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Losing Cursor in Battle


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How do you all manage this?


It's starting to get annoying for me... sometimes even embarrassing when grouped and my toon is standing completely still in the middle of a brawl while I'm trying to figure out where my cursor went.


I hope there's an option to make it more visible or something in the 1.2 UI editor.

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I lose my cursor whenever I travel into an operations area. I have to click somewhere on the screen to get it back. Worst part of that is that I run multiple monitors, so if I move the mouse too much and click I'll have to alt-tab back into the client again.


I haven't seen it happen anywhere else for me.


On that note, the people seeing this issue, do you by chance run SLI or CrossfireX? I've noticed that some developers don't do a good job handling (caching and syncing) the cursor for multi-GPU systems like mine.


Or did you mean you can't see it, as it switched to a targeting cursor or something?

Edited by cipher_nemo
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I run SLI...


But really, I was referring more to just losing visual awareness of the cursor during battle. More of a breakdown between my eyeball and the screen than anything else.


Would like to have an option to make it bigger or maybe extend crosshairs all the way to top bottom of screen or a big halo around it or something... I seem to lose my little teeny-tiny cursor among the rich colors of battle effects and menu buttons. Happens more when the battles are close-in furballs rather than ranged attacks; probably because the targets/action occupies less of the screen during ranged battle.

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I use mouse to look/move too...


I have 8 of the quickslots assigned such that my left hand on a control device can activate them without even thinking about it. Quickslot 1 seems to default to a mouse-click on enemy with cursor target reticle and I haven't changed it. This gives me 9 hands-off-keyboard attack quickslot options that are easy for me to perform.


I also like to cycle targets by clicking on them using mouse target reticle rather than the more mechanical target next enemy button mash... makes me feel more involved in how the battle plays out.


I'd like an option to mod the cursor so it's a little more visible. I don't always lose track of it, but when I do it's a little annoying. I was also curious if other people had similar experience.

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Not a clicker, don't have this problem. ;)


Not a clicker either but I know what he's talking about. As a class that has ground targeted abilities, it gets very difficult in the heat of battle to see where the cursor is. It's nice to have it in position before toggling the ability on and showing the big place on the ground. But with so much going on in the target area the cursor is next to impossible to see. Sometimes it disappears totally when zoning into an area as well.

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I use mouse to look/move too...


I'd like an option to mod the cursor so it's a little more visible. I don't always lose track of it, but when I do it's a little annoying. I was also curious if other people had similar experience.


Agreed. 100%.


I can usually find the cursor again if I move it around quite a bit. But it does sort of tend to bleed into combat effects, especially when it's showing the red target cursor. Would be nice to get a cursor that doesn't change too much (ie: stays white and black most of the time, but changes shape for different actions).


With the new UI coming in 1.2, I hope they give us UI skinning or at least a high visibility cursor to choose from.


I mostly tab-targets, but I can't tab everything due to the buggy client. Examples are newly spawned mobs and the "food" mobs for the first boss in Karagga's Palace operation. I always have to click to target those.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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Not a clicker, don't have this problem. ;)


lol, not a matter of it being a clicker or not. As a healer and not a clicker this is still a bit of a problem. Also for non-healers, you can either spend time cycling through target nearest enemy or click on the one that has the ball, or is trying to take that control point/set bomb? Most times the target nearest does not work the way it is supposed to or even the target next.


Holding right mouse and running around, I need to stop to heal someone I need to get the mouse on their portrait in the ops bar, now not knowing where the mouse cursor is can be a hassle and lead to some deaths.


However it is your problem as well regardless of class. You need to take a control point in Alderaan, pass the ball or click to pick it up, or click on the door to disarm or arm the bomb. you still need to know where the cursor is to get it to where you want it to be. So ya this is a problem.


Or are you telling us that you are the one that does none of that in a WZ?

Edited by Fizbanic
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What makes this worse is I can't seem to find an option to "click through" the UI elements. This results in occasionally inability to use my mouse hotkeys because the cursor is "lost" over some UI element.


Unfortunately this happens a lot more than would be acceptable, mostly due to the insanely large size of the UI...

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I just R click to solve the problem. Not sure why it happens but it does and right clicking brings the cursor back for me.


I get that as well and right click to get it up, but what the op is saying is that if you are in a WZ and there are 5 people battling it out in front of you, try to find where your cursor is while beating/getting beaten down. That is the issue at hand.

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