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Euro Eng Servers = Ghost Town.


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Firstly, I love this game and this isn't really a rant or a whine but it has become increasingly notable that "Standard" sized servers really means PVP'ing against your own faction (Because there aren't enough of the other to fight) or standing in Fleet LFG (which generally takes longer than actually completing the HM).


Logging on my server during the day using the /e prefix on the who list will show less than 100 people server wide (At this point people will whine that I didn't say which server, it doesn't matter I've tried several and they r all the same) During prime time yes server wide you will see over 100, on the fleet perhaps 50-60 people, about 20-30 of those being lvl 50.


March it is now, and 20-30 level 50's.. while I expected a wait for people to catch up to level 50 surely after 3 months the population should be booming? Well that's the problem isn't it. The population IS booming they r just all spread out. Not only can we not LFG planet wide on individual servers but there are soooo many servers to begin with that the population is now spread way too thin. The bustling central hubs (fleet) for players are more like ghost towns these days and god forbid u log in during the daytime, yet there is no mention of merging the "light" and "Standard" population servers.


It would make far more sense now to Merge the 45 servers, create 23 and double the amount of people wanting to do HM's, OP's etc and open new servers as the population increases. Leaving it to fix itself, 2-3 months maybe more is population suicide, people aren't gonna wait. Warhammer online went down this road and then went free to play because there was so little people playing on each server the term Massively Multiplayer was more Slight Group of People. Bioware Mythic took over Warhammer online didn't they? It's almost too coincidental.


Warhammer Online was a good game too but lack of server population killed the fun, killed the WAR and Killed the Subscriptions. Please don't let swtor suffer the same, please merge the servers.


Thank you :)

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Im with you :/ it realy sucks, 48 people on republic fleet now on my server..

Heck most guilds should be more people than 48.


Imagine if there was 40 people raids in this game, you would have to invite the whole server.

Edited by Bennybum
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Totally agree with you. Losing interest in this game really fast now as i'm tired of wandering through planets with 3 people on them if i'm lucky. The feeling of isolation is killing any enjoyment for me personally.


Server merge is the most important thing needed to keep this game alive imo.

Edited by WolfMaiden
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I've been wanting to address this issue myself and couldn't have said it better myself. The point of an MMO is to be surrounded by a massive amount of people. We thank Bioware for the consideration in not over populating servers creating a thick layer of lag to swim through but I do agree that the population is spread entirely too thin. No one in my guild talks, I see little more activity in General Chat. And it takes entirely too long to find someone to group with (if not my guildies, we do help eachother as much as possible) for any missions, let alone flashpoints. One thing I terribly miss about The Matrix Online, and Ever Quest is the communities, the fun to be had in the clubs or taverns in major cities, the dueling tournaments held. I honestly believe Star Wars Galaxies survived as long as it did solely because of the community and the relationships built there, the society that was created, as the same could be said for the Matrix. Swtor is an AMAZING MMO and is only getting better and has so much more to offer than the preciously mentioned MMOs, but I do feel the weight of the population/community, socializing aspect dwindling away. Please don't let Swtor die before it has fully matured.

Again, Thank you.

Edited by Daveathe
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Hmm a few positive posts.. I'll be honest, I was expecting to get flyboi flames :)


Well.. personally what I would like to see is all EU players giving this a /signed with agreement. Even if they ignore the post it will atleast show that this is what all players want and not just the ramblings of a random guy making his first forum post.. ever.. in 10 years of gameplay! (Yes look what u made me do Bio!)


It may be ignored.. but then again it may not be and for the sake of typing seven chars for the chance of doubling your servers population.. well I can't speak for ppl reading so..



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And this is why you ignore BW and all pick a server yourselves at the start, you deal with the queue for the first month.. and then its all candeh.

Aussies did it on the US servers... and they are still the most populated.. because we ignored bw and all joined the server WE wanted.

Even with the new aussie servers there are still 60 ish people in each fleet during offpeak and over 150 on aussie and US peaks.


You want a sever merge.. do it yourselves.. talk, pick a server and make a toon.


