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My SWTOR disappointments /sigh


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Just a fore-warning for everyone. This thread will be long. In b4 tl;dr


So, I have played KotOR as well as SWG. I first played swg like... a month after nge hit so thats all I really know aside from the pre-nge servers I have tried. Anyways this thread is somewhat of a list of ideas and wishes I had hoped this game would of been. A story, if I may...


First let me start with KotOR, keep in mind this will all connect with SWTOR. KotOR 2 in my mind was fantastic. You got companions to hang with, you could influence them, equip them, talk with them, yadda yadda. The combat was fun as well. The consular class was hella fun imo. Dark side all the way. The voice acting was fun, everything was fun about kotor...


SWG when I first played was liek "omgbbqsauce what masterpiece is this?" I loved it... played for 2 years straight without getting bored... Every day on my commando (main) just killin stuff, pvp, pve, instances, 8-person groups. Just a ton of fun!


Decent graphics imo too. The thing I believe kept me loving SWG was the OTHER stuff you could do aside from just killing people. Exploring the landscape, collecting stuff for my house, rolling toons, resource gathering, space, collections, treasure hunting, quests, loot... basically everything you could almost want in a mmo.


The armor was actually cool... it was distinctive...

The weapons all had their own look

You could chillax in a cantina and have a place to socialize with other factions

Space was fun for those who enjoyed it. It was more than just a last second put in.

A bounty hunter could ACTUALLY hunt other players

The bazaar had a purpose

Decorating a house was super fun


///I had like... 1k words written, when I posted it said forum was locked so lost it all, trying to rehash my ideas///


Ill make it shorter I guess. Well I dont expect TOR to be SWG or KOTOR but I honestly expected them to take things from other mmos and the kotor game this is based off, and in essence, improve upon it.


I had a vision for a sandbox game with a landscape like swg with a playstyle similar to kotor. Where every crevice had its secrets. Where a cave you happened upon would actually be the lair of an evil creature! Where the customization of your character and armor would be unlimited. The skills would look cool! The adventure would be mysterious yet dangerous at the same time! Where everyday you dreaded going to sleep because it meant you could no longer play TOR till tomorrow!


This is what I had envisioned. A grand scheme of a game that in its basic form would destroy anything out there. It would not be kotor, it would not be swg, it would be SWTOR!


But now... it feels like the most basic form of an mmo. You deliver quest items after you mindlessly spam your abilities to kill some enemies. From 1 to 50


No fishing

No exploring (save useless datacrons)

No Housing (You could even decorate your ship in swg! jeez thats brilliant)

No nothing except killing.

SWG actually had more than 4 classes. (Face it, tor has 4)


I had believe TOR to play out a bit like this. You would find a cave deep within the jungles of Taris, hidden among the brush far off in the distance of this sandboxy world. You call in your guild-mates and cautiously take steps into the cave. After searching, you find nothing and decide to leave the cave, in despair that it was a waste of time. As you follow the last of your guild-mates out, you spot something they all missed.


You see a shape of some sort covered in dust pressing up from the floor. You touch it and the floor falls through till you land inside a lost sith temple. There is no way up as you are all trapped in a dark cave. Everyone stays together as none of you know what lies in store for you. At this time, none of your chat (save group chat) works as a mysterious energy is disrupting your communicators. You have no choice but to venture forth where further on lies great danger and even greater rewards. You may even find a holocron that teaches a sith or jedi a skill they can use in battle. It is very rare and would sell for much on the bazaar, or you could use it for yourself.


I wanted that... Where is the adventure? I dont want TOR to be any other game but TOR! BUT! I expected it to take the greatness of other mmos and improve upon them.


My friend who plays this recently said to me "This game is getting boring". I denied him, I could not believe.... no, I would not believe that this game I had been waiting years for could possibly be boring so quickly. But I had felt it too, I just could not say it. I love star wars and mmos too much to say such blasphemy. But what am I to do? I can no longer lie to myself. I am a star wars fanboy. I am a traitor to my own kind. There is just too little to do in this game.


There is a pseudo-crafting system for crying out loud. And my crafter makes the EXACT same stuff as yours if we have the same skills. No variations if we get the same schematics. Wheres the competition?


I had bought dead island (lol), bf3, and skyrim to tide me over till SWTOR came out. Seems I had it backwards...


So i leave this to all you players. I sincerly hope an NGE comes out for this game. Or maybe they just add things that make it less of a ... "combat only" game for lack of a better term. I love bioware. I love Star Wars. I wanted this game to be the only thing I would play for years. I am saddened by the game companies these days. The voice acting is great, alright... but thats about it.


These are my thoughts, I am a 21 year old full time student. So I am not burned out at this game or anything of the sort. Leave your comments if you like.



Edited by Rainsford
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PVP, in general. Lack of content, and a game that can't handle open world battles consisting of two or more ops groups without running like utter crap.


And the linear carebearness of it all.



Edited by Dego_Locc
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Just a fore-warning for everyone. This thread will be long. In b4 tl;dr


So, I have played KotOR as well as SWG. I first played swg like... a month after nge hit so thats all I really know aside from the pre-nge servers I have tried. Anyways this thread is somewhat of a list of ideas and wishes I had hoped this game would of been. A story, if I may...


First let me start with KotOR, keep in mind this will all connect with SWTOR. KotOR 2 in my mind was fantastic. You got companions to hang with, you could influence them, equip them, talk with them, yadda yadda. The combat was fun as well. The consular class was hella fun imo. Dark side all the way. The voice acting was fun, everything was fun about kotor...


