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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Cybertech in 1.2


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The current issue I have with cybertech is that it is extremely useless end game. You can get the level 22 mods from daily quests, or the level 23 from daily commendations. I can just buy a mastercrafted earpiece on the GTN for a lot less time and hassle than it takes to make it. The grenades aren't very useful with a 5 min CD. Droid parts are useless and I can purchase the ship upgrades off the GTN cheaper than it takes to make them.


I was hoping in 1.2 we would be the ones who get to craft the augments, since the armor professions get to make augmented gear, but it appears they will get to make the augments too.


From what I read, all we get is shorted CD on grenades and mounts are now BoE.


I am having trouble finding a reason to hang onto cybertech if those are the only changes. I really loved the profession when leveling, I'm just sad it seems to have lost its usefulness.

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You can be the one selling the ear pieces on the GTN. You can make the purple space ship upgrades that sell extremely well on my server for lots of credits. You get the grenades, which may not be the greatest, but are still a reusable nice aoe when it's up.


I'm sorry, the problem? All the creds you can make from selling your wares can buy other stuff on the GTN.


Also coming with 1.2 is a huge increase in price to T3 speeders, which you will be able to make and sell. If you can be smart about getting mats at good prices, you should be able to make bank on those, or give them to your alts.


I can make a case for the value of just about any crew skill except for armstech, which just sucks.

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Maybe the ear pieces sell on your server, but on ours they go for 30k, if you can sell them. I have a bunch of ear pieces I can't get rid of. No one wants them unless they have an augment slot. I can sell the individual mats cheaper than the actual finished piece, especially for the star ship upgrades (which go for about 20k on my server), I lose money making it into an upgrade, go figure.


I am not as concerned as having a money making professions, as having a profession that will benefit me endgame, right now cybertech just doesn't seem to cut it.

Edited by Atharyia
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The current issue I have with cybertech is that it is extremely useless end game. You can get the level 22 mods from daily quests, or the level 23 from daily commendations. I can just buy a mastercrafted earpiece on the GTN for a lot less time and hassle than it takes to make it. The grenades aren't very useful with a 5 min CD. Droid parts are useless and I can purchase the ship upgrades off the GTN cheaper than it takes to make them.


I was hoping in 1.2 we would be the ones who get to craft the augments, since the armor professions get to make augmented gear, but it appears they will get to make the augments too.


From what I read, all we get is shorted CD on grenades and mounts are now BoE.


I am having trouble finding a reason to hang onto cybertech if those are the only changes. I really loved the profession when leveling, I'm just sad it seems to have lost its usefulness.


If you look at the title that mounts fall under, you'll notice that it's actually called "Gadgets". I expect that you will see other interesting devices appearing that may have utility, such as a mobile Rakata teleportation device. It's doubtful that they would announce these kinds of schematics in advance, and whether they are BOE or BOP, they will still be a reason to be Cybertech, the first being for credits, the second being for convenience.


I also suspect that we may see our mods and armoring made, at a minimum, equal to those for sale on the daily commendation vendor.


The shorter cooldown on grenades will make them more useful for PVP and PVE, and thus drive up demand. This will be the Cybertech version of the Adrenal. If Ops difficulty increases as much as rumours suggest in 1.2, I suspect that many guilds will require their use. Especially once combat logs are introduced.


Making the speeders BOE is just one more item we can sell that will have demand. Prices will likely vary greatly, depending on any given server's Cybertech population. The level 40 speeder in particular is the best looking speeder for that level.


If you read my guide, you will see that you can still make a fair amount of credits with Cybertech, providing that you play the market correctly. That said, the same is true for most professions. I anticipate that Bioware's emphasis on providing serious crafters a more important role in server economics will also extend to Cybertech, even if it's not perfectly clear how at the moment.

Edited by Craftamancer
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I would love to see more gadgets introduced into the game. I read about that Rakata device during the beta and was disappointed to find it wasn't in the release game. If they also increase the armouring we can make, that would be a nice benefit.


Like I said earlier, I'm more of an endgame player, PvP and PvE. I'm not really concerned about making credits, I have more than I know what to do with. I just want cybertech to be more competitive in endgame content.

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Well said, Craftamancer.


I have Cybertech on my main character, and yes while it currently is rather lackluster at Endgame, I have no problems holding onto the crew skill until further notice. With all the "across the board" changes coming to Crafting in 1.2, I have no doubt Cybertech will be changed around a bit as well.


- Grenades with shorter cooldown (more useful than current)

- Speeders purchase cost increased + crafted speeders made BoE

- "Gadgets" and gizmos which have yet to be announced


Cybertech is the "Engineering" skill of SWTOR. It's usefulness is primarily for utility reasons, or in the case of mods/armoring, a credit saver. Yes, currently the mods/armoring aren't equal to what is purchasable with Daily Commendations, and it's definitely sub-par compared to the items found in Operation gear. But i'm relatively certain, this will change in due time.


I can think of any number of additions which could prove quite useful, if implemented:


- Kolto Grenades (Healing, re-usable. Similar to Biochem)

- Mobile Repair Droids (useful in Flashpoints/Operations)

- Additional speeder types (possibly even 2-seaters?!?)


These are just a few possibilities. Instead of going with the "flavor of the month" that is Biochem, i'll stick it out with Cybertech for the time being. I'm not in any dire need for credits, and the things it already provides me with, is adequate for my play-style.

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Didn't Cybertech originally have a summoning item? That would be awesome.


Apparently they existed in the Beta at some point in time.


My beta weekends were spent mastering the force and thus I was unable to learn anything much about Cybertech at the time :jawa_cool:

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