Oh noes you say.. my lvl 50.. I cant live without my lvl 50... well pfffft! welcome to the boat the rest of us are in waiting for them to work out how to cut and paste :p

Someone send bw a pair of scissors and some clag so they can practice.

Make a new toon. level it. transfer your main when you can.

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I started a thread saying exactly the same thing last week, even used the same words "Ghost Town"


It was locked within half an hour,


I get the feeling "they" dont want us talking about this.




ps, if its any help, there is a EU server called "The Red Eclipse", it has a very high population when compared with all the others, just started a Bounty Hunter on there, so far looking good.


All my other chars are stuck on Dxun Battle Center, complete waste of time :(

Edited by Tsaritsin
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Firstly, I love this game and this isn't really a rant or a whine but it has become increasingly notable that "Standard" sized servers really means PVP'ing against your own faction (Because there aren't enough of the other to fight) or standing in Fleet LFG (which generally takes longer than actually completing the HM).


Logging on my server during the day using the /e prefix on the who list will show less than 100 people server wide (At this point people will whine that I didn't say which server, it doesn't matter I've tried several and they r all the same) During prime time yes server wide you will see over 100, on the fleet perhaps 50-60 people, about 20-30 of those being lvl 50.


March it is now, and 20-30 level 50's.. while I expected a wait for people to catch up to level 50 surely after 3 months the population should be booming? Well that's the problem isn't it. The population IS booming they r just all spread out. Not only can we not LFG planet wide on individual servers but there are soooo many servers to begin with that the population is now spread way too thin. The bustling central hubs (fleet) for players are more like ghost towns these days and god forbid u log in during the daytime, yet there is no mention of merging the "light" and "Standard" population servers.


It would make far more sense now to Merge the 45 servers, create 23 and double the amount of people wanting to do HM's, OP's etc and open new servers as the population increases. Leaving it to fix itself, 2-3 months maybe more is population suicide, people aren't gonna wait. Warhammer online went down this road and then went free to play because there was so little people playing on each server the term Massively Multiplayer was more Slight Group of People. Bioware Mythic took over Warhammer online didn't they? It's almost too coincidental.


Warhammer Online was a good game too but lack of server population killed the fun, killed the WAR and Killed the Subscriptions. Please don't let swtor suffer the same, please merge the servers.


Thank you :)

No,mergeing won't happen because they dont have data unsubscribe and wait for transfers.Or reroll to tomb of freedon nadd like me :)

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(Preface: I'm not a native English speaker, so please forgive my bumpy language.)


I fully agree with the thread starter. I play on "The Progenitor" RP server, republic side. I am now lvl 44 and I still haven't done "Maelstrom Prison" flashpoint, because I never found a group. I don't want to wait 1 or 2 hours on the fleet. I simply left all the time after a while. And whenever I came back to the fleet, I tried again. Without luck so far. (And I even am in a guild, but since late January, there are seldomly more than 2 or 3 guild members out of 70 online!)


The last planet on which I could do all heroics was Tattooine. It started on Alderaan (mid to late February) that I felt really lonely on the planets. Due to my job, I can sometimes play during the day, sometimes evening/night. No matter when, there are hardly any players around.


On the fleet, yes, 30-50 usually, sometimes up to 90. Most of them are lvl 50 and stand around the PvP-area. Finding a group for flashpoints under lvl 50 is extremely difficult and therefore frustrating. Last week, I got someone with lvl 50 joining me for "Mandalorian Raiders" and "Cademimu", because he felt pity since my requests remained unheard.


On Balmorra (republic side), there were never more than 8 other players online. I could play 3 heroics with one guy until 3 a.m. We were both so tired but also so happy to have found someone to group up with... until we couldn't keep our eyes open anymore. I did none of the bonus series heroics, because no one else was doing the bonus series while I was on Balmorra.


