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Not awarded Infernal Title!!! 16-man Nightmare EV

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I am the Guildmaster of <Tenacity> on Port Nowhere - Sith Empire. My character in-game is Freddie


We did not receive the title "the Infernal" after entering the instance, and downing all 5 bosses within 2 hours on 16-man nightmare. Here are exact timestamps on Tuesday March 13th, 2012:


9:03pm EST - First player enters instance after switching to 16-man Nightmare

9:27pm EST - First boss Annihilator downed

10:44pm EST - Last boss Soa downed (with chest spawned then opened)


Some of our guildies are going on vacation and we won't get a chance to try this again. Can this be resolved????

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This happened to us last week with the Unyielding title. We absolutely, positively cleared within the 2 hour time limit during our alt raid, but never received the achievement or title. This week, it worked just fine. Sorry to say, but you might have to just try again later. I doubt a CSR will just click a button and give everyone a title. :( Edited by cshouston
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9:03pm EST - First player enters instance after switching to 16-man Nightmare


Did you enter with something else at first? hard mode? Two 8 mans? If so I would say that has something to do with it.


If you mean you just set the instance to 16 man NiM and then entered, then idk what to tell you.


congrats on your accomplishment regardless of getting the title though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi did something happend with your titles? Did they given titles to your group backward? Yesterday we had same problem in 8man Nightmare mod.


I have to say, that this is very big disappointment for us, becouse why we should trying again, play PvE or even play this game? If its still buged and after about 20 days happened absolutely nothing with this?


Sry for my lack of English. Have a nice day.

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