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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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I unsubbed but have 120 days of time left. Not really, just defending myself and countering people when they make ludicrous remarks.



And since you do it with all of your posts::rolleyes::):D


I normally use them for posts/threads I don't much care about.



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Yep, staying. This game is great and will only get better. The folks that are leaving now for similar reasons as the OP are unable to be pleased by any game and will continue to 'content locust' their way through games and whine on forums.

The rest of us will be here having a blast! :D



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It was evident at the guild summit that this is where this development team stands right now. And, I might add, I think they've been in that spot for a good 12 months (at least).


The game lacks direction. What is the point of a 'great galactic war' when the only time we see the opposing faction is a couple of tiny WZs (one of which is just some sport played for the enjoyment of a Hutt)? What is the point of introducing interesting characters like Malgus and Moff Kilran when they're going to be eliminated spectacularly early-on in the tale, without ever having been given a chance to build the story arcs they were deserving of?


The problem with TOR isn't just that the endgame is composed largely of camping out on a tiny space station, waiting for a queue to pop; the problem is that we've received absolutely no indication that this status quo is going to change any time soon. Where are the big plans for RvR, world PvP, or -- God help us -- real space combat? Aside from the occasional 'oh, we're definitely thinking about that' from Bioware's end, the future of this game holds absolutely no promise, largely because the design team doesn't seem to have a clue where to go from here.


This isn't just a bad game, its an ongoing and evolving failure, fed singularly by the mismanagement of those in charge at Bioware and EA. I don't care if this game was released too early; too late; still in beta -- the problem, right now, is that there is no plan to get it out of the quagmire that it is bogged down in.


That is why I am unwilling to stick around.


That is why I have cancelled.


I agree. the game does feel like a boat without a sail right now.

The separation of both factions players on a number of planets is alarmingly apparent.


We hear "oh but we've got plans", but then they refuse to illuminate on what those plans actually are. Once again employing the "mushroom method" of communication simply because they are too afraid of the publics reaction.


Leaving me wondering IF they really DO have plans and if so, whether or not they are in line with what I'm looking for in an MMO.



And for the love of god bioware, who wrote Malgus's lines in the False Emperor instance???



"One of you is turning to our side....but I'm not telling......."

<ner, ner, ner-ner, ner!>

<blows raspberry over the intercom like a spoilt child>


Edited by Tarka
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As of right now, on the fence. I am testing 1.2 to see if it makes things better. What my decision points are :


- GW2 : I came from Guild Wars and GW2 is around the corner. It will still be free to play (buy game, no subscription) which I like much more than paying monthly.


- Diablo 3 : also about to come out, it could occupy my time a bit to where I don't want to pay this subscription and not use it.


Why not stay with TOR over those? Well, from a PvE player


- There are too many bugs with PvE elements that don't seem to be addressed (even on the 1.2 patch). I understand how important PvP is to end game, but, we DO exist.


- I am trying my third char and even with a slight different story line, the replay value seems a bit low (ie, I am getting a bit tired of it too soon).


I can stay and play this game for a while, but at this moment I don't see it as a 5 to 7 year stay like others I have had before. :-( I DO want it to be, so I am testing 1.2 on the PTS hoping things get better.

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The folks that are leaving now for similar reasons as the OP are unable to be pleased by any game and will continue to 'content locust' their way through games and whine on forums.


Well that's silly - I mean, you're stating that because someone doesn't enjoy this game they won't enjoy any game - what a sweeping statement! I don't enjoy this game but I play many others and enjoy them greatly. Some of the other games I play I have been playing now for several years.





I haven't really played MMO's much in recent years - I used to play Ultima Online years ago and really enjoyed it - then my brother played WOW so I played that for about a month and quickly got bored - likewise with this game, I've been playing since December and have now unsubrscribed and uninstalled. I got to level 50 and simply got bored. In a nutshell the reasons I've found this game to be not worth my time are below:


1) PVP - it's a bit dull; I've spent hours roaming around the various worlds looking for some decent world PvP - can't find anyone on the opposing team normally and so you end up having to do Ilum or a Warzone which gets repetitive to put it mildly.


The PvP doesn't really feel like it has any benefit - if you die what do you lose? You just get to respawn immediately anyway...if there was something at stake, something to gain/lose - it might be more exciting.


2) RP Servers - I'd rather play a RP server despite not being a mad RP'er myself because then normally you'd get a bit more maturity - despite picking a PVP-RP server I continually see players running around called "Han Skyskipper" or "MacGyver" - didn't realise Richard Dean Anderson took part in this intergalactic war...! Also the lack of chat bubbles - how are people meant to role play properly? This 'group chat' is stupid - it's like your character is part of some sort of ridiculous 'hive mind' with everyone else on the server


3) The quests - despite being voice acted and having a back story to each (which is good and a definite improvement for the genre) - the quests are still kind of dull;

kill 10 of these monsters

collect 5 of these items

talk to this person in this city


and most of your choices do not seem to have any impact upon the world other than dark side/light side points.


