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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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To each their own, but I am looking forward to seeing how SWTOR develops.


Me too, I'm just not optimistic enough to pay them while it happens. No matter how hard a developer works there will always, ALWAYS, be some middle management buttchimp that gets in the way and stops them from doing things that would make the game actually better.

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Me too, I'm just not optimistic enough to pay them while it happens. No matter how hard a developer works there will always, ALWAYS, be some middle management buttchimp that gets in the way and stops them from doing things that would make the game actually better.


By your own admission, EVERY developer goes through this.


What I don't understand is why hold BW above what others must endure?


Anyway, we will see how the game evolves over time.


I look forward to it.


(What does your sig say? I don't speak binary. :o)

Edited by Azzras
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I disagree with your assessment of the Summit.


The Q&As were a great way for BW to get some feedback. (And they took notes. ;))


For improvements, many bugs have been addressed. I use to get weird twitches when in a cut scene with trees in the background. Fixed.

Items use to not be stackable. Fixed.



Aside from certain points that BW never respond to (FCSC), they do address the public.


I'm in no way saying they are perfect and this is the perfect MMO, but I am saying that I see the potential SWTOR has and the Devs have taken interest in a lot of features that I look forward to seeing. (More minigames, racing, more PvP, RP things...even though that the Summit they desperately wanted feedback on new things to do but were not really given any good suggestions).


To each their own, but I am looking forward to seeing how SWTOR develops.


The Q&A's are just ONE single way to get feedback. And it was done in an inefficient way at that. Why? Because they could have polls, surveys, Webcast Q&A sessions and achieve the same goal.


You seem to be missing the point that not everyone agrees that what one person classes as "improvements" is the same as what another person classes as improvements.


We're talking about actual interesting content here. Bug fixing ISN'T actually developing the game beyond the scope in which it originally launched. The design is essentially still the same. So whilst you can say that fixing a bug is improving it, just how much of a difference in the long run will that improvement make?


The bottom line is that MANY MMO's have "potential". Vanguard, AOC, WAR, the list goes on and on....

I'm sure many of us have been there and thought "...this MMO really HAS potential".

But, and here's the kicker, just how much of thaqt potential those MMO's had, was actually converted into reality?

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The sig is intended for the robot customer service people. It's just a suggestion of what they can do with their spare time.


I don't hold bioware to a higher standard, I am saying that they will NEVER move beyond that level of slavery to the money unless people say "Never again." and boycot the stupidity. "Hanging in there." is like giving a drug addict one more hit to make the withdrawl feel not so bad. Until the people writing the checks see that they need to back the **** off the developers and let them actually design fun game play you will never see SW become anything more than a WoW clone.

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Unsubbed a couple days ago. There's just not enough people on my server to do anything with. If they would've bit the bullet and admitted they were wrong opening too many servers at launch and started to merge, I probably would've stayed. 1.2 is just no where near enough to save it.
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The Q&A's are just ONE single way to get feedback. And it was done in an inefficient way at that. Why? Because they could have polls, surveys, Webcast Q&A sessions and achieve the same goal.


You seem to be missing the point that not everyone agrees that what one person classes as "improvements" is the same as what another person classes as improvements. And bug fixing ISN'T actually developing the game beyond the scope in which it originally launched. The design is essentially still the same.


We're talking about actual interesting content here.


And bottom line is that MANY MMO's have "potential".

But how much of their potential was actually converted into reality?


You're starting to sound jaded, m8.


They do have other means to receive feedback. Facebook, forums, weekly Q&As, twitter, PTS, etc.


I would also argue that fixing bugs is a part of development because all games have bugs and they must be fixed. But you want something more? New WZ, new FPs, new OPs, target dummies, color matching, Crew Skills updates, more WZs can be same faction, Legacy System (to much to list).


I think BW is on the right track. We can either quit or enjoy the game we have and make our suggestions.


I'm still having fun, are you?



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I would suggest common sense and say if you dont like it dont do it, but thats not the way people think. I am not really keen for somethings, so when they are released I just wont do it.



