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Admit it: EGA handled brilliantly.


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And neither do you. In OTHER games, the competitive community is large. There is no reason to suggest that the same wouldn't be true of this game, other than that the launch effectively nullified the race to 50, and gave a small minority total control over early game market and early gear discrepancy arbitrarily.


OH NO he has better gear then ME????!!!?! GASP. He is 20 levels ahead of ME!!!!!


The competitive community of an MMO is tiny compared to its actual user base size. Nobody cares who got to 50 first, or who got uber gear "X" first except people who have noting better to do then sit at the Bank all day showing off their fancy digital gloves and cartoon pony.

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Now that all of the trolls and whiners are in game, it's time to admit the truth: The Early Game Access program was a HUGE success.


what did they promise in the beginning? Up to 5 days of early game access depending on when you preorder. Then they made it even better by giving us up to SEVEN days of EGA. And then, when everyone who preordered late were bemoaning how "unfair " it would be if they only got a day (even though it would've been their own fault), it looks like almost EVERYONE will get 4 days of EGA, and the vast majority getting five OR MORE.


All of this was done with precision, with no major screw ups other than the occasionally full server when accessing (to be expected).


If any devs read this, THANK YOU for handling the trolls with grace and aplomb and putting up with their petulance and childish behavior, THANK YOU for letting us in early to play, and most of all THANK YOU for making what I think is the best MMO I've ever played.


I approve of this post

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No sorry not the way to launch an MMO.


I'm cool with not getting in till today, I Pre-Ordered late, I get it. That being said;


Did the EGA prevent ques?

Did the EGA prevent overcrowding in zones?

Did the EGA promote community?

Did the EGA control the faction imbalance?


No to all of these things. Sooo what did the EGA do?


Did the EGA create level gaps between guilds/friends?

Did the EGA make many future customers feel left out?

Did the EGA make the forums look like we're mostly all 5 year olds?

Did the EGA show us the lack of communication we can expect with Bio-Ware?


Yes...so what was the point of the EGA again?

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Best launch system.... other games will copy this, because it works. I per-payed for a game that will be in stores on the 20th of December. Because I put money into the pre-order this company will let me in before the 20th. Some people payed in July they get in first some in December they get in when everyone else who payed before them are in. Everyone who pre-orders will be in by the 19th which is before the game is released in stores. That's what was advertised "up to 5 day early game access" so you will be in game by the 19th or before. I was in before the 19th and many of you will to if you pre-ordered. This works and will gladly pre-order again any game that uses this system, next time on day one of the pre-order announcement!


Also no crash, no queue, no lag. Game looks great and runs smoothly!

Perfect launch IMO.


Totally agree. Can think of nothing to complain about the system. It's been perfectly smooth, starting areas aren't overloaded (they weren't on day one and they're not now), and I've had no crashes after playing for hours every day since day one.


As for the QQers who think the game is now "pointless" since they can't be part of the "race to 50": Feel free to find a different game, then. We won't miss you. Anyone who thinks SWTOR is about the "race to 50" isn't doing it right. As far as I'm concerned, it's exactly what they promised: KOTOR 3 - 11 (with non-class quests duplicated, of course), but with the MMO, "I can play with my friends if I want to" stuff added as well. It allows me to play a great single player game AND get together with my guild to take down a World Boss all in the same game. It's everything I always wanted WoW to be, but which WoW never was.


Didn't have to think twice before I got the 6-month (or whatever the longest one was) subscription after only a few days of play.... Great job, Bioware. If I still lived in that area of Texas, I'd order y'all some Taco Cabana on me. (you can share)

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My husband isn't in yet, but we aren't really that upset. We plan on leveling different jobs together, so I just picked a starting class that he had no interest in trying the counterpart. This is a game designed for numerous alts because of the differing stories. Early game access is neat, but it isn't making or breaking the game for me. I really think the biggest complaints can be felt in PVP, but we shall see.
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EGA was handled horribly, period.


ToR should have been hailed as one of the best launches with one of the most well made games at launch. Instead, it's going to be known as the famous "Early Release Debacle of ToR."


I really hope future game companies learn from this.

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I hate PvP so even had I gotten in on day 1 I wouldn't have "ganked" people just getting in now.


HOWEVER, I'm thinking HARD about rolling a character on a PvP server and making a big list of people who are level 1 tomorrow and devote my life to blowing their toon up again and again BECAUSE of all this pathetic whining.


If you wanted to start out on the same level as everyone else...you should have preordered when they did. What gives you the impression that you deserve to have the rules changed AFTER the fact to give you special treatment.


What amazes me is that some of you get to actually vote for President. Which, btw, explains a LOT.

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Now that all of the trolls and whiners are in game, it's time to admit the truth: The Early Game Access program was a HUGE success.


what did they promise in the beginning? Up to 5 days of early game access depending on when you preorder. Then they made it even better by giving us up to SEVEN days of EGA. And then, when everyone who preordered late were bemoaning how "unfair " it would be if they only got a day (even though it would've been their own fault), it looks like almost EVERYONE will get 4 days of EGA, and the vast majority getting five OR MORE.


All of this was done with precision, with no major screw ups other than the occasionally full server when accessing (to be expected).


If any devs read this, THANK YOU for handling the trolls with grace and aplomb and putting up with their petulance and childish behavior, THANK YOU for letting us in early to play, and most of all THANK YOU for making what I think is the best MMO I've ever played.


Out of touch, must be an old person.

