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1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and no reason to play rated. people are quitting


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You know i think that there should be a gear requirment on the rated warzones, lets say you have to have all bm gear(just a example, could be war hero or champ or half bm whatever)

that way there would be more tiers of gear progresion(which is what bioware likes) and there will be a more even playing field for the players in rated warzones(which is what players like) WIN WIN.

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I think what Bioware is trying to do with rated pvp is give everyone a chance to get the best gear easily, but if your a hard core pvper, gear wouldnt matter at all its about skill? And i like that.
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I think what Bioware is trying to do with rated pvp is give everyone a chance to get the best gear easily, but if your a hard core pvper, gear wouldnt matter at all its about skill? And i like that.


If you are a hardcore pvp'er progression and prestige matters. Besides we pay monthly for this game because with grind (as awefull as it essentially is) it is a carrot on a stick and will keep us chasing. If you just pvp to kill others, it can be fun, but you wont do it when its not fun - hardcore pvp'ers PvP even thought they might not always think its funny, cause they know the reward will be worth it (sense of accomplishment)

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the way I understand the new gear system is you still have to earn the gear, there's just no silly /played check to keep you from buying it once you have the ranked wz marks/badges/comms/whatever to buy it.


Sorry OP, saying it's "free" destroys your argument and invalidates anything you have to say.

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the way I understand the new gear system is you still have to earn the gear, there's just no silly /played check to keep you from buying it once you have the ranked wz marks/badges/comms/whatever to buy it.


Sorry OP, saying it's "free" destroys your argument and invalidates anything you have to say.


I believe it is purchase able for creds.

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If you are a hardcore pvp'er progression and prestige matters. Besides we pay monthly for this game because with grind (as awefull as it essentially is) it is a carrot on a stick and will keep us chasing. If you just pvp to kill others, it can be fun, but you wont do it when its not fun - hardcore pvp'ers PvP even thought they might not always think its funny, cause they know the reward will be worth it (sense of accomplishment)


Been PvPing since '94, and MuDs before that...


could care less about shinnies or carrots. You don't speak for everyone.

Edited by Tic-
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This game is not made for hardcore pvpers and to state that is just silly. This is a freindly pve MMo with some pvp aspects to it.


This game is made for a huge audience, hardcore pvp'ers being a significant part of that. You don't even have to be a hardcore Pvp'er to get bored of pointless killing.

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Your the one who said harcore pvpers need carrots, not me


A lot of people need a carrot on a stick to play MMO, you being the special case that dont. How much time do you invest in PvP pr week if I may ask? Im not implying anything, just wondering

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Let them quit. I'd rather those type of people were not in the game to start with. Warzones need to be competative and not all about geeks who play 24/7 and have the best gear.


Sorry but to much focus on "casual" generally kills a games subscription numbers in the long run. This is not a console game, the PC MMO market is little bit more dependent on the "hardcore" players to maintain a stable subscription base.

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i thought the hardcore pvp was all about the competition. i guess that was a ******** line too eh?


Since you obviously didn't read a lot in this thread, and still thought you'd voice your opinion, here you go: 1) Hardcore pvp'ers will have this equal competition with players who invest same amount of time as them. 2) competition without rewards will be boring fast, and people will spend less time on the game/pvp.


Next time read all of it before feeling the urge to be a smart ***

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OP is just a whiner. He's basically asking for the game to reward good players with better gear than bad pvp players. So he WANTS to have a gear advantage even when he already is supposedly better.


You are no PvPer if you're whining about not having an edge over other players.

Edited by Sharangir
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A lot of people need a carrot on a stick to play MMO, you being the special case that dont. How much time do you invest in PvP pr week if I may ask? Im not implying anything, just wondering


two hours a night a week, much more on weekends, dependng on my scheldule, I'm guessing. 90% of my playtime is PvP if not more. Why do you ask?



Its unfortunate the need is a carrot, instead of fun, engaging pvp.

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Sorry but to much focus on "casual" generally kills a games subscription numbers in the long run. This is not a console game, the PC MMO market is little bit more dependent on the "hardcore" players to maintain a stable subscription base.


Its funny how these people solve all of their disagreements by telling people to quit, not knowing the ramifications for themselves in the end. Humanity is sad, ain't it.

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Why do people call it "invest time". It's supposed to be a game ffs, not a job!



Certainly with PvP. "Whaa whaa, I have been playing for longer than you, so I want to have a stat advantage over you, otherwise I can't win."


Just play ffs.

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two hours a night a week, more on weekends, dependng on my scheldule.


