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Ghostcrawler offers some food for thought....


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A lv50's game in SWTOR currently consists of pvp for valor rank, pve for dailies and eventually nightmare operations, and when you feel bored theres the legacy system which looks like what bioware plans on being the end-game (yay roll more alts).


compare this to wow, where the end-game consisted of all the above save legacy (I had so much stuff to do on my main I never really even bothered with alts till many months later; in WoW there were always more quests to do (SWTOR style was planet-hopping, WoW style was similar but at least you had some choice in deciding where you wanted to go to level up; in SWTOR once you finish the planet + bonus series you pretty much won't go back unless it's a daily quest planet).

PLUS, in wow you had SO MANY other little interesting stuff you could do just for fun but still gave a sense of achievement - these include:

-reputation grinds with obscure factions (e.g. timbermaw tribe, the pirates, etc.) which allowed the REALLY free people tons of stuff to do

-frequent world pvp raids on the opposing factions' cities or towns (xroads, southshore/tm, capital cities); Alterac Valley itself could be a weekly affair

-TONS of obscure side-quests to do which gave you rewards which could even be useful (attunement quests, quests for weapons/armor/trinketes); although SWTOR has the daily system, what WoW had felt special because you actually had to know where to go for each specific piece, and the quest-line thus felt more engaging.

-World/Server events (people contributed to gates of AQ even if they werent gonna raid; then we also had other events such as elemental invasions etc)


I'm sure there are some things I left out. I admit that the quests in WoWmay not have been that fun because there were no voice-overs, and they were mostly kill X of this enemy kind of thing; and that reputation grinds were really a chore.. but the way WoW designed it made it such that you don't hit Grand Marshal just by spending time - you had to be ranked. WoW didn't hand out tier 1 even in UBRS; you get columi in HMs.


But anyway I still like SWTOR cause WoW got boring; but remember, WoW kept quite a lot of people entertained for a few years, but people are already complaining about 'lack of content' in SWTOR... this shouldn't be happening...it's STAR WARS, theres so much to draw from...

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WoW has the same to offer at max level that SWTOR offers.


You are just describing WoW more thoroughly


only exception there would be faction grinds which typically offered only a new skin for your mount or tabard.


The " Tons " of sidequests you describe are just old quests you never finished.


You might include something like acheivements or archaeology distractions in WoW as some added activity at max level. These were added late to WoW , and were they really that fun... Yes , acheivements were , we could use those.

Edited by Blavatsky
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WoW has the same to offer at max level that SWTOR offers.


You are just describing WoW more thoroughly


only exception there would be faction grinds which typically offered only a new skin for your mount or tabard.


The " Tons " of sidequests you describe are just old quests you never finished.


You might include something like acheivements or archaeology distractions in WoW as some added activity at max level. These were added late to WoW , and were they really that fun... Yes , acheivements were , we could use those.


To be fair to WoW though, it has the different factions with unique incentives to get involved in them. This is something Rift also had from launch.


Then there's the achievements system, which may not be everyone's "cup of tea" but it is yet another thing to do when you're bored and want to do something spontaneously silly.


As mentioned above, WoW has also catered for spontaneous World PVP action throughout its history. Granted Blizzard haven't really tried to nail the whole World PVP thing but nevertheless the existence of pvp battles at Tarren Mill and other places shows that there is often a portion of players who like to get involved in that sort of thing. Unfortunately the only real "World PVP" is tucked away in a part of Ilum that only PVP'ers would actually go to.


Don't get me wrong, WoW is certainly not the "poster child" of MMO design, but my point is that there's a few extra things that WoW has, and other games have, which SWTOR currently doesn't have. Collectively those things create a "smorgasbord" of extra activities to get involved in.


I put my thoughts to paper tonight.


Lol. Nice :)

Edited by Tarka
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WoW has the same to offer at max level that SWTOR offers.


You are just describing WoW more thoroughly


only exception there would be faction grinds which typically offered only a new skin for your mount or tabard.


The " Tons " of sidequests you describe are just old quests you never finished.


You might include something like acheivements or archaeology distractions in WoW as some added activity at max level. These were added late to WoW , and were they really that fun... Yes , acheivements were , we could use those.


I really take issue with your first sentence, that is simply not the case because there is just that much more content (whether it is content worth doing is another matter), e.g. legendary weapons, AND YES, QUESTS THAT YOU NEVER FINISHED because in WoW you would typically still have at least half of the quests not done at 60; achievements and archaeology are nice additions but those came later so I'll avoid touching on those because some people get angry at comparing 7year old wow.

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60% Mounts were at 40.


And very few did those quests, such as from SW - Loch Modan or SW to Southshore, but they were there to introduce you to those zones. many alliance players skipped hillsbrad.


I realize that.. But last I heard they were available at level 20 now...


As for the quests, while some may not have done them, some of us did.. Also thank you for validating my point about time sinks and barriers in WoW which is contrary to the OP's post.

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