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Are you serious!?


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Apparently the OP didn't see the previous page where it was titled "Game Infarcer: the worlds number 1 PRETEND magazine".


You mean...No Tie-Fighter Class??? :( NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!









:csw_fett: I'm just gonna sit in the corner for a while.

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tell me this is some sick joke. TIE fighter class for TOR? I thought TIE fighters weren't made for thousands of year. (according to the Star Wars storyline) not only that, but a TIE with legs????


And thats why its a bad idea to blindly rage at the first sign of smoke.

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this is ridiculous, i think it'd be neat at first but its really a bad idea, it doesnt follow a story line at all, swtor, please dont release this new character.


If you are going to necro a 2 week old thread, couldn't you have bothered to read beyond the first post?

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