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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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The OP Sith continue to win WZ. Their electricity is ruling what once was a fun diversion. Now it seems a waste of time to continue PVP when we're outnumbered and outpowered. I'm guessing this is how you wanted it or it wouldn't stay this way. Anyway, I'll go back to questing. Got any recommendations on other games out there that might be more balanced in their PVP?
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Not sure what server you are on, but the only place the Imperials every have an assured victory was when they roll Illum on a 4-1 ratio.


I think I probably win 80% WZ and only lose the 20% (and that is mostly down to new 50s in a group). The Imps are not great in WZs at all and only a few groups put up a decent challenge.


I do agree that some balance issues exist but we have been told these are being addressed in 1.2.

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The OP Sith continue to win WZ. Their electricity is ruling what once was a fun diversion. Now it seems a waste of time to continue PVP when we're outnumbered and outpowered. I'm guessing this is how you wanted it or it wouldn't stay this way. Anyway, I'll go back to questing. Got any recommendations on other games out there that might be more balanced in their PVP?


Or maybe you just suck. Did you ever think of that? I play both sides, and from what I see, who wins is decided by the skill and teamwork of the players present. Gear is only rarely the deciding factor.

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The OP Sith continue to win WZ. Their electricity is ruling what once was a fun diversion. Now it seems a waste of time to continue PVP when we're outnumbered and outpowered. I'm guessing this is how you wanted it or it wouldn't stay this way. Anyway, I'll go back to questing. Got any recommendations on other games out there that might be more balanced in their PVP?


You want to know what is the common factor in all your losing teams? You.

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The empire is only OP when they also happen to be better players than you. It sounds like that is quite often?


While i will say the imps have some good players sadly ur mistaken. the good players on rep got tired of being rolled by mediocre skilled overpowered players. in a pvp system designed in favor of another faction. The fact is i can actually roll everything but a marauder 1v1 thats including those lame sorcs who think they are good and think they can stand infront of a BM commando who wears rakata and is stimmed+ adrenaled and is critting them for 6k+ while they try to heal through a never ending burst. face it Imps are mostly mediocre and have maybe as much talent as the reps do the fact is imp classes remain overpowered. thats the deciding factor. Skill has nothing to do with it 80% of the pvp base is mediocre not trying to be an elitist but its the truth. not everyone is gifted at pvp.

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While i will say the imps have some good players sadly ur mistaken. the good players on rep got tired of being rolled by mediocre skilled overpowered players. in a pvp system designed in favor of another faction. The fact is i can actually roll everything but a marauder 1v1 thats including those lame sorcs who think they are good and think they can stand infront of a BM commando who wears rakata and is stimmed+ adrenaled and is critting them for 6k+ while they try to heal through a never ending burst. face it Imps are mostly mediocre and have maybe as much talent as the reps do the fact is imp classes remain overpowered. thats the deciding factor. Skill has nothing to do with it 80% of the pvp base is mediocre not trying to be an elitist but its the truth. not everyone is gifted at pvp.


Your basic sentence structure and spelling negate any valid point you may be trying to make.

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I wouldn't worry about it they are introducing ranked pvp soon, everyone is gonna have their *** in the skillet. We are gonna see people exploit the **** out of classes and bioware will either respond or die. Sorcs time is nearing its end, they'll either nerf its utility or some other composition will outshine them so hard that people wont even notice them anymore.
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Hello everyone!


We appreciate feedback, both positive and negative. However, we do ask that that feedback is constructive. This post goes into more detail about what we're looking for in feedback and how to make sure your feedback is constructive and helpful.


With that in mind, we're going to go ahead and close the thread. If you have suggestions for the game, we have a forum for specific suggestions, the Suggestion Box. We encourage you to post your suggestions there!


Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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