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I have never used him, not once, on any character. So I don't know. He has no gear on him except maybe one piece I got as a reward a long time ago.


Currently his affection doesn't do anything but I heard that it will in 1.2.

Edited by chuixupu
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I used him once for laughs, totally gear less. What a bloody pain in the a**, every 2 seconds he said some random line. "Oh! I was just wondering what I could do to please you!"








Apparently he won't do this anymore, but I don't think even geared that useless rust bucket would be any good. Better off having your other companion DPS no questions asked.


OR you could summon him into battle for the sole purpose of watching him die. That is always fun.

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I use him (it?) almost exclusively. This is because I've maxed affection on every companion and have them on crafting missions all the time. If you gear him up he's a reliable healer (even though he lacks a weapon slot). You can find orange gear for every slot except weapon and shield. It's also funny watching him try to punch stuff when he's not healing.
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