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Everything posted by Morkhon

  1. Haven't played this game in a long time. Was bored and figured I'd grab the amazon bundle and give it a shot. Can't even get it to work. Guess I'll consider this a sign it wasn't meant to be.
  2. After a many year break from the game I've decided to level a character. I've narrowed it down to SI, but debating on the advanced class. I plan on being solo as much as possible and just enjoying the story. Warzones and flashpoints are a non issue for me. So I'm considering two options: 1. Assassin tank with Treek healing me. 2. Sorc with Treek tanking. I understand the gameplay differences, but my question is purely about which is more effective at soloing, especially heroic 2s and 4s. So I'm interested in things like...is gear importance more vital in one comp than the other? Is being able to skip combat (stealthing) all that valuable? Is Treek better at tanking or healing? Can I do heroic 4s with both, but one is easier? Stuff like that. Any opinions appreciated.
  3. I think BioWare would have been better served to do class balance more like WoW handled it back in vanilla days. Basically concentrate on a single class each mini-patch. Devote their full attention and do a really good job on each class one at a time. It seems like an easier way to balance than adjusting all classes at once. But maybe players don't have the patience for that kind of approach anymore.
  4. The damage doesn't concern me, as that shifts constantly over time. I did however think they would fix the atrocious resource mechanic, which they didn't really touch.
  5. It's not difficult to manage energy; it's boring and tedious. I made this argument in beta and sadly it looks like it's still the case. Mindlessly inserting your zero-cost base skill constantly doesn't take any great skill. It just means people who could actually use their full arsenal of abilities are penalized for doing so. It puts a skill cap on the class. It's a bad system, and I so want to play an OP but the resource makes it soo damn boring.
  6. I haven't played since beta, but decided it's time to give the game a shot. I'm also debating on a class. My needs are pretty simple: primarily just interested in a fun leveling experience and enjoying the story. Pvp is of no concern, and neither is end-game. I'll probably do sporadic flashpoints, but not an emphasis. Really I just want to enjoy the experience of the story and questing. I tend to gravitate towards the evil side, so probably Empire. I was wondering peoples' opinions on story and companions and general gameplay of classes. I like my 'flexible' combat. For example, I disliked the energy classes in beta because they felt so restrictive. I'm not sure if that's changed at all, or simply irrelevant if my primary focus is questing and enemies get bursted down so fast energy isn't an issue. Anyway, thoughts would be appreciated. And I know opinions are subjective; I'm not asking anyone to tell me what class to play. Just looking for some general input.
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