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No sorry not the way to launch an MMO.


I'm cool with not getting in till today, I Pre-Ordered late, I get it. That being said;


Did the EGA prevent ques?

Did the EGA prevent overcrowding in zones?

Did the EGA promote community?

Did the EGA control the faction imbalance?


No to all of these things. Sooo what did the EGA do?


Did the EGA create level gaps between guilds/friends?

Did the EGA make many future customers feel left out?

Did the EGA make the forums look like we're mostly all 5 year olds?

Did the EGA show us the lack of communication we can expect with Bio-Ware?


Yes...so what was the point of the EGA again?


Just had to quote this for pure logic.

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no sorry not the way to launch an mmo.


I'm cool with not getting in till today, i pre-ordered late, i get it. That being said;


did the ega prevent ques?

Did the ega prevent overcrowding in zones?

Did the ega promote community?

Did the ega control the faction imbalance?


No to all of these things. Sooo what did the ega do?


Did the ega create level gaps between guilds/friends?

Did the ega make many future customers feel left out?

Did the ega make the forums look like we're mostly all 5 year olds?

Did the ega show us the lack of communication we can expect with bio-ware?


Yes...so what was the point of the ega again?


love it!

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No sorry not the way to launch an MMO.


I'm cool with not getting in till today, I Pre-Ordered late, I get it. That being said;


Did the EGA prevent ques?

Did the EGA prevent overcrowding in zones?

Did the EGA promote community?

Did the EGA control the faction imbalance?


No to all of these things. Sooo what did the EGA do?


Did the EGA create level gaps between guilds/friends?

Did the EGA make many future customers feel left out?

Did the EGA make the forums look like we're mostly all 5 year olds?

Did the EGA show us the lack of communication we can expect with Bio-Ware?


Yes...so what was the point of the EGA again?


Let them know...use the rating button under "Additional Options" on the bottom of each post.

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No sorry not the way to launch an MMO.


I'm cool with not getting in till today, I Pre-Ordered late, I get it. That being said;


Did the EGA prevent ques?

Did the EGA prevent overcrowding in zones?

Did the EGA promote community?

Did the EGA control the faction imbalance?


No to all of these things. Sooo what did the EGA do?


Did the EGA create level gaps between guilds/friends?

Did the EGA make many future customers feel left out?

Did the EGA make the forums look like we're mostly all 5 year olds?

Did the EGA show us the lack of communication we can expect with Bio-Ware?


Yes...so what was the point of the EGA again?


Cant argue with that, but its still better then any other mmo launch to date.

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No sorry not the way to launch an MMO.


I'm cool with not getting in till today, I Pre-Ordered late, I get it. That being said;


Did the EGA prevent ques?

Did the EGA prevent overcrowding in zones?

Did the EGA promote community?

Did the EGA control the faction imbalance?


No to all of these things. Sooo what did the EGA do?


Did the EGA create level gaps between guilds/friends?

Did the EGA make many future customers feel left out?

Did the EGA make the forums look like we're mostly all 5 year olds?

Did the EGA show us the lack of communication we can expect with Bio-Ware?


Yes...so what was the point of the EGA again?


This, the concept of a staggered EGA is good and i see the reasoning behind it, though i believe it wasn't executed as good as it could have been.

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No sorry not the way to launch an MMO.


I'm cool with not getting in till today, I Pre-Ordered late, I get it. That being said;


Did the EGA prevent ques?

Did the EGA prevent overcrowding in zones?

Did the EGA promote community?

Did the EGA control the faction imbalance?

Um... Can't speak for "faction imbalance" (not sure how EGA would have anything to do with that regardless), as I'm on PvE server and just don't care about it (to the point where I don't even know whether it exists or not... Nor will any of us know until after launch), but as for the other three:




and Yes.


I've had zero ques, have never felt an area was overcrowded (came closer in beta, actually), and think the sense of community has been fabulous; WAY better than I've ever seen in an MMO. Maybe my server's just awesome, but I doubt it.


Edit: Just checked to see where these sever ques are... I see the problem. They're all in Europe. (that and Euros are all off work now) Perhaps there was a underestimation of how many European players there would be or something... My East Coast server population is listed as "Heavy", but I've never waited at all to get in, not once.

Edited by Guinnessmonkey
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No sorry not the way to launch an MMO.


I'm cool with not getting in till today, I Pre-Ordered late, I get it. That being said;


Did the EGA prevent ques?

Did the EGA prevent overcrowding in zones?

Did the EGA promote community?

Did the EGA control the faction imbalance?


No to all of these things. Sooo what did the EGA do?


Did the EGA create level gaps between guilds/friends?

Did the EGA make many future customers feel left out?

Did the EGA make the forums look like we're mostly all 5 year olds?

Did the EGA show us the lack of communication we can expect with Bio-Ware?


Yes...so what was the point of the EGA again?


Best post regarding EGA on the forums - nailed


Sticky please!

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You would be my point exactly. Congratulations instead of reading and reply with a well thought out rebuttal I get a can't be bothered to type meme.




Uhm, you asked if the EGA made you look like a 5 year old child. I answered your question.


As to the rest, you are stating what you think the EGA was for and then saying it didn't accomplish those things.


Let me rebut then oh wise guru of logic with a question of my own and there's only one really.


Did the EGA let people access the game early?


I'm sure you can't handle the raw logic of this being the only question needed...so let me help by unabbreviating EGA.




Mission accomplished. ****.

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