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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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I just checked, 3 more days before I'm out. Bioware better announce something soon to make people change their minds or 1.2 is going to be lunched to an audience of empty chairs.


My 'chair' will be filled as will many others I'm guessing.



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As I'm not going to give Bioware credit for story (We already know they can write a story) my decision will be based on everything else. If the gameplay doesn't live up to anything remotely good to me, then I'll just play through the BH story, kill my sub, and catch the rest of the stories on Youtube.
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Yup, Blizzard lied multiple times to the community.


At least BW is addressing the PvP community and adding a ton of new content for everyone...unlike Blizzard.




No, they are adding 1 new warfront and they are adding a system where you can group with friends and earn better gear than the people who earned up to max rank and worked their *** off for months. So new people can be completely geared in the max PVP gear in a month. A great big old **** YOU to those of us who have been playing the game

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No, they are adding 1 new warfront and they are adding a system where you can group with friends and earn better gear than the people who earned up to max rank and worked their *** off for months. So new people can be completely geared in the max PVP gear in a month. A great big old **** YOU to those of us who have been playing the game


Um, all you did was dedicate time to get the gear. It took zero actual skill to get. Win or lose, you would get the title and gear over time.


And they are adding rated WZs so you can ACTUALLY compete with geared/skilled players instead of roflstomping new 50s.


And a new WZ in a few months is a great accomplishment in regards to every other MMO ever.


And more to come.

Edited by Azzras
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Hello guys!


I was really looking forward to move away from WoW, and experience some of the epic Star Wars moments similar to the ones I had in KoTOR and the JK series.


I got into the beta weekends and started the game. Like others, I had issues. Even though my computer exceeded the requirements, the game still managed to overheat my graphic card and ultimately shut down my computer. The only way to work around this problem was to upgrade my otherwise fully functional graphic card. But I was willing to pay because I was sure this game would be fantastic!


So with a brand-new graphic card in the desktop I ventured into SWTOR again - now able to set the highest graphics and maintain a steady 60-70 + FPS! Wauw!..


Unfortunately I am the part of the 5% - I have FPS issues ..

For no appearant reason, my FPS will spike from time to time. Every time I open an UI unit, the game freezes for a sec. Everytime I summon a companion, the game freezes for a sec. In Warzones the FPS drops dramatically, and Ilum was just ****ed up.


But I am still able to play the game.. I can just ignore PvP and look through my fingers with the annoying UI bugs.. Yea, I would still be able to play the game if it wasn't for the tons of loading screens this game presents. Travelling from planet to planet is a nightmare of waiting. Also doing flashpoints is a nightmare if the group wipes a few times. Takes ages to load into the flashpoints. Of course, playing flashpoints is pretty funny, and I can wait to get in there where the fun begins.. But I also need people to play with..


Where the hell is everybody?! I feel more alone than ever when I am wandering the cartoon-styled landscapes of SWTOR. A max of 10-20 people on the planets, and 60 people on the Fleet Station in PRIMETIME (7/8 pm.+)


As far as I can see these are problems many other players encounter.. Tonight my 2 month subscription run out, together with a lot of otherp players.. And I am not returning before the bugs are gone.


I am sorry BioWare, I really am. This is a great game, and has tons of potential, but it is just not good enough yet. I know other MMOs also took their time to get it right, but I do not want to pay while the game is still in development.


Sorry for all the gramma failures.


/sbjessen out

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Hello guys!

As far as I can see these are problems many other players encounter.. Tonight my 2 month subscription run out, together with a lot of otherp players.. And I am not returning before the bugs are gone.


I am sorry BioWare, I really am. This is a great game, and has tons of potential, but it is just not good enough yet. I know other MMOs also took their time to get it right, but I do not want to pay while the game is still in development.


Sorry for all the gramma failures.


/sbjessen out


My subscription runs out on Monday 3/19 and I will not be renewing it. I canceled today and the reasons for it is pretty much what you sum upped. But the main reason for me is the game just got simply boring. I was a subscribing since launch and I enjoyed the ride but it just went down hill after the first month. I may resub some time in the future, see how 1.2 goes, time will time.

