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Darth Maul in Star Wars: The Clone Wars


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I just recently watched the Brothers episode today and I found it disturbing in a number of ways. One thing I found really stupid was that they used the Son's line of, "The chains are the easy part, it's what goes on here that's hard," as a psychotic rant for Maul. It is obvious that Maul and the Son are both done by Sam Witwer (A.K.A Secret Apprentice) but I find it really unecessary to have two different characters saying the same lines. The other thing I don't get is how Maul went from being insane to at least halfway normal just by Savage asking, "Who did this too you?" I mean come on insanity takes years to get rid of and sometimes you can't get rid of it at all. It also seems like they are just going to bring all the dead characters in Star Wars back to life in this TV series.
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I just recently watched the Brothers episode today and I found it disturbing in a number of ways. One thing I found really stupid was that they used the Son's line of, "The chains are the easy part, it's what goes on here that's hard," as a psychotic rant for Maul. It is obvious that Maul and the Son are both done by Sam Witwer (A.K.A Secret Apprentice) but I find it really unecessary to have two different characters saying the same lines. The other thing I don't get is how Maul went from being insane to at least halfway normal just by Savage asking, "Who did this too you?" I mean come on insanity takes years to get rid of and sometimes you can't get rid of it at all. It also seems like they are just going to bring all the dead characters in Star Wars back to life in this TV series.


I don't remember the Son ever saying that line with the chains. Source it, the Son says nothing to that effect. Maul is quoting the Sith code, the Son never said such a thing.


Next off, he was no where near sane. From my perspective, he seemed pretty wacky the entire time. Savage had to ask repeatedly just to get a straight forward answer from him. The other thread I looked at was right, he reminds me of Ruck in many ways from Dragon Age.

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maul was cut in half and annhilated with a reactor core, he should'nt even be in any star wars episodes at all!


I didn't see a reactor core explosion when maul fell unlike sidious so there probably wasn't an explosion for maul.

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I don't remember the Son ever saying that line with the chains. Source it, the Son says nothing to that effect. Maul is quoting the Sith code, the Son never said such a thing.


Next off, he was no where near sane. From my perspective, he seemed pretty wacky the entire time. Savage had to ask repeatedly just to get a straight forward answer from him. The other thread I looked at was right, he reminds me of Ruck in many ways from Dragon Age.


My apologizes friend, he says it to Ahsoka when he takes the shape of a little gremlin creature while she is imprisoned, trying to lure her away from anakin.

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my question is why does Obi Wan know Darth Mauls name. It's never mentioned to him in Episode 1 or 2 so how does he know it?


I believe they found it on Nute Gunray's mecha chair or on some recording transcript. It was in an EU book or encyclopedia mention, I forget where though. I know it was not learned in the movies.


My apologizes friend, he says it to Ahsoka when he takes the shape of a little gremlin creature while she is imprisoned, trying to lure her away from anakin.


That is interesting. I vaguely remember that line now from the character. Thank you. It may be a simple reference to the Dark Side then since it is linked to the code. This does bring up analysis and debate. Thank you again.

Edited by Forgon
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I didn't see a reactor core explosion when maul fell unlike sidious so there probably wasn't an explosion for maul.


You are right, he just fell like 200m.


Although Palpatine's explosion wasn't that of the reactor core alone, it was actually caused by himself, see when some very powerful force users(Sidious being the most powerful Sith ever) die, they actually explode in a blast of force energy. Nihilus actually died in a little force storm. I imagine it was a combination of both factors, but the wiki page states the explosion was himself.

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In episode 1 i didnt see a reactor core explosion in Darth Mauls death but three big question puzzles me when he died who brought Darth Maul to life? who rebuild him a new body? and why? i guest we'll find out in the next episode maybe.




There is no Emotion, there is Peace.

There is no ignorance, there is Knowledge.

There is no Passion, there is no Serenity.

There is no Chaos, there is Harmony.

There is no Death, there is the Force.



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In episode 1 i didnt see a reactor core explosion in Darth Mauls death but three big question puzzles me when he died who brought Darth Maul to life? who rebuild him a new body? and why? i guest we'll find out in the next episode maybe.




There is no Emotion, there is Peace.

There is no ignorance, there is Knowledge.

There is no Passion, there is no Serenity.

There is no Chaos, there is Harmony.

There is no Death, there is the Force.




Maul wasn't brought back to life. In The Wrath of Darth Maul, he avoided his landing by going through an air vent similiar to what Luke did on Bespin. Seriously, click the link above.


As for his new body, he may have actually built it himself, but that's just a theory of mine.


As for the episode, I was really disappointed with how it started. Like, everything just went so fast. I couldn't understand why Savage was choking that woman in the bar.

Edited by Aitix
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Darth Maul is a live, because George Lucas says he's still alive.




Katie Lucas (George Lucas' daughter) is writing The Clone Wars episodes involving Darth Maul.


Before you think that's a bad thing, she wrote the following The Clone Wars episodes:

Season 3 Episode 7 "Assassin"

Season 3 Episode 12 "Nightsisters"

Season 3 Episode 13 "Monster"

Season 3 Episode 14 "Witches of the Mist"

Season 4 Episode 19 "Massacre"

Season 4 Episode 20 "Bounty"

Season 4 Episode 21 "Brother"

Season 4 Episode 22 "Revenge"

Edited by Quiet
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my question is why does Obi Wan know Darth Mauls name. It's never mentioned to him in Episode 1 or 2 so how does he know it?


Nute Gunray's stuff and did everyone forget his ship was in Naboo as well? I believe there's some other work referring to how Sidious took care of his personal droid(he had one just like we do in the game! =p) but couldn't erase everything in the ship except what woud lead the Jedi to him. Saesee Tiin investigated the vessel afterwards and said he could feel the dark side in each and every piece of equipment.


About his survival, it's quite ridiculous that Lucas decided to bring him back, I figured the EU works with him alive after Naboo were what if scenarios. Or clones like the one Vader kills. Anyway, while other Sith have survived on sheer hate and willpower even after losing half their bodies(Maw, who was a Dark Jedi not even a Sith did it) and worse(Vader) they could get medical attention relatively fast I can't really see Maul getting any help, will read the link you posted though.

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My apologizes friend, he says it to Ahsoka when he takes the shape of a little gremlin creature while she is imprisoned, trying to lure her away from anakin.


well diferent context i think he meant the real chains Ahsoka was inprison with... i think has nothing to do with the sith code... hell the son isnt even a sith to begin with. His aligment is with the dark side, but he is no sith, the code wont mean much to him im afraid.

maul on the other hand.

I think they are totaly diferent contexts and meant something totaly diferent. IMO.

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A decent episode though seemed over before it began.


Savage Opress reminded of Adebisi from HBOs OZ in his deemener and voice.


That is one cold hearted killer.



Not a big fan of bringing people back from the dead but from what i understand Maul has come back with robot legs well before the clone wars cartoon, I think it was a comic or something.

Edited by kirorx
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He upgrades to two legs from the looks of the little preview thingy at end of bothers episode.


I was told once by a buddy who is a bigger sw nut than I am that Maul survives because a jedis' padawan cannot kill a sith lord or something along those lines...anyone know anything about this?

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He upgrades to two legs from the looks of the little preview thingy at end of bothers episode.


I was told once by a buddy who is a bigger sw nut than I am that Maul survives because a jedis' padawan cannot kill a sith lord or something along those lines...anyone know anything about this?


What?....Ok first thats a ridiculous statement, a warrior is a warrior they can die in any shape or form. Second, Obi-Wan wasn't a padawan...in title? Yes, in skill? No in skill he was a jedi knight.

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