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Less QQ more Pew Pew please and thank you!


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I hate to say it but I wish I could ignore the forums completely and just read patch notes.. but I can't because there's so many bad players spouting off misinformation, QQ L2P PBKAC issues.. If I could trust the DEV's to ignore these baddies I could happily pretend these forums don't exist.. but BW has already proven they will cave in to the massive QQ of the most vocal minorities in the game. Which means bad things if you don't speak up as a good player.


It is frustrating!


I have 6 characters I play all valor capped in full purples.. and guess what? I DESTROY EVERY CLASS ON EACH. So who's Overpowered? ME! FFS. Not my class.. ME! Every class is amazing in the right hands.. If you don't feel amazing, trust me it's your fault. My lvl 15-25 of each class has solo killed at least 1-5 lvl 40+ because they had **** gear and didn't know how to play. I had full purples and did. I bet they came right here to the forums to QQ after.. ****** boo I say.. ****** boo.


I mean; I'd be willing to bet that a vast and I do mean VAST majority of the OPs in this sub-forum are the type to go in to a pvp round wearing below level greens and then complain that someone killed them who has 2,000 to 3,000 more HP on them and is 15 levels lower simply because "ALL OF THEIR GEAR IS PURPLE" and the QQers don't understand how bolster works. At 50 it's still comical because of how many people hit 50 and get rolled by a premade team in BM gear.. gosh darn can't you all just learn to play?

Edited by Aethyrprime
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So who's Overpowered?


Your gear? ;)


Really I do agree with you some what, but there are certain classes that are over powered / under powered and people have a right to complain. Even if they end up wrong. If there is a perceived issue, it's Bioware's job to look into it. Not to cave to baseless QQ, but to do their own checking and come to their own conclusions. You can't just assume that all classes are balanced and be done with it.


If Bioware looks into an issue brought up on the forums and makes a change, good. If they find nothing wrong and leave a class as is, that's good too. People who QQ about the change are no different that the complaints that brought the change in the first place.


You admit that you're fully geared, so obviously you're going to have an easier time of it regardless of your class. You're most likely fighting under-geared players, so your opinion is going to be a bit, skewed.

Edited by Spymaster
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I agree with you that the overall state of the game balance from a team perspective is pretty solid. Any crying or significant balance changes would be really premature at this point. We'd have to wait till rateds to make any significant decision about the state of balance.
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