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Um, all you did was dedicate time to get the gear. It took zero actual skill to get. Win or lose, you would get the title and gear over time.


And they are adding rated WZs so you can ACTUALLY compete with geared/skilled players instead of roflstomping new 50s.



The flaw in your theory is that win or lose they still earn gear too. It isn't like a raid where if you lose you get nothing. So those of us who worked our asses off for months getting to rank 60 are going to be competing with people who PVPed for two weeks. they should have to earn the gear we had to earn just to get IN to the arena games and that's exactly what it is, it's Arena from WoW all over again. Everyone remember how well that worked out? The arena teams joining regular matches and just winning game after game after game like an unstoppable force of nature? Yeah, that's 3 months from now in SWTOR.

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The flaw in your theory is that win or lose they still earn gear too. It isn't like a raid where if you lose you get nothing. So those of us who worked our asses off for months getting to rank 60 are going to be competing with people who PVPed for two weeks. they should have to earn the gear we had to earn just to get IN to the arena games and that's exactly what it is, it's Arena from WoW all over again. Everyone remember how well that worked out? The arena teams joining regular matches and just winning game after game after game like an unstoppable force of nature? Yeah, that's 3 months from now in SWTOR.


I think it would be more comparable to rated BGs in WoW.


And if I understand it right, you will be placed against players that are close to your ranking.


But to point out again, anyone can and will get the BM gear and title as it is now if they dedicate time. That's all it takes. Time. No skill is needed to obtain the title and gear, just time.


Time is all you need.




Not skill.



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i just read the 1.2 patch note and it's the reason i just canceled my subcription i don't want to pay to play on a dead server i have 3 lvl50 2 of them are on the same server and another one is on an another server and i won't rerolling on another server... , waiting for GW2 now .:cool: Edited by soldatleboss
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I think it would be more comparable to rated BGs in WoW.


And if I understand it right, you will be placed against players that are close to your ranking.


But to point out again, anyone can and will get the BM gear and title as it is now if they dedicate time. That's all it takes. Time. No skill is needed to obtain the title and gear, just time.


Time is all you need.




Not skill.







+1 TRUE another reason to cancel my subcription

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i just read the 1.2 patch note and it's the reason i just canceled my subcription i don't want to pay to play on a dead server i have 3 lvl50 2 of them are on the same server and another one is on an another server and i won't rerolling on another server... , waiting for GW2 now .:cool:


Enjoy your pink butterfly combat animations and gnomes.



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2 years from now, I wish I could know how many of these unsubscribers come back and start using statements like:


"I have been playing since the 1.x days"


What they wont say is:


"I bailed after three months because of ..."


Anyway, please BioWare, completely delete their account info, characters, and anything else that could be used latter to mislead anyone into thinking that they "stuck it out" and helped to advance the game.


EDIT: yes, I will be one of those who stays to help advance the game.

Edited by Slither
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my server is dying, need transfers or server merges. Last 3 weeks has seen a massive drop on my server. People must be unsubbing or re rolling on diff servers


This is the issue. many have noted the problem and those in charge of responding to the issue ignore it. you should be ashamed.


not going to resub.

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- Going to play through the class stories, since they are great.

- PvP is a 5fps diashow, so no way this will keep me.

- Will see how the endgame plays.


I think i'm keeping my subscription for as long, as it takes my chars to reach cap. After that i'm probably back to Lord of the Rings online.

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I think it would be more comparable to rated BGs in WoW.

Time is all you need.




Not skill.




The same can be said for PVE as well, what's your point? It does take skill to win. It doesn't take skill to press 4 buttons in a rotation while not standing in fire.


You keep speaking about PVP like it's easy. I fight against player who have the human capacity to make choices. (Admittedly not all of them are good at it.) So don't tell me that PVP takes no skill. PVE takes ZERO skill. You can watch a youtube video on the fight and one shot every boss because they all have a win mechanic. Players don't have win mechanics.

