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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

the New 1.2 Patch Trailer


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Not trying to be a wise-*** or anything, but what more would have to be added to be considered an expansion to you? I mean the obvious omission would be a new class or race, but honestly, this is jam packed.


Gear that doesnt look like over the top WoW trash for one.

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I'm wondering where the armors are that were in the introduction to the class vids. You know the vids that showed top end gear for both advanced classes. I have never seen any of those sets of armor in game. I love this game, I'm not complaining but, there were alot of promises made about in game features that we still don't have. Some people are really wanting same sex relationships in the game. I just want my character to look cool and not like a WoW reject in armor. Others want guild banks. The list goes on and on.


I do have another question to anyone who wants to answer. I'm not a PVP fan and I'm not a fan of grinding for comendations for end game armor. Is there a way the developers could do something for gamers like me to get me nifty armor sets without doing what every other MMO does?

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Four months in and we are getting gobs of content. This is far more than most MMO developers deliver. What has WoW/WAR/Rift gotten since Dec. 20th?


If Bioware delivers this much every four months, this game will not just be amazing, but light years ahead of its competetion in a year's time.


I can understand the frustration of "basic features" not being implemented at launch, but Bioware is doing a great job getting them in quickly. No doubt in my mind LFG tool, gear customization and the like will be in this year.


I'm an optimist. I don't look at the patch and rage about what isn't there. I look at it and get hopeful that Bioware is busting their tail to give the community what it wants, what should have been there at launch.

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We don't need any stinking chat bubbles in this game.. go play hello kitty online if you want chat bubbles.


Seriously why does everyone want something so childish in the game as chat bubbles?


Becouse every adult need more pew pew. lol

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This is not only for the guy in the quote.


Well go code you own MMO and play that, the game comes out with what it comes out with, if you don't like it go somewhere else, 90% of the people who post on here when something new comes out are a bunch of babies crying because they don't get what they want. You think you can do a better job with the demand of the public, go do it or Shut the hell up, because seriously all your crying gets you nowhere. Also if you want to continuously compare a game to another game, then go back to that game. But no, you left that game cause it was rubbish so you came here and then cry because it is not the same, wake up too yourself.


I am happy with what they are doing for the patch, good job BW.


Well said, i was just about to post the same thing, i think this is an awsome game, people keep demanding stuff but they dont think about what it will cost, someone will have to do it and it will take time and resources, then they will be forced to raise the fee, and people will complain about that, the whining will never end

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We don't need any stinking chat bubbles in this game.. go play hello kitty online if you want chat bubbles.


Seriously why does everyone want something so childish in the game as chat bubbles?


They aren't "needed" ok, but if you are trying to have a conversation in spatial in a crowded area, given the range that you can see other people's emote and say, it makes it much easier to follow. Chances are there will be a toggle to turn them on or off, so both sides can be happy.


I'm not sure at all what chat bubbles have to do with age/maturity, however.


Generally I find tossing a bunch of pejorative terms at something you don't happen to like but does address concerns other people have to be far more childish.

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someone said add chat bubbles, which are find if the area has a low population, but can you think of a fleet with chat bubbles? nohtign will be readable as bubles will cover bubbles in a horrible fashion and rander them useless and annoy. just try to point out a issues you likely run in to.
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