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You hate premades yet you play an mmo?


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I just do not get why ppl today hate grouping and even hate the ppl who do group more.

You complain that premades are easy mode and the players only group so they can have it easy.


I find this funny cuz in the next post half of those premade haters ask for everything to be made easy mode for them like getting armor and asking for everyone but thier chars to be nerfed.


Making friends and grouping with them is part of playing an mmo. I am sorry that pugs suck most of the time but that is not the fault of ppl who form premades. There are ways for you to do the same and if you feel that it is not your style to make friends or form groups in an mmo then only thing i can say is that maybe mmo's are not for you.

Edited by Badlander
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So true...


I love grouping.

My MMO days go back to the likes of Ultima Online. Those days you could get nowhere without making friends and being part of the comunity.


A lot of todays generation of gamers are forgetting what a game actually is.

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I don't have to make friends in real life ans till be social...


The same is true in MMO. I am interacting with other people, just not close enough to talk on vent all the time!


PUG is still being social. Some people just don't have enough time to commit to having stable groups or in a guild. Their play time may be random, so it's hard for them to find a premade group.

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Don't forget, a lot of the demographic of this game were people used to the single player RPG games. So of course they're going to QQ about getting stomped in an ONLINE MULTIPLAYER MORE THAN 1 game.


Mix that with WoW crowd that migrated here and we've got rotten to the core community of self entitled elitists who don't want to rely on others because everything they could do in other game they came from was given them for granted with no effort or reliance on other players IN AN MMO.

Edited by Lerdoc
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The difference between random socializing in random groups and pugs and joining a guild and being in vent every day is like the difference between going out dancing with strangers and going home with them.


What is it about me that makes men want to tell me their life story? Their prior convictions, upcoming trial dates for spouse abuse, mental health and substance abuse issues, the fact that they eat pork rinds every morning for breakfast, the fact that after 4 hours of conversation between farming mobs they're madly in love and want me to have their babies....


I'm a creep magnet. So thanks very much, but I'm going to keep my socialization to a level where I feel comfortable, and anyone who suggests I do otherwise is welcome to all those people I just described. I wish you hundreds of fat children.

Edited by maradigamer
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I just do not get why ppl today hate grouping and even hate the ppl who do group more.

You complain that premades are easy mode and the players only group so they can have it easy.


I find this funny cuz in the next post half of those premade haters ask for everything to be made easy mode for them like getting armor and asking for everyone but thier chars to be nerfed.


Making friends and grouping with them is part of playing an mmo. I am sorry that pugs suck most of the time but that is not the fault of ppl who form premades. There are ways for you to do the same and if you feel that it is not your style to make friends or form groups in an mmo then only thing i can say is that maybe mmo's are not for you.


Your argument fails. Grouping is not and should never be mandatory in a MMO. Massive Multiplayer means the other players are there to interact with, not that they MUST group. Grouping is an option, but the solo experience should be rewarding too. If there is sufficient interest in a solo queue, then this should be looked into.


And seriously, the FULL name of these games is MMORPG: MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE ROLE PLAYING GAME. Are you going to suggest we all talk in character in chat and ventrilo all the time too? I assure you (and the relatively small number of roleplaying servers proves) that this is NOT to everyone's taste.

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Your argument fails. Grouping is not and should never be mandatory in a MMO. Massive Multiplayer means the other players are there to interact with, not that they MUST group. Grouping is an option, but the solo experience should be rewarding too. If there is sufficient interest in a solo queue, then this should be looked into.


And seriously, the FULL name of these games is MMORPG: MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE ROLE PLAYING GAME. Are you going to suggest we all talk in character in chat and ventrilo all the time too? I assure you (and the relatively small number of roleplaying servers proves) that this is NOT to everyone's taste.


No one saying it should be mandatory. Wha't I cant understand is those who have no intrest at all in grouping or player intreaction. MMO's are all about playing along side others. I am not saying there should be no solo content as we all have times when we can't comit to groups because of real life. There are some players out there who only ever want to solo. At the end of the day you can get a great solo imersive and open world feel from somthing like Skyrim.

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Your argument fails. Grouping is not and should never be mandatory in a MMO. Massive Multiplayer means the other players are there to interact with, not that they MUST group. Grouping is an option, but the solo experience should be rewarding too. If there is sufficient interest in a solo queue, then this should be looked into.


And seriously, the FULL name of these games is MMORPG: MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE ROLE PLAYING GAME. Are you going to suggest we all talk in character in chat and ventrilo all the time too? I assure you (and the relatively small number of roleplaying servers proves) that this is NOT to everyone's taste.


Grouping IS NOT mandatory.