On Quesh... well, I think there is no heroics area there, isn't it? At least I didn't find one. The maximum republic population during my stay there was 4 - including me. At one point, I stumbled upon an empire player. I got such a shock to see someone else that I quick traveled away - although I wasn't even flagged for PvP. :eek: In an MMO, one shouldn't be scared to see another player, because this happens so rarely. ;)


Now I am on Hoth for 3 days. Another huge, empty planet. Today, early evening, there were 17 players online on Hoth. I haven't seen so many players on a planet since Coruscant. It must have been a group though (maybe world boss op?), because at one point, it dropped to 8 within only a few seconds. Couldn't do a heroics yet.


Yesterday and today, none of the warzones I joined, was full. I wonder why I have such a long waiting time for warzones, because when I arrive there, maximum 6 other players await me. Haven't won one warzone due to that. Highly frustrating.


While I prefer PvE and should be happy to have so much space and time for myself, I am nonetheless annoyed, frustrated and disappointed. I always want to do all quests and find everything. I kept all unplayed heroics in my mission list in order to always be reminded of what I missed. But at some point, the list got so large, I had to give them up.


Long text... feel free to call me a whiner or give me some mimimiii. I am writing this text here in the forum, because I am a dedicated player, a Star Wars fan and was looking forward to this game for years. Now, you can see from my text, how I feel about it. It is a big pity. And yes, I already unsubscribed. Have bought 2 gamecards though, so there is still more than 2 months left for me to play.


P. S. I thought that there would be roleplaying going on on a RP server. I was wrong. Or I have a different idea about roleplaying. But his is off-topic. ;)


P. P. S. I haven't played Empire side yet. Since BW claims to still have all the players playing yet the Republic side is a ghost galaxy, I wonder if all are simply on the wrong side... :p

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Totally agree with you. Losing interest in this game really fast now as i'm tired of wandering through planets with 3 people on them if i'm lucky. The feeling of isolation is killing any enjoyment for me personally.


Server merge is the most important thing needed to keep this game alive imo.


Ive Been playing Since Day 1 Of EA, and from then to now it's been the same. Not enough people per planet to do Heroics... everywhere I go Feels empty and thus very boring afterall its suupposed to be MMo.

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Thnx for feedback guys,


Kilian Jarro was the first server I made a char on and that was empty even back in December so I quickly moved away.


Yes Merging has been possible in most mmos. As Frag said it's a case of copy and pasting. Obviously a little more complicated than that given unique id's given to certain things and I'm sure many more complications.. but still a company with the means to make a mmo in the first place easily have the means to address this.


And yes re-rolling is always an answer. However many ppl there are playing EU Eng servers all deciding which server to go, all going different places some bunching up a lil and yes this would balance a few high pop servers... in 2-3 month time when the server jumping evens out on those high servers. The question then becomes what happens to the players who didn't jump, playing on empty servers for a few months then leaving. As I said it makes far more sense to merge them now and give the current community double the people to play with rather than months down the road where it will be done for only those who r left.

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  • 1 month later...

totally agree with topic starter. I was started at "The Kumumgah" server have 50 lvl shadow and 33 commando, after that i re roll on "Bloodworthy" because first one was almost dead (and now is dead, im logging sometimes to check how many ppl in fleet and its like 3-5 or im alone!).

When i started rolling on Bloodworthy it was like heave and very heavy population in best hours and standard in other time but now is standard in best hours and light in other time.

On Bloodworthy i have 50lvl scoundrel 68valor and shadow 62 valor and i dont want re roll again on Tomb of Freedon Nadd because im afraid when i'm reach the lvl (not only lvl 50 but also BM/WH gear) like on bloodworthy, freedon will be also dead and this game will be dead ;/.


i'm really love this game but the low population killing everything, hard to play pvp. flashpoints are almost impossible with random ppl.


Bloodworthy is still not bad comparing to other servers but with this speed of ppl who stop playing will be dead soon, and the point is EA loose even ppl who wants play (like me) but cant enjoy because of low server population.


you should make some server transfers available , throw out like half of EU servers and try to keep high population on other half server or maybe something else.


ps. i'm playing on republic side but make lvl 1 imerial to check how may ppl on imps side, and its better on imps side but still not good and all server is dying ;/


(sorry for my English, i'm not English native speaker)

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