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Marauder vs. Trooper?


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I've been running into a high # of trooper premades.


Heavy armor, I have a feeling all 31/10 spec'ed, healers.


Some have the spec'ed no-interrupt bubble.


There doesn't seem to be any particular good way to fight groups of these. They can simply outheal any damage. Get one almost dead, they pop their bubble, and i imagine crit heal themselves for 3-5K repeatedly uninterruptable.


They don't have to move. They dont have to kite. They just stand there.


Ideas? Seems the only thing to do is start bringing my own premade.

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I am a rank 50 Bodyguard healer and I will say this a good commando/merc healer you will not take down solo. FYI if the healer is smart they can cleanse most of your dots, and have time to call out for a buddy.
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if their bubble is up you will have to get them to use it, then burn through them again, it takes forever to kill a good healer


but if you are a good marauder then the upside is that they have to spend all their time healing and they wont be doing damage to you, if they stop to dps you gain the edge


basically just interrupt their heals as often as possible, use choke, charge, roar as interupts, alternate them with disruption when its on CD


and pump out your max dps, bloodthirst + frenzy + berserk + adrenals


if you are doin ok with interrupts try to save choke from when they get low, pop it and then hit them with a big annihilate as soon as it ends, it might be enough to finish them off before they can heal again


at the end of the day though, a good trooper/bh healer is the hardest class to take down solo, so dont get frustrated if you cant do it, 9 times out of 10 i just get him to focus on healing himself while my group kills his group, then we finish him off together

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I am a rank 50 Bodyguard healer and I will say this a good commando/merc healer you will not take down solo. FYI if the healer is smart they can cleanse most of your dots, and have time to call out for a buddy.


that's why you stack all your debuffs on them then pop the dots on so you have less of a chance of hitting our bleeds. As a good marauder I can take merc healers 1v1.

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Spec Annihilation with 2/2 Subjugation (for a 6-second Disruption).


Between your Disruption, any distance Charge, Force Choke and Intimidating Roar you have numerous tools to interrupt.


Stack your Fury while interrupting the casts (save your force choke) > Deadly Saber > Battering Assault > Annihilate > Rupture (now you have stacked all your dots) > Berserk (Dots now crit) > Force Choke (He is now immobilized while a large chunk of his health whittles away).....


After this he should be under 50% and in panic mode, this is the time to toss out a Deadly Throw for the healing debuff and finish him while interrupting with Disruptions, Charges and that Intimidating roar you've been saving up.


Finish him, moonwalk the hell out of there.

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Recently I was fighting with such guy literally for 4 minutes before I killed him.


Only way to kill them fast (in spheric 1v1) is to let them spend uninterrupt cd and then pop adrenal/relice for saber ward chain.


So get your teammates to help you with this.


Still, good marauder will make that trooper to run/heal only himself, giving advantage to your team.

Edited by VictorLototskyy
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Unless you're undergeared or have no idea how to kick / charge to interrupt you should have no issue killing a commando/merc healer. Using choke / roar to waste time on their shield is very useful, you also need to make sure you keep deadly throw up to keep pressure on them.


The shield that makes them unkickable only lasts for 15 seconds, you can waste at least 10seconds of that between choke and roar if they cant break either (you should always try to bait the cc break with choke though) the rest of the time you should be able to keep pressuring them easily enough. Once their shield is down they die extremely easy.

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Unless you're undergeared or have no idea how to kick / charge to interrupt you should have no issue killing a commando/merc healer. Using choke / roar to waste time on their shield is very useful, you also need to make sure you keep deadly throw up to keep pressure on them.


The shield that makes them unkickable only lasts for 15 seconds, you can waste at least 10seconds of that between choke and roar if they cant break either (you should always try to bait the cc break with choke though) the rest of the time you should be able to keep pressuring them easily enough. Once their shield is down they die extremely easy.


the problem with roar is sometimes you hit them with a few dots first and it breaks the roar. better off just waiting for the shield to drop IMO and keeping pressure on them to keep them healing themselves and not others then once the shield drops use the roar to kick a heal and your normal kick...

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The shield that makes them unkickable only lasts for 15 seconds, you can waste at least 10seconds of that between choke and roar if they cant break either




People need to stop disrespecting their opponents and going for stupid "LOL CC BURST YO DED FOO".


