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What I would like to see in SWtOR


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So, I've been playing for a while and thought sharing some opinions.

First let me tell you were I come from... I'm mostly PVE and I've played single most of the time by choice. I'm level 12 Legacy in Death Wind Corridor playing Empire, but I also have some lower level Republic chars in another server.


Here's some thoughts I wanted to share with the developers:

You are wasting Nar Shaddaa, it could be a fantastic hub for Empire and Republic.

1. Share the Promenade space. This could be a neutral territory with both faction running around.

2. Have everything there. Nar Shaddaa is a smuggler port, a huge city, it is suppose to have it all available. The Promenade should sell items from lvl 1 to lvl 50, including the new crystal vendors you added to the fleet. All purple and orange gear you can make available for credits, should be there.

3. Cut the sellers in the fleet. You should sell for commendations in the fleet, but everything else you sell for credits should be taken off, and anyone who wants it, needs to go the Nar Shaddaa.

4. Fix mail boxes in the Promenade. It doesn't show in the maps.


Reverse Engineering could be better used.

1. Any reverse engineering from an item you do not have the schematic should teach you the green version of it. So if I'm an artificer and I reverse a orange crystal 31 with power bonus and rarity blue, I should at least learn it's green version with the minimum chance of 75%.

2. Reversing an item you have the schematic to acquire the next version of it, when fail, should increment the chance for the next try of the same item... even if in 5%. I've reversed more then 50 copies of a blue item without learning it's purple version.


Some missions and options should have repercussion in the world.

1. If you suppressed the rebellion in a planned, you could at least change some of the mobs to yellow.

2. A light side Sith should be questioned here and there why he "smells like a Jedi", as he/she should be able to come out with a better outcome from an encounter with a Jedi. I had about half a dozen encounters with my Sorcerer, we talked, and the Jedi always attacks... this looks a bit odd to a "none combat" culture. The same should happen to a dark side Jedi.


Light and Dark.

1. There should be no repercussion for none force users to be grey or anything, while force users should get a bonus for every tier towards light or dark, as the contrary penalty. I know people wants to be "free to create the character as they like" but the Force is a harsh mistress, and power comes to force users to focus in either side.

2. Dark side appearance change should have its opposite, and both should apply only for Force users. I'm not sure if it applies to none force users now, I don't have a none force user high level evil character yet.


Republic stories are too bland.

I know this is a challenge, evil always have more interesting stories then the good guys, but the Republic is tiresome and it lacks of motivation. It's easy to relate with a slave who fights for power and climbs the ranks by the force of his will, or to a special opp who does covered operations and kills by command out of pride of being good at his/her work, but who cares for a character 100% ready to sacrifice himself for a Master he just met two hours ago?

I started playing Republic, all the anticipation I had to play the game was to play Republic, and after a couple days I decided to give the Empire a try and I never looked back.

You'll need to work on this for release 1.3 or 1.4, somehow there has to be some attractiveness to the characters. It maybe just me, but then again, there are far more Empire then Republic, right?

Edited by Kyrff
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So, I've been playing for a while and thought sharing some opinions.


Light and Dark.

1. There should be no repercussion for none force users to be grey or anything, while force users should get a bonus for every tier towards light or dark, as the contrary penalty. I know people wants to be "free to create the character as they like" but the Force is a harsh mistress, and power comes to force users to focus in either side.

2. Dark side appearance change should have its opposite, and both should apply only for Force users. I'm not sure if it applies to none force users now, I don't have a none force user high level evil character yet.


that just would suck for non force user. then you could just skip everthing what involed dark/light side point if you wanne have some cool looks.


it would be cool if you did that appearance but then smuggler/trooper should get like different titles.

Edited by vlincent
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There are many things I want to see and some are close to your point of view but major one for is bigger worlds and a bit more things from Kotor franchise.


So far the game ends pretty fast there is no 'skiping and come back laters' in this game and quest are few. Planets should have more quests than 20...

