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PvE Question


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so im speccd watchman cause im a huge PvP fan and since your guys help w/ the watchman timings ive noticed a huge jump in my PvP play but...just hit Alderaan as lvl 33 and im having a bit of trouble as awesome as Watchman is in PvP ive been struggling in PvE environments i obviously in PvE dont do like legslash which is pointless, i replace that w/ blade storm and Master strike. but im still finding myself using introspection after every fight, a problem i didnt have on tatooine and lower. anything i should know or is wathman just not very good for PvE?
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Watchman should do fine in pvp. But I wanna ask, do you have Doc yet? Because IIRC, lvl 33 seems a tad low for Alderaan...


lol no, level 33 is overlevel for Alderaan.


Alderaan is 28-32, being overlevel is probably a result of doing pvp and pve both whilst leveling, this can cause the over-leveling pve content if you do too much pvp, thus trivialising the pve stuff and if overleveling too much.... not getting exp from it. (but 33 is not overlevel too much so no big deal)


as to original poster, it could be a gear issue, Watchman spec is perfectly viable in PvE and PvP, it is not 'as good' as the other 2 specs for killing groups of weak/normal enemies due to the DoT time up, but no class/spec should be having problems with small groups of weak enemies that you vastly outlevel.


Issue is gear or player imo, (by player i mean not using the class to its full potential, lots of abilities sentinels have, lots of buttons, if your not pressing them all, then that could also be a problem)

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i think your right with the whole not enough cycling throgh powers.....i kinda just use my PvP timing with a few minor changes....i think i even have like cyclone slash and i dont even have it on the power bar cause i dont find it viable for PvP ill check deeper into this...thanks
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Watchman doesn't have the front end burst that combat or focus have. Your burns will murder elite mobs tho. I have a watchman equivalent Marauder that's just finishing up Alderaan, and this is pretty much how it's been for me.


Overall, it's still plenty viable IMO

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I level using Kira instead of Doc. It's not optimal but I like her story so I want to get all the conversation boosts possible. Besides, I feel like it's better pvp training. Lord knows it's a small miracle if I ever see green text above my head that isn't my own healing.


Anyway, you have to make effective use of your cooldowns and your companion. I typically send Kira in first to groups of mobs so they all clump up around her. Then I'm charge in and force sweep->Pommel Strike a weak one. Hit Rebuke when you've got threat (should be soon) and then just mow through them.


For the silver portrait+ guys make SURE you're using Pacify. That skill absolutely rocks in PvE. If you're getting hammered but Kira is still full health, go ahead and Force Camo. It'll take a while for you to get threat back.


Interrupt everything. It's a 6 sec timer for Watchmen spec. No reason to eat casts.


The reason you're probably getting hammered on packs of mobs is that you're healing yourself. That causes 50% of the threat on the heal to each mob, and if no one else is attacking them you get threat. Feel free to make liberal use of Force Camo. 45 sec cooldown on that bad boy.


I solo boss mobs (champion) the same level as me with these tricks.

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watchman is the best PvE spec if you're soloing. Once you hit lvl cap you and Kira will be able to solo most any Heroic 2 and maybe have to take your heal companion out for Champions (if there are any).


At 33 you've not got some of your key survivability skills yet, and in all honesty Watchman really takes off at lvl 40 when you take Merciless Slash (big damage ability, like huge). You just have to make sure you keep the same sort of rotation as in PvP only you don't have to leg slash or use crippling throw much at all in PvE when you're leveling, use Kira


my theory is why you're having trouble is because you seem to like to PvP a lot, you're high lvl for Alderaan, maybe you haven't put gear into your pets? If that's the case then Kira might be very undergeared and thus ineffective against the mobs and against Elites or better she might be just missing her attacks.


Use commendations to buy her some better gear if she's undergeared (you're 33, she should be in lvl 30ish gear)

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