hands for you :)


U can clap now, vr69, full battlemaster gear, thus I know what Im talking about

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U can clap now, vr69, full battlemaster gear, thus I know what Im talking about


Sorry to be a jerk but...


Why in the world do people do this? Valor rank and BM gear are just a show of time played, nothing to do with if they actually have skill.


Stop it.


Didn't mean to be off topic. That does sound like a clap worthy play from that mara though.

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"complex" ... I hope you understand the irony here.... because it's sooooo complex to pull someone into fire/acid or knock multiple people from ledges with an instant ability that takes zero skill to do... ummmmmmm.... not flaming you, I promise... but come on.



Flame all you want but the idea of using flamevents or acid to take out players is really smart you can batter a frigging tank with a ball for minutes if it has a healer and do nothing but using a pushback to spead them and being able to blast someone in to a vent takes actual skill and positioning.

Sure it sucks if you´re an operative or a merc with no movement enhancing abilities to be blasted of the highest platform all the way down but it´s a valid tactic of making you(possible others) out of the fight same way as normal stuns and CC.

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Sorry to be a jerk but...


Why in the world do people do this? Valor rank and BM gear are just a show of time played, nothing to do with if they actually have skill.


Stop it.


Didn't mean to be off topic. That does sound like a clap worthy play from that mara though.


I dont know how exactly I could proof my skill in discusion?

Fine let me put it this way. Im considered one of the best marauders on server I play.

Other 2 that know well from wz do similar dmg etc. Yet, we cant beat properly played ranged in terms of dmg. For example in wz Ive just finished, 1 dmg deler was sniper, good player with champ gear 460K dmg. No matter how much I did try I ended up as second best with 270K = 190K less. U sense imbalance yet?

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I dont know how exactly I could proof my skill in discusion?

Fine let me put it this way. Im considered one of the best marauders on server I play.

Other 2 that know well from wz do similar dmg etc. Yet, we cant beat properly played ranged in terms of dmg. For example in wz Ive just finished, 1 dmg deler was sniper, good player with champ gear 460K dmg. No matter how much I did try I ended up as second best with 270K = 190K less. U sense imbalance yet?


Well to be honest, all this ranged > melee stuff I see I don't quite get. I have a commando, powertech, high, and assassin. My commando seems to be the weakest of the bunch, maybe its partly my play style. But from ky commandos shoes it seems pretty rough putting up a good fight. While from my melee, PT specifically, ranged classes are little more then cannon fodder.


Granted maras may not have the same level of control that the tank melees do, but it doesn't seem at all impossible to me, quite fun with the right amount of challenge and strategy required.

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Im no noob to engage engage group alone, but even in group, that one which has more sorc and ranged will get the upperhand because they take advantage of range alowing them to switch targets faster, cc from range, multiplying their push backs when standing close etc.

Why melee have to crawl...


Ranged dps here, I get picked out of the the group all the time and focused by melee dps. I even get attcked by a couple pairs of melee dps and focused to death.


1v1 fights I get owned most of the time by certain melee classes.



You are complaining about 3v1 fights. Obviously you will lose. This is not relavant at all to the discussion at hand.

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My RL brother plays a Mara, he is just barely BM rank and has only Champ gear. He has a problem with ranged too, when he is getting focused. I am ranged dps and we duel all the time when bored, he owns me. No qualms about it, sometimes I can fight tooth and nail and out cc him but he always finds a away to close the gap on me and get right up in my face again.


OTHERWISE, he flat out demolishes them.


And dmg charts at the end of the match are no indication of skill. People need to shy away from this narrow-mindedness.

Edited by XOrionX
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I think all our players should be covered in bubble wrap and pillows, and the fire can be turned into a ball pit and the acid into cotton candy. That way people will be excited when they are pulled to the pits!


But on a serious note...That's what huttball is about, and that's what makes it fun in my opinion :D.

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