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that just would suck for non force user. then you could just skip everthing what involed dark/light side point if you wanne have some cool looks.


it would be cool if you did that appearance but then smuggler/trooper should get like different titles.


I thought this Light and Dark point would have comments. I saw many posts about it some time ago.

I think the main point I'm trying to make here is that Light and Dark is over simplified. It could be far more interesting if it were a bit more complex and meet the SW background.


I think my biggest claim, and main reason of posting is the Nar Shaddaa point, because it's so simple to implement, it goes in the same direction as I understand the intention of the developers go, and it would have a huge impact.

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Its too bad the republic stories are already set in stone. I was talking with a guildmate today who rerolled from Imperial, he said that the quests are boring and that by the time he was the level he is now (26) he had started a cult...I have to do the same thing over and over by rescuing Jedi and he starts a freaking cult. At least my ending was nice.


Some missions and options should have repercussion in the world.

This could be a problem unless it is based by majority of player's actions. Say 58% of players chose X option for X planet, that is now the planet's outcome. World repercussions are great and prove to be a great boon to any game, however I fear it would probably have most of the players that are in the zones (due to visiting them usually only while leveling) phased out from the end result, thus never making use of this system. For example, if I somehow cleared all the Imperials off of Hoth (not done with the story yet), as well as the majority of players on my server, new players coming into Hoth couldn't see it due to spoilers and probable data allocation issues. I soon leave Hoth, to rarely venture back. The repercussions never get noticed. This could work for server first end-game bosses, or just end-game bosses. Somewhat like WoW has events that take place when meeting certain objectives (such as slaying a dragon and putting the head on a pike in front of the city), but permanent. This would make servers somewhat unique and much more fun. It would also be very interesting to have repercussions based on faction rule. Say the Republic controls most of the server, change the feel of the entire server to make it seem so; and make the Imperials feel less superior. Daily quests could be given to try and rebel against the opposition, ever so fighting for control of the galaxy.

Edited by Cogitari
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Its too bad the republic stories are already set in stone. I was talking with a guildmate today who rerolled from Imperial, he said that the quests are boring and that by the time he was the level he is now (26) he had started a cult...I have to do the same thing over and over by rescuing Jedi and he starts a freaking cult. At least my ending was nice.


He just took over a cult from a corrupt and VERY lazy Sith Lord. That was funny. I just did the same on my newest toon. :D

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So, I've been playing for a while and thought sharing some opinions.

First let me tell you were I come from... I'm mostly PVE and I've played single most of the time by choice. I'm level 12 Legacy in Death Wind Corridor playing Empire, but I also have some lower level Republic chars in another server.


Here's some thoughts I wanted to share with the developers:

You are wasting Nar Shaddaa, it could be a fantastic hub for Empire and Republic.

1. Share the Promenade space. This could be a neutral territory with both faction running around.

2. Have everything there. Nar Shaddaa is a smuggler port, a huge city, it is suppose to have it all available. The Promenade should sell items from lvl 1 to lvl 50, including the new crystal vendors you added to the fleet. All purple and orange gear you can make available for credits, should be there.

3. Cut the sellers in the fleet. You should sell for commendations in the fleet, but everything else you sell for credits should be taken off, and anyone who wants it, needs to go the Nar Shaddaa.

4. Fix mail boxes in the Promenade. It doesn't show in the maps.


Reverse Engineering could be better used.

1. Any reverse engineering from an item you do not have the schematic should teach you the green version of it. So if I'm an artificer and I reverse a orange crystal 31 with power bonus and rarity blue, I should at least learn it's green version with the minimum chance of 75%.

2. Reversing an item you have the schematic to acquire the next version of it, when fail, should increment the chance for the next try of the same item... even if in 5%. I've reversed more then 50 copies of a blue item without learning it's purple version.


Some missions and options should have repercussion in the world.

1. If you suppressed the rebellion in a planned, you could at least change some of the mobs to yellow.

2. A light side Sith should be questioned here and there why he "smells like a Jedi", as he/she should be able to come out with a better outcome from an encounter with a Jedi. I had about half a dozen encounters with my Sorcerer, we talked, and the Jedi always attacks... this looks a bit odd to a "none combat" culture. The same should happen to a dark side Jedi.


