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Technology Now and Technology 3,000 Years from now... To much alike? [DISCUSSION]


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Out of all of the space combat interior designs and Ect I can understand why the Old republic tech would look a little like the Reguler Republic tech. But the Empire was DESTROYED. Only for a NEW empire to form straight from the Republic.


Look at the big Ships in this game. Now compare them to Star destroyers in The new hope. They look a LITTLE diffrent but not much. Wouldnt the NEW Sith empire look a little bit MORE diffrent then the ships now?


Finally, In some of the space combat you will see a long Corvette Republic crusier You probebly know the one Im talking about there EVERYWHERE in almost all of the space combat (Especially for empire but republic sometimes to)


In The Return to the Jedi I think it is You see the EXACT same ship. Now the rebellion Is trying to get its hands on EVERY ship they can find but a 3,000 Year old ship in the rebellion??? really?


Then theres the symbol for the empire Now and the symbol for the empire 3,000 years later...


I Might be wrong but things seem a little bit too much like 3,000 years in the future...


Please tell me im wrong... and that I made a oversight..

Edited by Damioc
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Well, considering that for a long time, from the age of the Assyrians to the gunpowder age, a lot of technology was incredibly similar. Thousands of years even, all technology was basic swords, shields, wheels and the like. It wasn't until Chinese Gunpowder came into European hands that technology began to start lurching forward like we are used to.
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Well, considering that for a long time, from the age of the Assyrians to the gunpowder age, a lot of technology was incredibly similar. Thousands of years even, all technology was basic swords, shields, wheels and the like. It wasn't until Chinese Gunpowder came into European hands that technology began to start lurching forward like we are used to.




It's called a technological plateau, but we do know that there's a Dark Age between SWTOR and the movie era, where technology went into a decline and then growth by the time of the movies.


Out of universe, it's called aesthetics. You want it to look like Star Wars.


EDIT: Also, Palpatine based a lot of the designs of his Empire on this era.

Edited by VoxTheHero
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Well, considering that for a long time, from the age of the Assyrians to the gunpowder age, a lot of technology was incredibly similar. Thousands of years even, all technology was basic swords, shields, wheels and the like. It wasn't until Chinese Gunpowder came into European hands that technology began to start lurching forward like we are used to.


That is a very good point and explains why we still use Lasers and hand-pistols 3,000 years later But the assyrians Didnt have the same architectural Format as the gunpoweder age All through time Technology may of stayed alot alike but Cultures often changed alot over 1,000 years.


So Why does the New empires technology look like the Old dead empires technology? Sure someone could of gone back looking through 1,000's of datapads look for pictures and scematics for ways to build the New empire star destroyers but thats unlikely.

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EDIT: Also, Palpatine based a lot of the designs of his Empire on this era.


I didnt know this If he did then most of questions are answered accept for the rebellion having a 3,000 year old ship. Where did you learn this?

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That is a very good point and explains why we still use Lasers and hand-pistols 3,000 years later But the assyrians Didnt have the same architectural Format as the gunpoweder age All through time Technology may of stayed alot alike but Cultures often changed alot over 1,000 years.


So Why does the New empires technology look like the Old dead empires technology? Sure someone could of gone back looking through 1,000's of datapads look for pictures and scematics for ways to build the New empire star destroyers but thats unlikely.


Why would it be? It's like the Byzantine Empire after Rome's fall. They sought to emulate thousand-year old Greco-Roman architecture, and holovids/holopics of all that the old Empire has, it isn't too unlikely that the Empire went ahead and said, "Let's base all of our stuff off of the Sith golden age."


Then of course, there's the, "make it feel like Star Wars" explanation, or the "The New Empire is full of uncreative minds." explanation.

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Why would it be? It's like the Byzantine Empire after Rome's fall. They sought to emulate thousand-year old Greco-Roman architecture, and holovids/holopics of all that the old Empire has, it isn't too unlikely that the Empire went ahead and said, "Let's base all of our stuff off of the Sith golden age."


Then of course, there's the, "make it feel like Star Wars" explanation, or the "The New Empire is full of uncreative minds." explanation.


Hmmm that Is true, Theres still alot of IF's in my mind but im in the majority Convinced, I wish Lucas arts would explain more of this instead of leaving us wonder as much as we do.


But no ones Explains why the rebellions Using a 3,000 year old ship in the movies.... I guess there is bound to be atleast 1 plot hole :p

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Hmmm that Is true, Theres still alot of IF's in my mind but im in the majority Convinced, I wish Lucas arts would explain more of this instead of leaving us wonder as much as we do.


But no ones Explains why the rebellions Using a 3,000 year old ship in the movies.... I guess there is bound to be atleast 1 plot hole :p


Out of curiosity, what ship are you talking about exactly?

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Um...if your talking about the Thranta-class corvette it looks NOTHING like a CR90 corvette.






None of the tech looks at all like what we see in the movies. Some of it similar? Yes, different? Yes.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Um...if your talking about the Thranta-class corvette it looks NOTHING like a CR90 corvette.






Thats it! I got like a 3 second glimpse at it on the last movie I watched so you can see why I might get confused between the to.. They look a little bit alike

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Well, considering that for a long time, from the age of the Assyrians to the gunpowder age, a lot of technology was incredibly similar. Thousands of years even, all technology was basic swords, shields, wheels and the like. It wasn't until Chinese Gunpowder came into European hands that technology began to start lurching forward like we are used to.


Function defines Form. Ocean-going ships look like ships (pointy in the front, rounded at the back). 99.999% of all succesful airplane designs have the wings in the middle, and the rudder/elevators at the back. Handguns are "L"-shaped, and don't have stocks/wrist-braces.


In SW, maybe triangular is just the most effective/efficient shape for a large space-ship built on the available technology.

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In SW, maybe triangular is just the most effective/efficient shape for a large space-ship built on the available technology.


OP hits upon the truth.


Maybe this design stayed for this period of time for a reason, because it suited the tactics used.


if you have a triangle shaped cruiser, it gives you more space facing forward for cannons to get a shot, which would be perfect if you are charging down a enemy ship head on. have strong forward shields along with it..

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