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Gunnery vs. Juggernaut: Need advice


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Does anyone have any advice on how to approach Sith Juggernauts in PvP? In WZs I always target the low armor and non-guarded enemies first, but occasionally I have to fight a Jug and I always get my teeth kicked in. They seem to do an insane amount of damage considering how tanky they are. Does anyone have any strategies or advice on how to deal with them?
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Does anyone have any advice on how to approach Sith Juggernauts in PvP? In WZs I always target the low armor and non-guarded enemies first, but occasionally I have to fight a Jug and I always get my teeth kicked in. They seem to do an insane amount of damage considering how tanky they are. Does anyone have any strategies or advice on how to deal with them?


Depends on their spec but it is an uphill battle against them usually. The first thing to notice is if they force jump you if a red shield icon flashes over them.


If so, they're vengeance, and so don't waste any CC and don't use grav round on them for 4s, just keep alive and use skills they won't bother interrupting. After 4s you can use your knockbacks and CC on them. When I first started playing and didn't notice that shield I'd gotten used to knocking back juggs right away when they charged.. it wasted CC and made it impossible to beat them. If they break your stun and their resolve bar is not white, use concussion round as they won't be able to break the mez and you can get away (I generally won't try to solo vengeance juggs unless I can utilize terrain to make it so they can't get to me without jumping, then I stand on the edge of cliffs and such so that when they jump to me they fall off)


If they DON'T have a shield, they may be rage. Watch for force crush, and if they choke you, it can be worth breaking (esp if their bar is white). When they use a jump on you right after choke (their short distance jump) congratulations you've just unveiled a rage juggernaut, use your knockback as soon as they jump, they ALWAYS follow force choke and obliterate with smash. Unless they're really good you will almost always make them waste their enhanced smash on empty ground. You've just trumped their one trick pony and took away 90% of their danger and they're the easiest juggernauts for you to kill.


The real tanky juggs, I don't really notice one way or the other, they don't hit very hard and they're hard to kill, generally they're going to be near someone they're guarding anyway or they're not doing their job. If you're 1v1 vs them they're terrible.

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I'm not gunnery, so sorry if this isn't super helpful, but I have fought plenty of gunneries and those wielding lightsabers.


My suggestion is, especially if the jug is very bursty, save reactive shield for their opener when they have the big shield icon over their toon which seems to make them immune to KB.


After their immunity wears off, u can concuss charge for some distance and get off your first grav round, then cryonade to get the second, if they jump back in or force choke (trinket the choke) w/e, and get close to you, stock strike for distance again and another grav round. A hib and demo round in their should end it.


If not, it might be a gear issue then or they got you with too many interrupts (not super sure what interrupts they have tho).


Again, I'm assault so I usually kite with good success, but from what I've seen juggs and marauders can beast if they get up in your face for too long. Let me know if this for some reason doesn't work.

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Easy go for Crit and watch their so called armor waste away. Im a gunnery spec and My crit can land up to 2k for grav round, I even saw someone land 3K+ . Think that's great wait till you land demo round. Jugg or not as long as it is one on one proper use of skills and gear can land you a victory dude.
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Does anyone have any advice on how to approach Sith Juggernauts in PvP? In WZs I always target the low armor and non-guarded enemies first, but occasionally I have to fight a Jug and I always get my teeth kicked in. They seem to do an insane amount of damage considering how tanky they are. Does anyone have any strategies or advice on how to deal with them?


In Hutball, you should always try to stay on the top platforms. The higher, the safer. It is really easy to avoid fights as a commando gunnery spec here. Just knock them off and get out of LOS.


On any other map, most likely you are going to have to plant your feet and fight. Remember Commandos are like turrents. We do not move during fights. The only time to moe is during skills with no casting time, like sticky grenade, high impact bolt, demolition round, stock strike, concussion blast, and etc. When fighting someone one on one, your only hope as a gunnery spec to out dps your attacker. Do not use grenade is a one on one because it does less damage than your grav round, unless hitting more than one person. I would say use your concussion round, to hopefully make them use their breakaway from stun skill. This is only a trick to make them waste their skill. After this, you can use your cyro grnade for free hits. Once they are in your face, stock strike while backing up to create distance (after this distance, they should force leap to you). Once their force jump is on CD, use concussion blast to create real distance. DPS as much as possible while keeping him at distance as long as possible. Remeber you can hit him at a distance but he is limited.

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Does anyone have any advice on how to approach Sith Juggernauts in PvP? In WZs I always target the low armor and non-guarded enemies first, but occasionally I have to fight a Jug and I always get my teeth kicked in. They seem to do an insane amount of damage considering how tanky they are. Does anyone have any strategies or advice on how to deal with them?



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Does anyone have any advice on how to approach Sith Juggernauts in PvP? In WZs I always target the low armor and non-guarded enemies first, but occasionally I have to fight a Jug and I always get my teeth kicked in. They seem to do an insane amount of damage considering how tanky they are. Does anyone have any strategies or advice on how to deal with them?


Assault spec. Sorry if that's not what you want to hear, but they're nerfing gunnery for pvp soon, so you may as well get used to it now. Not to mention that it's superior in every situation you can find yourself in pvp.

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Assault spec. Sorry if that's not what you want to hear, but they're nerfing gunnery for pvp soon, so you may as well get used to it now. Not to mention that it's superior in every situation you can find yourself in pvp.


Is it possible to get a source for this nerf?


As far as going up against jug. never stop using hammershot no matter how bad it sounds constantly do damage till your instant cast are up. always use ur cuncusive charge and tryy to keep a gab between u and them. LOS and use elevations to your advantage save ur CC breaker till u need it. Blow your shiled early. most will try to burst you down from the get

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Assault spec. Sorry if that's not what you want to hear, but they're nerfing gunnery for pvp soon, so you may as well get used to it now. Not to mention that it's superior in every situation you can find yourself in pvp.


If this does turn out to be the case... I find it hilarious that they'd nerf the easiest class to shutdown whilst leaving powertech pyro builds alone.


Seriously against a class specced into lower cool down interrupts a commando is easy to take down.


I don't think we'l see a nerf to be honest i think they will rework the class a bit and make it less dependent on grav round/tracer missile spam

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Not commando nerf whatsoever. +10% Demo round damage and significant increase in Curtain of fire procs will produce more damage. Guaranteed.


10% less damage to Grav round is only a difference of a couple hundred hps... noobs will still spam it.

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