SWG when I first played was liek "****bbqsauce what masterpiece is this?" I loved it... played for 2 years straight without getting bored... Every day on my commando (main) just killin stuff, pvp, pve, instances, 8-person groups. Just a ton of fun!


Decent graphics imo too. The thing I believe kept me loving SWG was the OTHER stuff you could do aside from just killing people. Exploring the landscape, collecting stuff for my house, rolling toons, resource gathering, space, collections, treasure hunting, quests, loot... basically everything you could almost want in a mmo.


The armor was actually cool... it was distinctive...


***Acidentally posted, editing now


So...You posted some random SWG nostalgia? Look, dude. You knew ahead of time this wasn't going to be another SWG. Apples and Oranges, man. Apples and Oranges. I wouldn't want it to be another SWG and there are thousands of other people who feel the same.

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Just a fore-warning for everyone. This thread will be long. In b4 tl;dr


So, I have played KotOR as well as SWG. I first played swg like... a month after nge hit so thats all I really know aside from the pre-nge servers I have tried. Anyways this thread is somewhat of a list of ideas and wishes I had hoped this game would of been. A story, if I may...


First let me start with KotOR, keep in mind this will all connect with SWTOR. KotOR 2 in my mind was fantastic. You got companions to hang with, you could influence them, equip them, talk with them, yadda yadda. The combat was fun as well. The consular class was hella fun imo. Dark side all the way. The voice acting was fun, everything was fun about kotor...


SWG when I first played was liek "****bbqsauce what masterpiece is this?" I loved it... played for 2 years straight without getting bored... Every day on my commando (main) just killin stuff, pvp, pve, instances, 8-person groups. Just a ton of fun!


Decent graphics imo too. The thing I believe kept me loving SWG was the OTHER stuff you could do aside from just killing people. Exploring the landscape, collecting stuff for my house, rolling toons, resource gathering, space, collections, treasure hunting, quests, loot... basically everything you could almost want in a mmo.


The armor was actually cool... it was distinctive...


***Acidentally posted, editing now


Obviously he's not done typing yet - I'll finish for him:


So, as a SWG vet, imagine my disappointment when I started playing SWTOR! They're nothing alike! I thought you'd have to play for 6 months straight to become a Jedi - but THEY LET YOU BE A JEDI IN LIEK 2 DAYS! QQ! Also I thought space combat was going to be exactly like SWG! It's not! And the PvP - should be called Stun-Knockback-Stun! QQ! Whine! I suck!

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Greetings everyone!


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Edited by Ellvaan
Re-opened after further consideration. See OP's usernotes
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No fishing

No exploring (save useless datacrons)

No Housing (You could even decorate your ship in swg! jeez thats brilliant)

No nothing except killing.

SWG actually had more than 4 classes. (Face it, tor has 4)


Cannot speak to all of this, but I explore for trails, missing quests, safes, etc; not only datacrons. My Sith Inquisitor even leaped off a dock ledge today to see if there was a way to bypass the security of the front gate; only found the nearest medical facility. Still, one can jump, look, and explore.


And I am here for the questing and story; prefer to keep my RP to smaller venues as I type poorly. But I believe RP with others is quite possible in the Rest areas seen thus far.


And while there may be 4 sets of mirrored classes, I can say with certainty that the stories themselves are quite different; reason why I still have plans to possibly play the Jedi Consular as an alt.


Don't need a house, though it will be great when we can personalize our ships. And I am guessing that fishing means something more than catching dinner from the nearest river, cause I do not do that in Skyrim either though it is possible.


Perhaps one should take another look at their expectations and priorities as to what is and is not present, or is coming relatively soon.

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I would say all in good time. There is no reason why swtor should not have houses and similar sand box mechanics attached to thier game.


That introduction would be amazing imo. The only issue is that the crafting has to be on par with the sand box environment as well.


As for dreaming about sand box in swtor, the other things should come in time. Pvp space combat seems a but murky, but swtor wants to succeed, so they know what we want as players.


1. Options at end game

2. Space combat pvp

3. Sand box mmo on the outskirts of the themepark mmo


Otherwise people will look at the competition which will excel in things that BW is keeping up with. They need to come out guns blazing with the things that make SW great. The mini games, and space combat. Also the housing would certainly create a huge immersion factor.


I really want a bounty system as well. That would revive open world pvp as well, but swtor has many worlds so it would be tricky to find them, and therefore there should be some kind of tracking device with maybe paid informants relaying current whereabouts.


Also people would be come PKers just to try to get a large bounty on them. So it would be very interesting to have. However, with the current issue of some servers being lowly populated and getting PK'ed then it might be an issue. So the populations per server needs to be high enough as well, or the PK'er will basically run the planet. (if they are good enough, which is not that hard when catching someone off guard)

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Yeah, of all things i thought i KNEW this game would have, is a BH class that would actually hunt other players. Now THAT was cool!


Maybe smuggler could relay information to a bh somehow? But they would need to let both factions interact with one another then.


Also, I know this game is supposed to be high in the story section, which is great... I love a good story. But without a meaningful quest to back it up, it becomes the same quest over and over. I want some meaningful gameplay with my story. ya know?


Sure the bandits stole the secret plans, ill kill em at get it back! wooooo fun!


oh look, the republic stole some bio-engineering data, ill kill em at get it back! sounds kinda familiar....


oh not again... a womprat stole your chocolate chip cookie =( ill kill it and get it back. I've seen this quest before...



Believe me... I want this game to succeed beyond its wildest dreams. But if other games do things better, it wont. It needs updates asap

Edited by Rainsford
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