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Merge servers before it's too late! Don't let the communities die.


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Dear developers


As is indisputable, the greatest subscription-killer of all is the lack of people to interact with. People to even attempt to venture most parts of this game with. This is turning into a single player game. A game virtually ending post leveling.


The one thing that will make the greatest impact on the survival chance of this as a profitable mmo is to ensure peoples opportunity to interact.


Before you deal with ANY other issue in this game, this, imo, needs to be the top priority. Work on systems to make mergers or free transfers from, and to, specific servers possible.


NOTHING else will have anywhere near the same impact.


The thing that still made this game enjoyable even after the number of players started to plummet, was the fact that I am in the largest guild on my server and we still managed to form a full raidgroup to fight the sith together in Ilum. Both the imps and other reps loved us for it. The empire now actually had an opponent that could beat them in large scale encounters. No other rep guild on our server managed to reach anywhere near our numbers because of lack of players.


This was the only thing that bound the relative few left of us together. Now that the Ilum daily objectives can be gained in Warzone + the fact that you now get rediculous amounts of valor there this is no longer possible.


Noone bothers to go to Ilum anymore. There are no epic mass fights any longer. There is no reason to join together against the great enemy. There is less reason, less joy gained from playing. The community is dying! There is no longer a community at all to speak of.


There has to be mergers, there needs to be max limits by factions on pvp servers. Ilum needs greater honor rewards and have kills count more reliably and more frequent.


From the view of a pvp server, all else is secondary. All else is irrelevant.


Thank you for reading


Railgun - Niman - The Immortals

Edited by Ecoape
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I agree wholeheartedly. I logged on for the first time in a week yesterday and I found that my entire guild re-rolled to another server because of the constant dropping of server population. I was extremely disappointing because of all the time that I feel I wasted on my character.
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December 2011: Devs, I demand that you add more servers!!!


March 2012: Devs, we have too many servers, I demand that you merge them!!!


I wish people would make up their minds. Personally, I like the lower server populations. I don't have to compete for mission objectives and have ninjas come in a grab stuff while I'm fighting the group right in front of it.

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I for one never called out for more servers, and you sound like you are still in a leveling process and are playing the game more or less as a single player game.


The questing part of this game is great, but at the end game stage you need communities to keep you interested, and you need people to join when you want to do either instanses, warzones or world pvp.

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1) They've already said server merges are on the way.



2) They said they don't like illum in it's current implementation and so will be getting reworked, that's why the illum dailies are now achievable in warzones.

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They have said they are working on mergers, but that it is some way off because of complications due to the legacy system. All I am saying is that they need to devote more resources into solving this and place it at higher priority.


As for the warzones, I can accept the argument about them not being satisfied with its current state and make the quests completable through other means, but I have a bigger problem with the massive boost to valor gain in warzones at the same time. This completely removes the insentives of doing world pvp in Ilum.


Alternatives for objective completion when those objectives might be unbalanced is fine, completely abolishing insentives for non-warzone pvp as a whole is not.

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well legacy could be changed to an account wide (regardless of server) and i like the small server pop that i'm on. i would like to see cross realm pvp/fp happen. i feel this would help those that want to say on the small server but still have instant action as tho they were on a larger server.
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To be honest I don't really see the benefit or charm of a small population server after the leveling prosess, but I do agree that a cross-realm grouping system for operations, flashpoints, warzones etc, would help allot if merging the servers prooved too complicated a task.


Perhaps they could even do the same for Ilum. Make it a shared instance between servers in the same server group.

And while we are at it, this could even theoretically work well for the galactic trade network. Of course I dont know the complexity of doing all this, but they are at the very least alternatives for working around the issues the legacy system brings.

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My whole guild Siths against society agree that we NEED a server merge or to be allowed to move to another server with our current characters as a guild, if not this game ia going to die from low numbers playing, I have been playing for a month and a half and I have NEVER seen a republic player outside of warzones! Our guild currently has over 300 members but to put it blunty they are all getting pissed off at the state of the population, we are on Tassaa Bareesh the server with the lowest population in europe! Many many members have siad they are so sick of this they are going to go back to wow.....WOW!! I am a life long star wars fan please dont let this kill the ame before really gets to show it's full potential!!!
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The really sad thing is that those who quit because of this are very unlikely to return since this is a subscription mmo. Once the damage is done, its most often permanent.


The longer it takes to fix this, the more damage is done. People are disappearing fast. That is why this is so urgent and should take priority over game bugs, tweeks and additional operations.


Winter is coming, GW2 looms

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Needs to be done. Grouping up is important right from the start of the game far before any thoughts of end-game even enter your head. On worlds where people are just passing through as they level up as well as major hubs like Fleet.


I said it before in a different post and I'll say it again. The number of servers they have rolled out already really do need a population of at least 7million to be viable. Disappearing General chat? I don't think it's a bug. There just isn't any because /who shows few or no players.


And having a mission at the start of the game telling me it's important that I grasp the basics of social skills and can demonstrate this to Bioware/EA/LucasArts thus implying any failure to get a group for anything is because I lack social skills, well, umm yeah...




The really sad thing is that those who quit because of this are very unlikely to return since this is a subscription mmo. Once the damage is done, its most often permanent.


Pretty much this. Constantly subbing and cancelling and re-subbing in the end could be a real hassle. Once you have an account open you shouldn't need an active subscription to play. I think for now I'll cancel my regular credit-card sub and stick to buying game cards (did you remember to make those available in Australia?). I hit 50 last night, so I will be playing for a while longer. There are things I do NEED to do before I unsub. Hopefully I can get enough done before the frustration gets too bad and drives me to abandoning these goals.


So Bioware, please don't make the mistake of assuming that my active subscription and time spent playing means I'm happy with the game. Time spent on Fleet looking for a group or waiting on the group to get filled in no way should be counted towards time spent playing. It's NOT time spent playing. If you want this game to be pvp-based you should be paying me to play it, not the other way around.

Edited by Darnu
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