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HM Eternity Vault - Pylons Event bugged

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As usual, on Tuesdays my guild clears EV in HM, and this is the first time this happens. We are on the Ancient Pylons event and they keep bugging on the 3rd wheel. The first and second wheel go well, but then when we have to click on the consoles to solve the 3rd wheel, they are both (south and north side) not clickable.


Has this happened to anyone else?


Thank you.

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Same for us. 3rd wheel bugged 2 times.


Noteable is also that there was the same color combination in each of the three tries. First two tries south got the same, and in the third try north got the one south got the first two times.

Edited by selectah
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We've completed pylons two weeks in a row since the patch intended to correct the issue, with two 8 man groups, for a total of four clears and had zero bugs. We've also completed it on normal mode alt runs with zero issues. We just find the most efficient path and click as fast as the buttons allow.


If they are still bugged, I can't see why we, or anyone else we've spoken to, wouldn't have run into this at least *once*.



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We've completed pylons two weeks in a row since the patch intended to correct the issue, with two 8 man groups, for a total of four clears and had zero bugs. We've also completed it on normal mode alt runs with zero issues. We just find the most efficient path and click as fast as the buttons allow.


If they are still bugged, I can't see why we, or anyone else we've spoken to, wouldn't have run into this at least *once*.




You're lucky.


We still hit issues on all difficulties and all sizes. They bug out, still. We've been clearing 16 NMM for some time now, yet this encounter can still cause us problems.


The other night we had our best yet on 16 NMM; the top row on the North Pylon was ALREADY solved; as soon as we completed the third row elites started spawning. We had to deliberately invalidate the top row just to solve it again; by that time we had 6 elites north.


I'm sorry, but people saying "it's fixed!" are speaking purely for themselves; this encounter is still buggy, and worse, completely broken as a well designed, sign posted event.


I have every faith that BW have learned from this, and i'm very tolerant of bugs in new games, especially in the first ever raid tier... but to still have these operation breaking issues three months after launch leaves a sour taste.

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You don't have to reset the instance if the top row is already solved or has 1 click. Just move it out and then back again if it's already solved. Similarly for the 1-click situation, move it away from the solution once then solve it from there, treating it like it requires 2 more cilcks.
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Once again we one shot it..........that makes it about a billion times in a row without a problem. I don't know why people keep making these posts when there are about 1,000 posts out there telling you how to easily work around this.


Because it is one of a number of methods (certainly the most expedient) by which the developers can be informed that a bug fix has not actually fixed a problem.

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You don't have to reset the instance if the top row is already solved or has 1 click. Just move it out and then back again if it's already solved. Similarly for the 1-click situation, move it away from the solution once then solve it from there, treating it like it requires 2 more cilcks.


Tried this last night - does not work. Having any single click solves always bugs the boss for us (top row or otherwise).


We have not had the random unclickable bug since the "fix" but every time without fail that we have a one-turn solve on one of the wheels, it bugs regardless of what approach we take (trying to solve it in the other direction, turning it and turning it back, etc).

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I'm not going say it won't bug out, but my guild has not had an issue(ever). We've always done it solve North first on first wheel, solve South first on second wheel, solve South first on third wheel, and solve North first on last wheel. Edited by Xneco
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We bugged out on this 3 or 4 times before we came here and saw its a pretty simple NSSN locking system. We havent had a problem since.


There is also a great website out there that gives the sequence of the turns so you know what you have to turn... Like 2 left, 3 right, 2 left, 3 right and so on. And if you want to get to a color and you want the wheel to turn left, you hit the right station. Really simple.

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More Bioware lying, just like how they said they "fixed" the Interrogator on Directive 7. Bioware would rather lie about their fixes and hope that no one catches it rather than admit to us that they have no idea how to fix the problem. Pathetic, really.
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More Bioware lying, just like how they said they "fixed" the Interrogator on Directive 7. Bioware would rather lie about their fixes and hope that no one catches it rather than admit to us that they have no idea how to fix the problem. Pathetic, really.


I don't think they're lying. I think they're just not testing it enough.

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They know it's broken still, we know it's broken still, making posts here about this "new" bug serves no purpose at this point. There is a very simple work around that works 100% if done correctly. People still post here how they wiped 10 times but yet they insist they know what they are doing and chalk anyone who one shots it weekly for months as lucky. Bug report it in game, work around it and accept that it will likely be fixed when we are about 5 tiers beyond caring.
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