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Arsenal Merc and Bodyguard Merc have got to be THE boring class/spec in the game


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Jugg probably seems more fun because of force leap and the intervene type ability. Huttball looks like a blast when you're constantly flying through the air. You're able to carry the ball across the line with 3-4 people wailing on you while your healer yawns. When I pvp on my alt Powertech, I have a good time using Jet Charge on an unsuspecting player and walking to the goal, or grappling a healer out of the group to cause some panic. In a PUG warzone as a Bodyguard you need to use all of your abilities to win a match. It's definitely not boring with the amount of effort and work you need to put into some games. But it does lack flavor and flare that some other classes have. A ground targeted jet pack assisted leap would be a great addition to Mercs. Others can jump to friends, jump to enemies, pull enemies, pull friends, sprint, and stealth. Whats our unique ability? STEALTH SCAN? Hell even the buff we give is unexciting. Edited by Kinediks
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Jugg probably seems more fun because of force leap and the intervene type ability. Huttball looks like a blast when you're constantly flying through the air. You're able to carry the ball across the line with 3-4 people wailing on you while your healer yawns. When I pvp on my alt Powertech, I have a good time using Jet Charge on an unsuspecting player and walking to the goal, or grappling a healer out of the group to cause some panic. In a PUG warzone as a Bodyguard you need to use all of your abilities to win a match. It's definitely not boring with the amount of effort and work you need to put into some games. But it does lack flavor and flare that some other classes have. A ground targeted jet pack assisted leap would be a great addition to Mercs. Others can jump to friends, jump to enemies, pull enemies, pull friends, sprint, and stealth. Whats our unique ability? STEALTH SCAN? Hell even the buff we give is unexciting.


In the hundreds of matches I have played, I think I can count on one hand the number of times my stealth scan actually detected somebody at a door or turret. In Huttball it doesn't even serve a purpose.


Nice to have but I can't say it has ever been a key ability to winning a match.

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In the hundreds of matches I have played, I think I can count on one hand the number of times my stealth scan actually detected somebody at a door or turret. In Huttball it doesn't even serve a purpose.


Nice to have but I can't say it has ever been a key ability to winning a match.


I think that was his point. He was mentioning stealth scan as a joke :D.


To the OP I have a 50 merc/pyro and a 50 mara/anni.


Can't say much for juggs as the only warrior i have is a marauder, but mara's are far from hard to play. If i die in huttball its because i screwed up. Voidstar is a little more difficult in the fact that the opposing team is going to be spamming aoe's which means if i get caught in to much aoe without undying rage i end up being pretty squishy. Alderaan is a joke for a mara tons of room to play with, teams tend to be more spread up over the entire map, and lots of stuff on the field to ambush unsuspecting targets from.


I can just pick a target faceroll, heal up, rinse and repeat. Multiple people you say? undying rage, medpac, bleed crit heals means all that damage those people put out was for nothing lolsauce.


My merc on the other hand has to pick targets carefully. Am i going to attack a heal spec sorc/merc/Op? Nope! Not solo any way. If i was a Powertech then sure but not as a Merc because i can't get RS procs as often as a PT. Plus they bubble/shield heal up, and cure away the dots. Oh melee dps you say? Sure i got a knockback (25s cd with pvp set bonus). All that means is i get to kite you with Rapid shots, railshot when its off CD because i can't stand there and get procs when i'm kiting, thermal detonator, and incendiary missile. OH and every 2 minutes i can do a free instant cast fusion missile WOO HOO. Before my knockback CD is up you're just going to leap at me again and unless you die while i'm kiting (which you shouldn't) i'm screwed.


My really only viable option as a pyro merc is to stay with my group and let them take the brunt of the damage which i'm totally ok with. This isn't 1v1 pvp its team pvp. As long as i stay with my teamates i can output massive dps. If you are looking for a difficult class to play as a mercenary you shouldn't have gone with arsenal. While they output serious amounts of spike damage, their rotation isn't that difficult (I assume attack rotation is your idea of difficult/boring).


Bioware's devs are the ones to blame for the arsenal rotation.

Edited by Paralassa
content, but already warned
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That gets a LOT better when you use a 0/28/13 spec. Taking Incendiary Missile gives you much more options to stay mobile, while still being a reliable turret when you're able to utilise it. Edited by Paralassa
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That gets a LOT better when you use a 0/28/13 spec. Taking Incendiary Missile gives you much more options to stay mobile, while still being a reliable turret when you're able to utilise it.


Doing that though you sacrifice a huge spike damage ability, and only pick up a dot that can be cured away as fast as its put on.

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In the hundreds of matches I have played, I think I can count on one hand the number of times my stealth scan actually detected somebody at a door or turret. In Huttball it doesn't even serve a purpose.


Lately I have actually been getting alot of use from Stealth Scan. There are a small handful of competent stealthers who can really be a pain. You know the ones, they only attack if you are wounded and already focusing on someone else. Then you're knocked down, stunned, dead, etc.


A good counter for these guys is: Right when you get knocked down and they come out of stealth, use your Stun Break and then Jet Boost back-to-back. This will save you from taking any significant damage. Sometimes you may even take none. Then you turn and stun him and unload on him.


At some point, expect him to turn and run when the stun wears off. Thats when you drop the stealth scan 15' on the other side of him so he runs right into it and you continue to DPS.


Every time a stealther confronts you, you need to be sure to make them suffer if possible. With enough successful counters, they might target you slightly less.

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Stealth scan = cap point savoir in Civil War. How many times have you started capping a point with a team around you, only to get knocked out of it by a stealther? Then they go around annoying everyone before finally stealthing up again. Then your team tries to cap, and they rinse and repeat.


As a healer, I just have my stealth scan ready to drop on their about-to-be-invisible character. They go stealth, and back to visible within a second. Turret is now capped.


hutball/voidstar are a bit different. I only drop it if I see someone stealth in hutball (typically running for the health at a low % themselves). Voidstar, i drop it on the doors when playing D.


BTW i love my bodyguard character. 2 guns, friendly fire healing,

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