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The same can be said for PVE as well, what's your point? It does take skill to win. It doesn't take skill to press 4 buttons in a rotation while not standing in fire.


You keep speaking about PVP like it's easy. I fight against player who have the human capacity to make choices. (Admittedly not all of them are good at it.) So don't tell me that PVP takes no skill. PVE takes ZERO skill. You can watch a youtube video on the fight and one shot every boss because they all have a win mechanic. Players don't have win mechanics.


To obtain BM you don't have to win. All you have to do is show up.


That is the point I think.

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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


Yes I will.


I will because i love this game, and every time I log off, I just want to log back in and play more.


Oh and I love Star Wars...and Jawas. ^_^





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2 years from now, I wish I could know how many of these unsubscribers come back and start using statements like:


"I have been playing since the 1.x days"


What they wont say is:


"I bailed after three months because of ..."


Anyway, please BioWare, completely delete their account info, characters, and anything else that could be used latter to mislead anyone into thinking that they "stuck it out" and helped to advance the game.


EDIT: yes, I will be one of those who stays to help advance the game.


So you are essentially advocating that Bioware give the owners of cancelled accounts even MORE reason not to come back?


Furthermore, what exactly would that achieve? And how would that benefit Bioware?


Yes, I can really see how that makes real sound business sense. :rolleyes:



Anyhow, you know I used to think that people just need to have "faith" in an MMO and keep throwing money at the MMO company. Believing that all that is needed was time. I then came to realise that we are all investors of a sort. We invest our time and money into an MMO. We even invest emotions into it too.


I realised that it doesn't matter how much time and money I invest into an MMO, if the direction of development isn't in line with what I would like to see, then I am essentially throwing my money away.


So, as I enjoy flashpoints, I will try out 1.2's addition. I will appreciate the fact that they have eventually gotten around to sorting things out like the GTN interface, customable UI and such like. I will appreciate how the ship droids tone down the amount of times they make you want to throw them out of an airlock.


But, I will also note how the devs refuse to discuss how they intend to "flesh out" this game all because of their predisposition to keeping things close to their chest. Effectively employing the "mushroom method" of communication. And I will wonder IF the game will ever receive more depth and sophistication greater than just throwing more and more flashpoints, warzones and operations at it.


TLDR: Blind faith doesn't guarantee anything in the end. It can often be foolish to scoff at others who don't have the same level of faith in an MMO company as you do. One may try to use "holier than thou" attitude against others purely because they are happy to throw their money around, but that person may one day realise how foolish they've been.

Edited by Tarka
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Why are you attacking him?


He didn't attack you did he?


No need to be rude to him.


I can understand if you did that to me (I deserve it most of the time), but why attack him?


The reply he got was not more "attacking" than his post.

Stating that fanboys are feeding money to a company that made a bad game because they only care about profit is not an attack, its stating the obvious.

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I completely disagree with you on this.


BW is not perfect.


SWTOR is not perfect.


But it is improving.


Do you think BW invited all of those guilds to the Summit just to smell their BO?


Are you blinded by rage to the point you cannot see improvements that have already been implemented?


You do understand that MMOs are always growing?


Anyway m8, enjoy your anger/rage/disappointment.


I will enjoy the game until it is no longer fun for me and my significant other.


That day hasn't come yet.




Whether something is improving is purely subjective at best. I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm just pointing out that just saying "it is improving" may not entirely be true in everyone's eyes.


The guild summit was essentially nothing more than a showcase for the 1.2 patch, with a Q&A tagged on. Did you note how we really didn't get to know much beyond 1.2 due to the obligatory "we don't like to talk about that yet" responses?


Now, whilst you are correct that MMO's are always evolving / being developed, that really isn't necessarily cast-iron justification for everyone to keep subbing.


In short: different people have different needs. And whilst it could be argued that no one can can cater for everyone's taste, nevertheless bioware's goal is to cater for enough and for long enough.

