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Marauder vs Sniper Tips


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Hey guys, I was leveling a marauder up and while I'm playing I decided to mainly focus on PvP. I noticed one game we had like 4 snipers on the other team and I ended up being knocked back and immobilized a lot. You can't charge a sniper who is in cover and they still have a stun if I get close.



So what's the best tactics to close the distance and stay on target? Also what breaks their cover ability?

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When they knockback and root you, use Force Camo or you will get ****ed up.

When they use their anti-CC cover -> Obfuscate or Saber Ward

When they're vulnerable to CC, keep trying to get them out of cover with Force Choke and Intimidating Roar (they will need a GCD to get back to cover everytime you get them out of their cover)

Allway stay behind the sniper, idk if this helps much but just do it :p

When they use their 100% dodge shield, use smash and force scream or CC them with Force Choke/Initmidating Roar


And for the rest, just keep nuking him and try to keep CoP up. Rotate between your defensive CD's.


Also USE PREDATION !!! it gives 10% melee and defense chance, it's not much but it still helps. When a sniper misses a shot, it's a huge dps loss for them imo.

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Hey guys, I was leveling a marauder up and while I'm playing I decided to mainly focus on PvP. I noticed one game we had like 4 snipers on the other team and I ended up being knocked back and immobilized a lot. You can't charge a sniper who is in cover and they still have a stun if I get close.



So what's the best tactics to close the distance and stay on target? Also what breaks their cover ability?


You won't be proficient in pvp until you have all of your abilities. It's sad but true.

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When they knockback and root you, use Force Camo or you will get ****ed up.

When they use their anti-CC cover -> Obfuscate or Saber Ward

When they're vulnerable to CC, keep trying to get them out of cover with Force Choke and Intimidating Roar (they will need a GCD to get back to cover everytime you get them out of their cover)

Allway stay behind the sniper, idk if this helps much but just do it :p

When they use their 100% dodge shield, use smash and force scream or CC them with Force Choke/Initmidating Roar


And for the rest, just keep nuking him and try to keep CoP up. Rotate between your defensive CD's.


Also USE PREDATION !!! it gives 10% melee and defense chance, it's not much but it still helps. When a sniper misses a shot, it's a huge dps loss for them imo.


lol I wonder if that is why I see warrior types do that. I was leveling my marauder in Hutt Ball and noticed I was really annoyed to be pushed off and down into the pit and out of action until I could target someone and leap back up. So the next time on my sniper, I saw 2 blades coming from behind while I was on the rail so I pulsed and LOLed knowing how much it annoyed me and the fact they can't even leap back cause I was in cover.


Seemed like they always went to be right behind me which meant they fall off every time and I couldn't figure out why they were not positioning to my side.

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lol I wonder if that is why I see warrior types do that. I was leveling my marauder in Hutt Ball and noticed I was really annoyed to be pushed off and down into the pit and out of action until I could target someone and leap back up. So the next time on my sniper, I saw 2 blades coming from behind while I was on the rail so I pulsed and LOLed knowing how much it annoyed me and the fact they can't even leap back cause I was in cover.


Seemed like they always went to be right behind me which meant they fall off every time and I couldn't figure out why they were not positioning to my side.


Some people just go on auto-pilot. If I'm facing a Sniper with nothing around me then I will position myself to their backside. If not then my priority positioning (to avoid a knockback) is as follows.


Facing them with my back to a wall>back to a barrier that will impede the knockback>positioned so I will stay on the ramp even if knocked back> anywhere that is not directly in front of them.


I can't tell you how many ranged classes blow their knockbacks when I'm right against a pillar or a wall. I stay right on them and can save my Charge for an interrupt.

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Some people just go on auto-pilot. If I'm facing a Sniper with nothing around me then I will position myself to their backside. If not then my priority positioning (to avoid a knockback) is as follows.


Facing them with my back to a wall>back to a barrier that will impede the knockback>positioned so I will stay on the ramp even if knocked back> anywhere that is not directly in front of them.


I can't tell you how many ranged classes blow their knockbacks when I'm right against a pillar or a wall. I stay right on them and can save my Charge for an interrupt.


Thats not a bad idea if stuff is available. Hutt Ball though; I was having a hard time as a Marauder. As also having a sniper, the best thing to do is get them out of cover and root to keep them out then watch them poop their pants.

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Thats not a bad idea if stuff is available. Hutt Ball though; I was having a hard time as a Marauder. As also having a sniper, the best thing to do is get them out of cover and root to keep them out then watch them poop their pants.


Absolutely. When a Sniper is up on the ramps use of Force Camo, Roar, Force Choke, and Crippling Slash (I think that's the slow's name) is an absolute godsend to keep them on their toes. If you can stay on them, Snipers go down FAST

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Use inti roar for interupt, force camo just before he gets the aimed shot off... Rly nice tolps vs snipers... And dont use predetation if you are ani specc. Go for berserk instead for a 18% heal:) snipers shouldnt be a peoblem for any marauder imo
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