Light and Dark.

1. There should be no repercussion for none force users to be grey or anything, while force users should get a bonus for every tier towards light or dark, as the contrary penalty. I know people wants to be "free to create the character as they like" but the Force is a harsh mistress, and power comes to force users to focus in either side.

2. Dark side appearance change should have its opposite, and both should apply only for Force users. I'm not sure if it applies to none force users now, I don't have a none force user high level evil character yet.


Republic stories are too bland.

I know this is a challenge, evil always have more interesting stories then the good guys, but the Republic is tiresome and it lacks of motivation. It's easy to relate with a slave who fights for power and climbs the ranks by the force of his will, or to a special opp who does covered operations and kills by command out of pride of being good at his/her work, but who cares for a character 100% ready to sacrifice himself for a Master he just met two hours ago?

I started playing Republic, all the anticipation I had to play the game was to play Republic, and after a couple days I decided to give the Empire a try and I never looked back.

You'll need to work on this for release 1.3 or 1.4, somehow there has to be some attractiveness to the characters. It maybe just me, but then again, there are far more Empire then Republic, right?


Some good ideas, there. But the Promenade on Nar Shaddaa is already shared space. Imps and Reppies both go there and shop from the same vendors. The market there is accessible from both sides too, and I've used it to transfer equipment from Imp toons to Reppy toons and vice versa. Some good ideas there, especially for the Republic stories, though. I agree. Way more fun playing Imperial, imo.


Only Reppy toon I've played to 50 is my Knight, since it's arguably the most epic storyline in the game.

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This could be a problem unless it is based by majority of player's actions. Say 58% of players chose X option for X planet, that is now the planet's outcome. World repercussions are great and prove to be a great boon to any game, however I fear it would probably have most of the players that are in the zones (due to visiting them usually only while leveling) phased out from the end result, thus never making use of this system. For example, if I somehow cleared all the Imperials off of Hoth (not done with the story yet), as well as the majority of players on my server, new players coming into Hoth couldn't see it due to spoilers and probable data allocation issues. I soon leave Hoth, to rarely venture back. The repercussions never get noticed. This could work for server first end-game bosses, or just end-game bosses. Somewhat like WoW has events that take place when meeting certain objectives (such as slaying a dragon and putting the head on a pike in front of the city), but permanent. This would make servers somewhat unique and much more fun. It would also be very interesting to have repercussions based on faction rule. Say the Republic controls most of the server, change the feel of the entire server to make it seem so; and make the Imperials feel less superior. Daily quests could be given to try and rebel against the opposition, ever so fighting for control of the galaxy.


Agree, but think a bit smaller... If I had a peaceful solution with a faction, the mobs in the open world could easily be "yellow" or "green" for me, while they continue "red" to all others. In Mos Ila in Tatooine they did it in a very small scale in the city. This kind of thing do not change anything in other people's game, but make the game of the player who actually accomplished that more interesting.

This is the smallest repercussion I can think of, and it's relatively easy doing. Here's a few others:

- Republic x Empire contested areas could change the mobs depending on the result of the last side quests done in that area.

- The planets or areas could have two phases: before and after the quest chain be completed.

- Vendors could have different dispositions depending on the your fame according choices in the quests.


As long as you keep it simple, any of those could be done with no relevant negative impact.

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Its too bad the republic stories are already set in stone. I was talking with a guildmate today who rerolled from Imperial, he said that the quests are boring and that by the time he was the level he is now (26) he had started a cult...I have to do the same thing over and over by rescuing Jedi and he starts a freaking cult. At least my ending was nice.


About the story lines, this is by far the worst problem of the game.

Since it's story driven and the stories are tide to expensive voice overs, they have an issue in the core product for which there's little that can be done about.

I wonder if the long development time added to the fact that the Consular was the last class to be released, have something to do with his poor storyline.


Hopefully they'll do some compensation for the Republic in the following releases, specially in the v2.

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