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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Levelling in a tank spec


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Just switched from Rep side and find the story and overall look of Imperial side, especially juggernauts, much better.


Dinged 11 last night and have Vette as my first companion. I plan on mostly doing solo missions with some PvP and odd FP here and there.


How viable is levelling in tank (immortal?) spec ? Would it be too slow ? Or is it comparable since i am thinking there would be less down time due to higher damage mitigation ?


Any thoughts and suggestions are more than welcome.

Edited by Mishaman
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I just hit level 46 last nite and leveled as Immortal all the way. Altho I did put 12 points into Vengeance to increase strength, accuracy etc first.


For me, killing mobs has been pretty quick and effecient. I did use Quinn when I got him for most of Nar Shaddaa though since Vette wasn't up to par gear wise. And Quinn was helpful on my class quest on that planet too.


But once I got Jaessa leveling became like a hot knife through butter.

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allot of people Level as immortal and do great. The advantages are you have more flexibility in companion choice (without downtime penalties). Your companions gear becomes more critical, but nothing to scream at.


I leveled as Vengance, my guild leader leveled as immortal. Both of us cruised through the content. he used mostly vette/jaessa, i used almost solely quinn. I'm leveling a second jugg, and pushing really hard to use the other companions with vengeance spec, but it is slower due to downtime. immortal doesn't have to worry about that. But depending on your companion, you will kill slower then an equivalent DPS spec setup.


But he kept up with me on leveling just fine. and it was great for heroics or instances...I didn't have to deal with tanking, he was already set up for it.

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I leveled as Immortal into the 40s. I tried using Quinn at one point but it took too long to kill mobs so I went back to a DPS companion. Somewhere around 44 I switched to Vengeance and HAD to use Quinn. I died a lot even with a healer but I found the fights to be a lot more fun.
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i was immortal all the way, start to finish


i used vette until i got jaesa


never had an issues what so ever


i hit 50 at exactly 4 days /played, though i was rested through most of the 40s


no matter what class you are, what spec you are, what companions you use, the key to leveling is the same ...


keep your gear, and your companions gear, up to date, and youll level just fine

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I also levelled as Immortal;


The speed you level is largely determined by a few things:


Who you bring with you - Vette is the overall best dps, but Jaesa is also great for 90% of the story content. Quinn is the safest bet, and good in all situations, but you will level noticeably slower than if you used either of the ladies mentioned. Regardless, keep Quinn's gear reasonably up to date.


How well you know the content - what Heroics you can solo, where to go when, that kind of thing. This doesn't really have much to do with your question, per se, but it does affect the topic, so I included it.


How you play, in general - not referring to skill, exactly, but just your overall outlook on how to play these types of games.


Putting that together;


If you largely use Vette or Jaesa, and you play Immortal aggressively, you can keep pace with most dps specs or classes. If you use Quinn, or don't play aggressively, you will be noticeably slower.


Loosely speaking, the definition of playing aggressively is using every ability you have that does damage (or stuns), and your Cooldowns, and keeping them on cooldown, even if the encounter doesn't necessarily *require* this type of play. While these things don't really make that much of a difference in success, they certainly make a difference in how fast you attain it.



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