But please, don't come here crying that you can't do SOLO what GROUPS do easily.

Yes, grouping makes things easier. No there is NOTHING WRONG WITH IT IN MMO.

Don't like to group up? The thought of a premade group gives you chills? There is a whole world if single player RPGs.

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Grouping IS NOT mandatory.


But please, don't come here crying that you can't do SOLO what GROUPS do easily.


I never asked to be able to solo and beat premades. I only ever asked not to have to try. Random vs random. Premade vs premade. I don't even care if you premades get better, shinier gear that cures cancer for running premades, just as long as you (and your gear) can't ruin our random games.

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The difference between random socializing in random groups and pugs and joining a guild and being in vent every day is like the difference between going out dancing with strangers and going home with them.


What is it about me that makes men want to tell me their life story? Their prior convictions, upcoming trial dates for spouse abuse, mental health and substance abuse issues, the fact that they eat pork rinds every morning for breakfast, the fact that after 4 hours of conversation between farming mobs they're madly in love and want me to have their babies....


I'm a creep magnet. So thanks very much, but I'm going to keep my socialization to a level where I feel comfortable, and anyone who suggests I do otherwise is welcome to all those people I just described. I wish you hundreds of fat children.


WOW, i just read a bunch of your other posts. You have some real issues about men and some real self importance thinking that we all feel that way about you.

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WOW, i just read a bunch of your other posts. You have some real issues about men and some real self importance thinking that we all feel that way about you.


You know nothing about me at all, of course, and reading a bunch of forum posts, then going all Dr. Phil won't help you.


Therefore, I wish you hundreds of fat, drunken, murderous, pork rind eating children. :p

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I just do not get why ppl today hate grouping and even hate the ppl who do group more.

You complain that premades are easy mode and the players only group so they can have it easy.


I find this funny cuz in the next post half of those premade haters ask for everything to be made easy mode for them like getting armor and asking for everyone but thier chars to be nerfed.


Making friends and grouping with them is part of playing an mmo. I am sorry that pugs suck most of the time but that is not the fault of ppl who form premades. There are ways for you to do the same and if you feel that it is not your style to make friends or form groups in an mmo then only thing i can say is that maybe mmo's are not for you.




Last time I checked. M.M.O. Ment Massive Multi Player Online. I dont see anything in there that says grouping. Sometimes people just wana log in and play. And the fact that you have pre made facerolling spec and guilds taking advantage of non premades is boaring and stupid.



I hate winning WZ in less then 5min cause we score 6 times. I also hate being fodder for kill farms. So heres an idea keep the pre mades in pre made queues were they might get queue against some kinda challange and keep the randoms random.




Now if your just looking for faceroll wins well then just say it and stop tring to be all cool and use the ruse that you care when infact you just wana take advantge of teams less skilled and geared.

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When I pug, I'm still playing with other people. You can't redefine social to fit your definition (vent premade, I guess?).


Okay, you can redefine it all you want, but no one is buying it.


Bioware obviously are, hence why they allow premades.

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Last time I checked. M.M.O. Ment Massive Multi Player Online. I dont see anything in there that says grouping. Sometimes people just wana log in and play. And the fact that you have pre made facerolling spec and guilds taking advantage of non premades is boaring and stupid.



I hate winning WZ in less then 5min cause we score 6 times. I also hate being fodder for kill farms. So heres an idea keep the pre mades in pre made queues were they might get queue against some kinda challange and keep the randoms random.




Now if your just looking for faceroll wins well then just say it and stop tring to be all cool and use the ruse that you care when infact you just wana take advantge of teams less skilled and geared.


Couldn't agree more, but doubt the devs see it that way or smart enough to know how to fix the issue.

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Bioware obviously are, hence why they allow premades.


I never said they shouldn't allow premades. I just don't think they should allow premades to mix with pugs. We don't belong together, we don't like each other. Nearly every thread on this subject on this forum proves that.

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I never said they shouldn't allow premades. I just don't think they should allow premades to mix with pugs. We don't belong together, we don't like each other. Nearly every thread on this subject on this forum proves that.


This ^


And since the new ranked WZ's seem to have seperate rankings for solo players, it would seem Bioware actually agrees with you too.

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I never said they shouldn't allow premades. I just don't think they should allow premades to mix with pugs. We don't belong together, we don't like each other. Nearly every thread on this subject on this forum proves that.


It's not going to change until cross-server PvP is implemented, I don't think. They may prioritise premade vs premade, but they're not going to create two queues when there's already a problem with queue times; you'd just be discouraging people from playing as an organised group, and I'll happily castrate/spay anyone who believes that is a valid option.