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they need to focus on content that is driven by the players. I mean, I'm not working for them but some things that pop to mind off the top of my head are..


Guild ships that can do battle for the control of resources. Everyone has to work together on it to build the ship and keep control of the resources.


Farms! You could easily do a Farmville type of game where people choose a planet to farm on and grow crops/animals to gather some resource. You could have instance with your own personal farm in it. Defend your farm from Varmints with force lightning! Raise animals, feed them, care for them trade them with your friends. There could be a whole non-PVP subgame about that.


Politics! You could make a planetary buff for the leveling planets depending on which faction was more successful in the daily quest to win influence in the galactic senate. We do have a peace treaty after all.. Might as well use that story point for something.


You will never find a larger money sink than politics.


Make the PVP -Mean- something. We know they track the PVP games and who wins the most, make it a visible statistic that updates hourly. Who ever is winning gets a PVE buff for their faction.


Make it a daily to take low level people through an instance! I mean, FFFFFFFFFFF why has no one ever done that? Give higher level people an incentive to help low level people.


There is so much that could be done but Bioware is sticking to the same-old-same-old and that is why everyone is leaving.

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Unsubbed a couple days ago. There's just not enough people on my server to do anything with. If they would've bit the bullet and admitted they were wrong opening too many servers at launch and started to merge, I probably would've stayed. 1.2 is just no where near enough to save it.


Just suck it up and re-roll until transfers come around. Find a server that's less likely to become dead, there are many.


BW should have been on the transfer from day-one though.

Edited by WLpride
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they need to focus on content that is driven by the players. I mean, I'm not working for them but some things that pop to mind off the top of my head are..


Guild ships that can do battle for the control of resources. Everyone has to work together on it to build the ship and keep control of the resources.


Farms! You could easily do a Farmville type of game where people choose a planet to farm on and grow crops/animals to gather some resource. You could have instance with your own personal farm in it. Defend your farm from Varmints with force lightning! Raise animals, feed them, care for them trade them with your friends. There could be a whole non-PVP subgame about that.


Politics! You could make a planetary buff for the leveling planets depending on which faction was more successful in the daily quest to win influence in the galactic senate. We do have a peace treaty after all.. Might as well use that story point for something.


You will never find a larger money sink than politics.


Make the PVP -Mean- something. We know they track the PVP games and who wins the most, make it a visible statistic that updates hourly. Who ever is winning gets a PVE buff for their faction.


Make it a daily to take low level people through an instance! I mean, FFFFFFFFFFF why has no one ever done that? Give higher level people an incentive to help low level people.


There is so much that could be done but Bioware is sticking to the same-old-same-old and that is why everyone is leaving.


Good suggestions.


You should make a post in the suggestion box.


BW has been known to peek in there every now and then.



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You're starting to sound jaded, m8.


They do have other means to receive feedback. Facebook, forums, weekly Q&As, twitter, PTS, etc.


I would also argue that fixing bugs is a part of development because all games have bugs and they must be fixed. But you want something more? New WZ, new FPs, new OPs, target dummies, color matching, Crew Skills updates, more WZs can be same faction, Legacy System (to much to list).


I think BW is on the right track. We can either quit or enjoy the game we have and make our suggestions.


I'm still having fun, are you?




Jaded? Nope. Just realistic, drawn from past experience of MMO's in general. :)


The simple fact is that SWTOR launched in a pretty good form, compared to other MMO's, but unfortunately what it is missing is some of the fundamental concepts that people have come to expect nowadays. And so, whilst the 1.2 patch seeks to address some of them, and thus is indeed a step in the right direction, it is still "housekeeping". And as such, whilst they are busy doing such housekeeping, there could be a perception that such actions take time away from "fleshing out" the game with content that goes beyond just the usual instance for a boss encounter / pvp.


The fact is that just adding another FP, Op and Warzone isn't actually "fleshing out" the game. To just throw more of those at it is like someone asking for more fruit in a fruitbasket that already has oranges and apples in it, so more apples get put in. It kinda misses the point.


yes i will, it seems most "unsubs" are wow grailist.

i'm having fun not rushing and trying to "pwn" everything.


