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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

HELp can't choose a class :(


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Play one of the so called "underdog" classes, i.e., the ones people are always complaining are bad/useless/weak, but in fact are the most fun, and are in no way bad/useless/weak :p namely Operative/Sniper, Juggernaut, Marauder and their counterparts on the Republic side. In my experience, they're awesomely fun, have a great story and should definately be played:cool:
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Play one of the so called "underdog" classes, i.e., the ones people are always complaining are bad/useless/weak, but in fact are the most fun, and are in no way bad/useless/weak :p namely Operative/Sniper, Juggernaut, Marauder and their counterparts on the Republic side. In my experience, they're awesomely fun, have a great story and should definately be played:cool:


Ignore this guy.


If you can't decide, safe choices are Trooper/Bounty Hunter or Inquisitor/Consular. Any of the advanced classes are fine.


Warrior/Knight are still fine, both advanced classes are good, not as good as Trooper/Bounty Hunter or Inquisitor/Consular, but still perfectly playable.


Smuggler/Agent, do not touch this class. Contains the worst advanced classes. If you feel you have to play one of them, roll a Sniper or a Gunslinger. Decent enough class. DO NOT EVER touch Scoundrel/Operative. Hands down worst class in the game.

Edited by stephenjohnp
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It depends on what your style is. If you always want to be needed and recruited in a party, play a healer or a tank. If you want to be a solo artist, then dps. If you want to be evil, play Sith. If you prefer to make the Universe better, play a Jedi.


What do you like to do in a game? The more specific you get, the better advice you will receive.

Edited by mousestalker
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I played all classes in the beta, I would say to start go knight, and choose the guardian advanced class, in beta i played guardian, love it more than my lvl 50 sentinel. Go knight/guardian, awsome story, and you still get the heavy armor but can spec for DPS, sentinel is an only DPS advanced class and you can only wear medium armor. Plus you get a force knockback power that you dont get as a sentinel that comes in quite handy on most FPs. If your wanting to go empire, hands down i love the inquisitor class, great story, great dialouge options. And great advanced classes to choose from, sorcerer, or assassin. ones all force power focused, or healing. the other is stealth and you get to weild a double bladed saber. my choices for a starter
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Every class in this game can do their roles effectively.


Play what appeals the most to you, dont ask other players to tell you. It's better if you enjoy yourself as opposed to playing something that other players said was 'good' and then not enjoying yourself.

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This is a help us help you. What role do you want to play? Are you a solo pvper, interested in rated wzs or play with friends or a guild? Sith or pub?


That said I would recommend trying a few up to 10 then research their acs and pick one. For instance In beta I played a handful on each side up to 15 to see some story and mechanics. Then in EGA played a Jug to 17 then had a friend start a SI Sin so I rolled one with him in EGA and pvp'd to 24. Then I started a new SW and rolled a Mar and decided that was the best fit. Now I kinda wish I went powertech first as I started a pt alt which the mechanics are perfect for my playstyle.


Lomg rambling short try out a few classes and see which fits your playstyle we cant answer that.

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This is a help us help you. What role do you want to play? Are you a solo pvper, interested in rated wzs or play with friends or a guild? Sith or pub?


sith,melee dps perferably solo pvper i do plan on doing rated wz's alot if you can in fact solo queue for them.i am in a guild so probably a class that could get invited to pve stuff also


not trying to hijack the thread but im kinda in the same situation as OP,i know right now the only class ive made was a sith juggernaught

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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It really depends. Some say smuggler and agent are bad, but I tend to do better with them than my vanguard.


If you like PvE (Solo):


You want to be spec'd damage.


If you like PvE (grouping):


You want to be spec'd heals or tank. The rarity of those roles really depends on the server, so you may consider switching if you see a considerably higher amounts of "LF Tank" than "LF heals".


If you like PvP (Warzones)


You will probably want to be a team player and choose a class with a lot of utility


If you like PvP (Open World)


Stealthing can be pretty important (The ability to choose your battles), and even moreso in oPvP than Warzones.


If you want to play a tank: Assassin tanks are from what I hear the best hybrid for Damage and Tanking. They are also cooldown based, meaning they negate nearly all damage, where as Juggernauts and Powertechs rely on armor as well. This is balanced by their lack of shields (They have a few wards (shields)- the Juggernaut moreso than the Powertech). Assassins get a pull that works on friendlies AND enemies, and a sprint (20 sec CD), an AoE knockback, and is the only stealth and tanker


The Juggernaut has a leap on an enemy, a very, very VERY strong single target knockback that resets the cooldown on the leap, And a seperate leap on a friendly.


The Powertech has a leap, a pull that works on enemies alone, and that's it. I know they have an AoE stun and very very VERY high shield chance if spec'd tank, but shields are proced only by ranged and melee, which make up a lower amount of attacks in PvP than Tech and Force. For this reason, the Powertech is best in PvE tanking.


If you want to play a healer:


Sorcerors as of now are the best at healing multiple targets. They have a sprint on a 30 second CD, an AoE knockback, and a pull on a friendly ONLY. They also have bubbles to protect a friendly almost dead before casting a very very VERY large heal that may take a while.