And I read your other posts; I can see what you are saying, even if I don't agree. I don't think anecdotal evidence on these forums is enough to call it on whether pugs like or dislike premades. It's a mixed bag; they don't like going against them, but they're all for being on the same team as them.


I personally would not PvP if it weren't for my guild and the groups I get to run with. PvP is bland without friends to enjoy it with. I realise it's not the most helpful advice in the world, but it really is the best advice: find such a group of people.


And I'll be perfectly honest: whilst I certainly love competing against other premades, I also love stomping pugs. Both are endless fun. As a rule if someone in a premade team tells you they only run with a premade because they "like the competition"... they're lying, or selling you something, or trying very hard to impress you.

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It's not going to change until cross-server PvP is implemented, I don't think. They may prioritise premade vs premade, but they're not going to create two queues when there's already a problem with queue times; you'd just be discouraging people from playing as an organised group, and I'll happily castrate/spay anyone who believes that is a valid option.


And I read your other posts; I can see what you are saying, even if I don't agree. I don't think anecdotal evidence on these forums is enough to call it on whether pugs like or dislike premades. It's a mixed bag; they don't like going against them, but they're all for being on the same team as them.


I personally would not PvP if it weren't for my guild and the groups I get to run with. PvP is bland without friends to enjoy it with. I realise it's not the most helpful advice in the world, but it really is the best advice: find such a group of people.


And I'll be perfectly honest: whilst I certainly love competing against other premades, I also love stomping pugs. Both are endless fun. As a rule if someone in a premade team tells you they only run with a premade because they "like the competition"... they're lying, or selling you something, or trying very hard to impress you.


I think you're right, I don't think it will change until we have cross server. I already voted with my wallet on this issue. As much fun as some premades have stomping pugs (and I think you're right about that one, too) I've never seen a pug enjoy getting stomped and I certainly don't.


So I unsubbed and erased my CC. When my weeks are done, I'll be done until and unless something changes for the better. I'm just not going to keep playing a game that frustrates me.

Edited by maradigamer
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I think you're right, I don't think it will change until we have cross server. I already voted with my wallet on this issue. As much fun as some premades have stomping pugs (and I think you're right about that one, too) I've never seen a pug enjoy getting stomped and I certainly don't.


So I unsubbed and erased my CC. When my weeks are done, I'll be done until and unless something changes for the better. I'm just not going to keep playing a game that frustrates me.


Note: you don't say you don't enjoy being on the side doing the stomping.


That's where I lose a great deal of sympathy for people in your position. You seem like a reasonably intelligent individual, so I'm sure you can understand how telling it is for me that you specify losing and not simple a dislike of premades in general.


I'm not trying to be picky, but the devil is in the detail :p

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Note: you don't say you don't enjoy being on the side doing the stomping.


That's where I lose a great deal of sympathy for people in your position. You seem like a reasonably intelligent individual, so I'm sure you can understand how telling it is for me that you specify losing and not simple a dislike of premades in general.


I'm not trying to be picky, but the devil is in the detail :p


Well thanks for the compliment, but I should have mentioned long win streaks will cause me to quit playing for awhile almost as fast as long losing streaks. Almost. Not that I've had more than two or three of those streaks even though I pvp every day on several servers and across both factions.


But no way will I lie and say winning isn't more enjoyable than losing as a general rule because no one would believe me anyway!


I should add I have been known to feel sorry for a team we're beating really bad and feed them a kill or two or let them have a score, as long as it can't cost us the game.

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Well thanks for the compliment, but I should have mentioned long win streaks will cause me to quit playing for awhile almost as fast as long losing streaks. Almost. Not that I've had more than two or three of those streaks even though I pvp every day on several servers and across both factions.


But no way will I lie and say winning isn't more enjoyable than losing as a general rule because no one would believe me anyway!


I should add I have been known to feel sorry for a team we're beating really bad and feed them a kill or two or let them have a score, as long as it can't cost us the game.


I do too. There's only so much winning I can do in a day before I get bored, I admit, but instead of leaving the game angered with premades I leave the game feeling like my time and money were (fairly) well spent.


I'm sure you could find a group of people you mesh with that don't objectify you based on your voice, but then I guess that would be selling out ;P I understand your issue with vent and the entire "getting to know you" phase of joining a guild; it makes me quite anxious just being on vent with people I know. It is enjoyable once you find "that group" though, and I would at the very least encourage you to pursue the notion more aggressively prior to your game time running out. You may be pleasantly surprised.


There's not really much else to say beyond that; you seem to have made up your mind, and I'm not going to try to change it (any more than I already have, at least). Probably the most pleasant and balanced conversation I've had on these boards though, so thanks for that.

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