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This is how the game industry works. Developers go to people with money and pitch ideas. The people with the money shoot down any idea that is remotely risky and force the developers to sand everything down to a dull smooth game that won't challenge anyone. They design this pleasantly non-threatning game then it gets to level cap and suddenly they have to think of -something- for the players to do while they come out with more kid-safe content for the masses. What choice do they have but to build time/credit sinks into the game to keep everyone -just- frustrated enough to keep playing but still not progress faster than they can handle. This is the plan..


In actuality players speed through the content and hit level cap in less than half the expected time then grow horribly bored. The developers tell the people with money, "We need to come up with a new, radical idea! Something that will entertain all the people at level cap!" and the people with the money say, "No, that sounds risky, just do what everyone else does." and because the people with money have all the resources the developers are forced to obey.


Over time the developers resent the financials and grow frustrated with the game, they get tired of the players telling them to stop sucking and leave the game. Then they get all new developers who propose grand ideas to make life better for the players and the people with the money say, "Do what WoW did. It's safe." then the whole cycle continues.

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Whether something is improving is purely subjective at best. I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm just pointing out that just saying "it is improving" may not entirely be true in everyone's eyes.


The guild summit was essentially nothing more than a showcase for the 1.2 patch, with a Q&A tagged on. Did you note how we really didn't get to know much beyond 1.2 due to the obligatory "we don't like to talk about that yet" responses?


Now, whilst you are correct that MMO's are always evolving / being developed, that really isn't necessarily cast-iron justification for everyone to keep subbing.


In short: different people have different needs. And whilst it could be argued that no one can can cater for everyone's taste, nevertheless bioware's goal is to cater for enough and for long enough.


I disagree with your assessment of the Summit.


The Q&As were a great way for BW to get some feedback. (And they took notes. ;))


For improvements, many bugs have been addressed. I use to get weird twitches when in a cut scene with trees in the background. Fixed.

Items use to not be stackable. Fixed.



Aside from certain points that BW never respond to (FCSC), they do address the public.


I'm in no way saying they are perfect and this is the perfect MMO, but I am saying that I see the potential SWTOR has and the Devs have taken interest in a lot of features that I look forward to seeing. (More minigames, racing, more PvP, RP things...even though that the Summit they desperately wanted feedback on new things to do but were not really given any good suggestions).


To each their own, but I am looking forward to seeing how SWTOR develops.

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This is how the game industry works. Developers go to people with money and pitch ideas. The people with the money shoot down any idea that is remotely risky and force the developers to sand everything down to a dull smooth game that won't challenge anyone. They design this pleasantly non-threatning game then it gets to level cap and suddenly they have to think of -something- for the players to do while they come out with more kid-safe content for the masses. What choice do they have but to build time/credit sinks into the game to keep everyone -just- frustrated enough to keep playing but still not progress faster than they can handle. This is the plan..


In actuality players speed through the content and hit level cap in less than half the expected time then grow horribly bored. The developers tell the people with money, "We need to come up with a new, radical idea! Something that will entertain all the people at level cap!" and the people with the money say, "No, that sounds risky, just do what everyone else does." and because the people with money have all the resources the developers are forced to obey.


Over time the developers resent the financials and grow frustrated with the game, they get tired of the players telling them to stop sucking and leave the game. Then they get all new developers who propose grand ideas to make life better for the players and the people with the money say, "Do what WoW did. It's safe." then the whole cycle continues.


You could very well be close to the truth.


Bioware's co-founders hold WoW in such a high regard that in their opinion "anyone that breaks the WoW rules are dumb" ( source ).


Thing is, it has been proven time and time and time again, that WoW's "rules" in general work for only one game since 2004. And that is WoW.


The games industry is churning out new games all the time, some have levels of complexity that aren't seen in recent MMO's because the devs / investors refuse to think beyond the obligatory "instance for a boss encounter" or "instance for a warzone" type of content.


TOR's forums aren't the first, and certainly won't be the last, to show signs that MMO players are wondering why these games don't have the level of depth and sophistication in gameplay found in some of the more recent single player games.


Are those concerns unrealistic? Well, I'm not sure they actually are. Especially when some older MMO's already have / had more sophistication than a mere collection of instances for boss encounters or pvp.

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