So many incorrect assumptions and inferences in the above quote.

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With the announcement of cross server warzones is cross server flashpoint/operation any more difficult to pull off?


I don't think it's actually that different in terms of difficulty to pull off.


It's probably more a case of whilst cross server PVE queuing can have a positive effect on the game (i.e. helping people to group up), it can also have a negative impact too (i.e. the extra anonimity from being from another server can turn players into ******s).

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With the announcement of cross server warzones is cross server flashpoint/operation any more difficult to pull off?


They have flat out said they only want same server LFG for the PvE content for now. Their concern is the same as some players..... cross server LFG in PvE tends to enable more player on player grief.


Right or wrong, that is what they have decided for now, but they also said they will revisit it later.

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions


50/50 I will cancel. I'm disappointed with the level of support as well as the lack-lustre game design/bs class nerfs. The fact that Ilum drops to 5-10fps any time there's a real fight is pretty pathetic in 2012.


Rift never had such issues and there was A LOT more stuff going on, also the classes are pretty well balanced. If i go to another MMO it will probably going to go back to that. 100% I will be gone when GW2/Secret World come out.

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50/50 I will cancel. I'm disappointed with the level of support as well as the lack-lustre game design/bs class nerfs. The fact that Ilum drops to 5-10fps any time there's a real fight is pretty pathetic in 2012.


Rift never had such issues and there was A LOT more stuff going on, also the classes are pretty well balanced. If i go to another MMO it will probably going to go back to that. 100% I will be gone when GW2/Secret World come out.


It's easier AND cheaper to try to keep an existing customer, than to try to entice one back.

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hmm... judging by the 1st page of this topic i suggest SWTOR make the forum sub based cause tho much of you dont like the game you are still here to see yourself type for some reason. *HINT* I mean i dont like WOW anymore so i promise you will never see me hanging around their forums


I however will be staying. Ive capped a BH and am bout half way through a SI toon and the game never fails to impress on many levels

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I agree with the OP, it's very WoW.... just too much for me, I left WoW because I was bored with it, I didn't want to play it again with lasers. I've cancelled my sub and will use my remaining time to play PvP in the hope it will be more fun than the grind my levelling eventually became after the lustre of the story cutscenes wore off. Here's hoping GW2 will be all it's cracked up to be.... who knows.
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NO DUAL SPEC in 1.2??


Whoever thought PVE combat = PVP Combat should be fired. 100K respec cost? Btw who is that Combat designer guy again? Yea him.


Does legacy force choke work on raid boss? NO?? well I guess no point in having a sith in the family. everyone is going to be forced to roll BH for the flamethrower... hopeful the flamethrower does damage and is not just an animation because no one will have the pyrotech skills to buff a standard flamethrower, which btw is a useless 3.0second channel you could instead use on your real skillz.


If you are not going to offer options to players in a game that is all about customization, you will lose people.


If you are going to add aspects to force people to play more (going thru new 1.2 dailies for an item just to damage the raid boss), then you are just trolling us.


I'm done, see you in 3 years when you get around to firing your combat designer.



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The first month I just could not get enough of TOR. Now I am struggling to log on twice a week for raids. If it wasn't for my guild or if this wasn't a Star Wars game I would have dropped my sub in February.


The Lost Island instance will last all of 45 min, once that is completed I have no need to do it again. The new warzone sounds cool but do I really want to grind valor rank 62 - 70, I'm not quite sure. The upcoming raid sounds great but won't take long at all for my guild to master. Aside from the legacy system, after the raid I will be stuck in the same situation.

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The first month I just could not get enough of TOR. Now I am struggling to log on twice a week for raids. If it wasn't for my guild or if this wasn't a Star Wars game I would have dropped my sub in February. I'm flip flopping my decision on resubscribing or not.


Don't. Send a message to the Devs and EA that serious change needs to happen.

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