If you blow CCs early, the fagheal***** will pop their interrupt immunity and chain heal themselves pretty hard.


You start with (1) moderate pressure to walk through their CCs. Then you (2) continue moderate pressure to push their HPs down. Then when they hit their LOLUCANTINTERRUPT cooldown, you (3) Choke them into a Roar (Choke will soak any DOTs). Then their anti-interrupt cooldown is gone, and they die.


If you can negate their knockback with good positioning and use charge to interrupt instead of initiating, you can skip #1 and dive straight through #2. Remember, 8 seconds of raw DPS with 3 interrupted heals pretty much puts a solo Commando into the danger zone.

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People need to stop disrespecting their opponents and going for stupid "LOL CC BURST YO DED FOO".


If you blow CCs early, the fagheal***** will pop their interrupt immunity and chain heal themselves pretty hard.


You start with (1) moderate pressure to walk through their CCs. Then you (2) continue moderate pressure to push their HPs down. Then when they hit their LOLUCANTINTERRUPT cooldown, you (3) Choke them into a Roar (Choke will soak any DOTs). Then their anti-interrupt cooldown is gone, and they die.


If you can negate their knockback with good positioning and use charge to interrupt instead of initiating, you can skip #1 and dive straight through #2. Remember, 8 seconds of raw DPS with 3 interrupted heals pretty much puts a solo Commando into the danger zone.


This man knows what he's talking about.

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the problem with roar is sometimes you hit them with a few dots first and it breaks the roar. better off just waiting for the shield to drop IMO and keeping pressure on them to keep them healing themselves and not others then once the shield drops use the roar to kick a heal and your normal kick...


You find it hard to manage your dots? They both last 6 seconds, if you're wasting roar when DoTs are up then that's something you need to fix. If you need to let one heal go through to waste 6 seconds of their shield then you should do it, you should have deadly throw up anyways so it wont set you back that far.


If you waste roar for the sole purpose of stopping a kick after their shield drops (after you've wasted 15s not really doing anything to them) you're doing something extremely wrong. Any good commando / merc will make you pay for it by laughing at you while you don't kill them.


Also if you NEED to use roar to kick a heal , you're doing something wrong.

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You find it hard to manage your dots? They both last 6 seconds, if you're wasting roar when DoTs are up then that's something you need to fix. If you need to let one heal go through to waste 6 seconds of their shield then you should do it, you should have deadly throw up anyways so it wont set you back that far.


If you waste roar for the sole purpose of stopping a kick after their shield drops (after you've wasted 15s not really doing anything to them) you're doing something extremely wrong. Any good commando / merc will make you pay for it by laughing at you while you don't kill them.


Also if you NEED to use roar to kick a heal , you're doing something wrong.



Not what i said at all. And roar is a perfectly good heal kick. And oh yes a good commando merc just stands there and heals themselves when i'm on them, thus this gives me the advantage because he's not able to hit his teammates at all.

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Thanks for the suggestions guys. It has improved my 1v1 a bit against troopers.


What's sad is that I routinely run into premades/pugs of 4-6 troopers now on my server. Mostly all heal spec'ed. You can't kill anything. Since most of the warzones revolve around HOLDING the objectives, and not KILLING anyone, they probably win a large % of the time.


I should take my rant on how overpowered healing is in general over to the PVP forum ...

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Thanks for the suggestions guys. It has improved my 1v1 a bit against troopers.


What's sad is that I routinely run into premades/pugs of 4-6 troopers now on my server. Mostly all heal spec'ed. You can't kill anything. Since most of the warzones revolve around HOLDING the objectives, and not KILLING anyone, they probably win a large % of the time.


I should take my rant on how overpowered healing is in general over to the PVP forum ...




Few will understand it, just like this forum.



Everyone there:


- Thinks they are the greatest player evar

- Killed at least one trooper



So everyone there will be 'master of swtor', and treat you like you are a scrub noob for starting the topic, and the vast majority won't even understand what you are talking about, when you are talking about trying to take down an intelligent trooper healer.


I mean, you could do it, but don't be surprised by some of the responses that you get. If anything, you could do it to test how far off base the forum community is compared to the people that are actually playing the game.

Edited by Asphen
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