4) Spaceships - a good idea that I feel hasn't been developed enough. I'd love to be able to buy a different spaceship, customise the interior - have other players come on board, have proper space battles inside *my* spaceship against *other* players - that would be awesome.


5) The war itself - there feels no way to influence the war...players should be able to team up and take other settlements for their faction or 'blockade' worlds with their spaceships which would provide a bonus for their faction - perhaps if you blockade a certain world the other faction suffers +2% price increase and your faction in contrast gets -2% price reduction. This would give you incentives to PvP and would give the enemy an incentive to rally together and fight back.



I was told by friends who had read a lot about this game (perhaps not enough!) that this game was going to be the WoW Killer and was going to be 'the next big thing' - perhaps I stupidly got my hopes up....I have been disappointed as it feels like the KOTOR universe had great potential and there's so many things you could have done with this game but haven't. I know Ultima Online wasn't everyones cup of tea as it was a bit......cutthroat - but for a game I played about 10 years ago it feels like we've taken several large leaps backwards in comparison.

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It's a ton of money for this game if you expect equal or greater value returned to you.




I get WAY more than 50 cents a day's worth. So does everyone else that actually plays the game. If you don't have time to play, 1 cent a day is too much. But that's not Bioware's issue, it's yours. Bioware's earning their 50 cents a day.

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People play 1 class to 50, discover there's nothing to do and then quit.


fixt that for ya...


this is an mmo. it isnt a single player rpg. the real game should begin at lvl cap. bw dropped the ball when they assumed we'd all be content to play through 90% of the same content 8 times.


this game is a bucket full of *****, sitting in a puddle of pi$$

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fixt that for ya...


this is an mmo. it isnt a single player rpg. the real game should begin at lvl cap. bw dropped the ball when they assumed we'd all be content to play through 90% of the same content 8 times.


this game is a bucket full of *****, sitting in a puddle of pi$$


For me, the game started at level 1. I think you missed a bit of the game there, m8.


Other MMOs I would agree that the game doesn't start till the end, but not with this one.

Edited by Azzras
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I'm disappointed in you OP. You've confused basic RPG mechanics for copying WoW. Those types of things were around for quite awhile before WoW was created, or indeed even before MMOs were created. Blizzard simply took them, polished them to a shine, and included them all in their game.


Not that I'm complaining. Despite what folks may say, WoW is indeed the best MMO out there at the moment. That's changing quickly now though. Their game engine is becoming outdated.

Edited by TheGreatEski
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I probably won't re-sub...my husband will he seems to still be enjoying the PvP stuff (across multiple characters). I just can't find a reason to log in - I keep re-rolling in the hopes I'll find something that will keep me going but, I can't.


Yes, I have a couple 50s and I've done the PvP route and some light raiding.


There's just no "hook" for me...in many ways this reminds me a lot of Rift. Okay game, but nothing to keep me coming back for more.



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I'm disappointed in you OP. You've confused basic RPG mechanics for copying WoW. Those types of things were around for quite awhile before WoW was created, or indeed even before MMOs were created. Blizzard simply took them, polished them to a shine, and included them all in their game.


Not that I'm complaining. Despite what folks may say, WoW is indeed the best MMO out there at the moment. That's changing quickly now though. Their game engine is becoming outdated.


There's polishing basic RPG mechanics, like what WoW did, and then there's shamelessly nicking the system and adding nothing of note to it (Rift is also guilty of this). No, story isn't gameplay so it's irrelevant to the topic.


It is pretty on par with Bioware's style of taking an existing system and bolting a story to it. Look at KOTOR and Jade Empire for instance. Take NWN engine, bolt on heavy story, call it a day.


TOR: take WoW's system and bolt heavy story to it.

Edited by Bluerodian
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I don't plan on ever quitting unless one of the following happens:


1. The game just dies out


2. My entire guild randomly ups and quits


3. Bioware doesn't step up and MoP outperforms SWTOR in my eyes.


I doubt any of these will happen but those are the only things that could possibly make me cancel my sub and leave the game.

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I think you confused WoW for being original.




There are numerous features WOW implemented that no other MMO before it's time attempted.


40 on 40 Battleground via Alterac Valley was amazing. Performance was decent as well for this many players in a single area. No way the HERO engine would be able to pull off any sort of PVP battleground with this many players.


The Macro, User based Addons was and still is pretty amazing. Anyone who played WOW using the default UI missed out on a ton of player made goodies via, Healbot, Grid, Gearscore, Recount, Auctioneer, Titanbar, Gathermate, etc etc

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