Mercenaries are usually thught of as in the middle. Mercenaries get an AoE knockback (Almost as strong as Force Push), stronger than that of the sorcerers and assassins. They have a spammable small heal that costs no resource (energy, force, etc.), which the sorceror lacks. They can also call upon a shield that makes them temporarily immune to uninterrupts.


Finally is the operative. Most people think they are bad. Operatives are very HoT (Heal over Time) based. That means they will apply a move that will heal x per second for y seconds, meaning they are best if these HoTs go through their full duration. This makes the operative more adept at single-target healing than the sorcerer. They lack the bubble of the sorc and the heavy armor of the mercenary, resulting in bad survivability. However, they are the only stealth + healer, so they can just Vanish away. These healers have group stealth as their only utility useful to the group. Operatives, being based off HoTs and other instants, are very mobile, which makes them somewhat more useful for kiting and healing at the same time, and being less obvious as a healer in PvP (People will see heals going by, but won't know if it's you or that damage operative running around. You won't have a green cast bar, so they won't know for sure). In PvE, their single target heals makes them great for making the tank invincible, and can top off DPS with small instants. Their spammable no energy cost move is channeled, meaning you have to stand still, but also means this can be used as bait for someone trying to interrupt you, since this skill is borderline useless.


Next is damage. Oh, where to start.


If you enjoy burst from stealth, go operative. If you enjoy sustained from stealth, go Assassin.


If you enjoy mobile close ranged burst, go Powertech..

If you enjoy melee burst, go Juggernaut

If you enjoy ripping everything apart (Note that this class is hard to play for most people), go Marauder

If you enjoy standing still and using one move over and over again, go Mercenary (Merc)

If you enjoy standing still and having: Force leap immunity, Stun immunity on demand, a powerful knockback, insane CC, and the one who annihilates all melee (Also hard to play like the marauder), go sniper.

If you enjoy an easy class who is looked down upon by a lot of these forums, go sorceror.



By the way, Assassins and Sorcerors are Inquisitors,

Powertechs and Mercenaries are Bounty Hunters,

Snipers and Operatives are Imperial Agents, and

Juggernauts and Marauders are Sith Warriors


Happy playing.

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I haven't played since beta, but decided it's time to give the game a shot. I'm also debating on a class. My needs are pretty simple: primarily just interested in a fun leveling experience and enjoying the story. Pvp is of no concern, and neither is end-game. I'll probably do sporadic flashpoints, but not an emphasis. Really I just want to enjoy the experience of the story and questing.



I tend to gravitate towards the evil side, so probably Empire. I was wondering peoples' opinions on story and companions and general gameplay of classes. I like my 'flexible' combat. For example, I disliked the energy classes in beta because they felt so restrictive. I'm not sure if that's changed at all, or simply irrelevant if my primary focus is questing and enemies get bursted down so fast energy isn't an issue.


Anyway, thoughts would be appreciated. And I know opinions are subjective; I'm not asking anyone to tell me what class to play. Just looking for some general input.

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Really, all the empire classes have good story, although I personally didn't care for the Bounty Hunter's.


The Bounty Hunter, Juggernaut, Assassin, and both ACs of the agent deal with good burst, but since you said you didn't want agent or Bounty Hunter...


So yeah Marauder is fun too, but it's difficult for many people.

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sith,melee dps perferably solo pvper i do plan on doing rated wz's alot if you can in fact solo queue for them.i am in a guild so probably a class that could get invited to pve stuff also


not trying to hijack the thread but im kinda in the same situation as OP,i know right now the only class ive made was a sith juggernaught


Im more a PVP player yes.

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Ignore this guy.


If you can't decide, safe choices are Trooper/Bounty Hunter or Inquisitor/Consular. Any of the advanced classes are fine.


Warrior/Knight are still fine, both advanced classes are good, not as good as Trooper/Bounty Hunter or Inquisitor/Consular, but still perfectly playable.


Smuggler/Agent, do not touch this class. Contains the worst advanced classes. If you feel you have to play one of them, roll a Sniper or a Gunslinger. Decent enough class. DO NOT EVER touch Scoundrel/Operative. Hands down worst class in the game.

Ignore this guy.

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I have a 50 operative, marauder and mercenary and ive only really pvp so i dont know much about pve


From my experience in killing classes and getting killed by them heres a general overview of pros and cons of the classes in their better dps specs in pvp:


marauder - good survivability but pvp damage doesn't seem impressive they have mediorce burst (dont seem to wreck face like warriors in WoW)


juggernaut - in dps spec damage is a bit better than marauders along with their burst but their survivability is trash


sorcerer - a dot class burst is a joke but still have good damage output because they're ranged, good survivability as well


assassin - good burst from stealth and their in combat damage and burst seems decent as well, they also have decent survivability


operative - still wreck face from stealth even after the nerf just not as frequent now, burst and damage in combat is bad, survivability in combat is bad


sniper - good burst and damage tanks with their high defense chance can be annoying), good survivability as well (ill prob get flamed for this) the con is that they aren't very mobile and the cover bug can be annoying


mercenary - good damage, burst is ok one of the worst survivability classes in game you will get shutdown quick if you get aggro(now i know why mercenary bend over to cast tracer missile, because they get ***** easily)


powertech - good damage seems to be better than what marauders and juggernauts can do, melee + little defensive options means they are very squishy

Edited by iehnbjirsmniyn
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