Its unfortunate the need is a carrot, instead of fun, engaging pvp.


I agree, it is unfortunate, how ever thats what motivates me, and the competitive side of me urges to grind so I can be the best in terms of gear and skills. Even though the gear upgrade might just be 1% or maybe just better looking, cant say for sure yet.


I just know that if I only played pvp to have fun it wouldnt be a lot compared to what I do now.

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Why do people call it "invest time". It's a game ffs!


You're not supposed to invest time, you're supposed to play it.


You are supposed to do what you want with it.


If you dont enjoy gear grinds as much, or feel like ''investing enough time'' then maybe you should consider another gaming genre?

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You are supposed to do what you want with it.


If you dont enjoy gear grinds as much, or feel like ''investing enough time'' then maybe you should consider another gaming genre?




MMORPG: Massive, Multiplayer, Online, Roleplaying, Game.


Nowhere does it say "Grind X months for an extra digit on your profile". Maybe you should try another gaming genre instead of trying to turn this game into a korean grind.

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I still see alot of people in here comparing PvE gearing to PvP gearing. There is a huge problem with this that makes those arguments invalid by a longshot.


In PvE you have set difficulties, each different difficulty rewards different tiers of gear. From lowbie flashpoints to hardmode operations, its all in connection with the difficulty of the content, this gear then lets you tackle the next tier for new items and so on.


In PvP you have no set difficulty, its all about player skill vs player skill that sets the difficulty.


IMO, if a guy spends 200 hours during a month to obtain PvP gear and another guy spends 200 hours spread out over 3 months, both should have the same right to the same PvP gear in the end. Even if it takes them different amounts of time they have still put 200 hours into the game doing what they enjoy.


Why should the guy who cant spend as much time in game be punished? This is exactly the reason why ratings should have no impact on what gear you can get, since it cripples progression for some, just because they might have a life outside the game.


And why do the "hardcores" (are there even any such left in todays MMOs?) fear people with equal gear if they are just casual no-skill gamers? Hmm odd indeed.

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MMORPG: Massive, Multiplayer, Online, Roleplaying, Game.


Nowhere does it say "Grind X months for an extra digit on your profile". Maybe you should try another gaming genre instead of trying to turn this game into a korean grind.


No it doesnt, but WoW seemed to be doing alright wouldn't you say?


MMO's similar to wow/swtor contains a grind element, if you cant accept that then go away.

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No it doesnt, but WoW seemed to be doing alright wouldn't you say?


MMO's similar to wow/swtor contains a grind element, if you cant accept that then go away.


You seem to fail to understand that these things change based on our feedback. So stop trying to make me shut up because you don't like what I have to say.


You're pretty pathetic really, can't win against players with even odds, and then downtalk everyone who wants to take away your advantage.



PS: The longest running MMORPG still isn't gearbased.

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I still see alot of people in here comparing PvE gearing to PvP gearing. There is a huge problem with this that makes those arguments invalid by a longshot.


In PvE you have set difficulties, each different difficulty rewards different tiers of gear. From lowbie flashpoints to hardmode operations, its all in connection with the difficulty of the content, this gear then lets you tackle the next tier for new items and so on.


In PvP you have no set difficulty, its all about player skill vs player skill that sets the difficulty.


IMO, if a guy spends 200 hours during a month to obtain PvP gear and another guy spends 200 hours spread out over 3 months, both should have the same right to the same PvP gear in the end. Even if it takes them different amounts of time they have still put 200 hours into the game doing what they enjoy.


Why should the guy who cant spend as much time in game be punished? This is exactly the reason why ratings should have no impact on what gear you can get, since it cripples progression for some, just because they might have a life outside the game.


And why do the "hardcores" (are there even any such left in todays MMOs?) fear people with equal gear if they are just casual no-skill gamers? Hmm odd indeed.


But the sense of accomplishment is similar in PvP as it is in PvE.


I dont know why you think that a guy who doesnt spend equal amount of time is being punished? It's their own choice. Like, if you don't want to take a long education, odds are that those who do make more money than you and then you feel punished? No, you made a choice. Its unfortunate, but its reality.


Fyi most of us dont fear that casual gamers will have equal gear, cause we will still beat you. We do how ever fear, that it will be pointless to spend as much time on PvP as we might like, as rewards might not seem sufficient as any person could obtain it without effort.


Wouldn't you agree that its awesome to grind a boss to get gear? and if not, say they didnt drop gear, you'd probably still kill him to say you did it, but would you do it every week for a month? I know I wouldnt

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