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I for one really enjoy SWTOR and look forward to its growth.


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Actually im not 50 yet, but fortunately mmo = always expanding. I already have a ton of alts that im looking forward to lvling. so even after i cap out next week I will still have plenty for me to look forward to.


I plan to be busy enough that bio should have time to release more content.



BW BRAG - The classes all play very different. I really appreciate that.

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Ok, don't take this the wrong way, but if you're level 50 and you've ran out of things to do, you don't know what you're doing. Swtor is a wonderful experience that should be taken in small strides rather than giant leaps. Take your time and breathe it in, son.


Cool way you turned my post around like that. It's clear the number one problem in this game is lack of content read the forums its obvious. It's also clear the best thing about this game is the storyline......news flash. The story ends at 50 and your left doing the same repeatable quests at 50 for your content. You loke doing the same quests over and over? On top of that once you get your rakata pieces there's no reason to do those either and your left with sitting ask in the fleet hoping a wz pops. That's your idea of a fun game?

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I agree with you OP 100%!


This game is the best of both worlds, a highly detailed Bioware story based RPG, and an MMO. It's the chocolate and peanut butter of games! ^_^


I really can't wait to see what this game has in store for us in the future, I think that Bioware has made a very unique MMO that will develop a very unique and creative playebase.


In a sea of gear grinds, hard math, and 'pro gamer' rage, this game has proven that it is possible to put they actual story of a game front and center.


It's the journey, not the destination, that matter this time...and I for one am happy it's here.


May the force be with you.



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Guys, don't let the negative Nancies on the forums paint an incorrect picture for you. The vast majority of the player base enjoys this game immensely. This is the best MMO I have ever played (WoW and Warhammer being my other ones) and I hope my opinion doesn't change any time soon.
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Cool way you turned my post around like that. It's clear the number one problem in this game is lack of content read the forums its obvious. It's also clear the best thing about this game is the storyline......news flash. The story ends at 50 and your left doing the same repeatable quests at 50 for your content. You loke doing the same quests over and over? On top of that once you get your rakata pieces there's no reason to do those either and your left with sitting ask in the fleet hoping a wz pops. That's your idea of a fun game?


I'm done arguing with you. This thread isn't for you, so kindly leave. I'm enjoying TOR at end game and you're not. Why?...well because I was smart enough not to burn through the content, knowing full well that a new MMO needs time to grow and expand. I wont deny that level 50 is severely lacking content, but I've still managed to find ways to occupy my time while I wait for 1.2.


Playing MMO's sparingly was a decision of mine that has had immeasurable benefits to both my real life and my gaming life. You should try it.

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I have to admit that after watching a lot of the livestream stuff from that guild sumit thing that I can tell that this group of dev's really are dedicated to taking ideas from the community and running with them. I saw them take ideas from the questions presented to them and mark that idea down on the ipad for future reference so that they could add that idea into the game.


I also noticed that these Dev's are really dedicated to SWTOR becoming the best MMO there is to have a guild in, I even heard them say that and stress that so I now hope that the game is going in the right direction and I can say that one day they will have it all fixed.


I have always really enjoyed the game its just that I could tell right off the bat that the ONLY part of the game that was totally up to the standards I am used to seeing in a Bioware game were the story aspects of SWTOR, the rest needs a TON of work.


And from watching the Livestream and watching it unfold I was finally able to come to the conclusion that yes this dev team is dedicated to making SWTOR everything it can become. And I am once again on board, I still have a lot of problems with the game and I will continute to point them out as we go forward but I really can see myself playing this MMO for a long time because I love story in a game, and they did get that part right as long as new story content, for the class storyline continues to be added in, in a timely fashion.

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I'm done arguing with you. This thread isn't for you, so kindly leave. I'm enjoying TOR at end game and you're not. Why?...well because I was smart enough not to burn through the content, knowing full well that a new MMO needs time to grow and expand. I wont deny that level 50 is severely lacking content, but I've still managed to find ways to occupy my time while I wait for 1.2.


Playing MMO's sparingly was a decision of mine that has had immeasurable benefits to both my real life and my gaming life. You should try it.


Thanks for the life lesson bro. I'll make note of it. Don't hate just cause the content of this game is so easy and lacking that most people with any amount of skill can finish it without grinding. The only people this game will appeal to are the ones that play like this: level one character to 50 finish his class story retire him. Make new charcter level to 50 finish his story retire him. Level a third character to 50 finish his story retire him. Repeat a total of 8 times. If you want a good story get off the computer and read a book i guarantee you they are better than this story.

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Cool way you turned my post around like that. It's clear the number one problem in this game is lack of content read the forums its obvious. It's also clear the best thing about this game is the storyline......news flash. The story ends at 50 and your left doing the same repeatable quests at 50 for your content. You loke doing the same quests over and over? On top of that once you get your rakata pieces there's no reason to do those either and your left with sitting ask in the fleet hoping a wz pops. That's your idea of a fun game?

If one reads the forums, absolutely everything is broken, nothing works, nothing is balanced, and the only thing to do is log into the game and pretend to whistle.


I'm 50. Have been so for a while. I PvP. I run OPs. I run Flashpoints. I craft. I have a main alt that I log into.


What I don't do is whine that there isn't anything to do ;)

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The problem is that people expected SWTOR to have 12 million subscribers in the first couple of months. Which is unrealistic no matter what the MMO might be. I am very impressed with BW's work so far they have done far better than I though tpossible in such a small time frame. Of course only time will tell if this mmo will continune to be successful and I really hope it is. Edited by Paxmendacium
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Ok dont take this the wrong way but if you've been 50 for over a month and you still have a lot to do you don't know what your doing. Swtor is a hand holding guide you through everything for the masses mmo


The wife and I are level 550. We have been for over a month as well. We have full cleared regular EV and every heroic flshpoint at least once.


Do we want to go to the Palace raid? Sure, will we in the next week or two, No. Why? Because we dont play much every single day. I think we are able to play for around 3-5 hours a day MAX with twin boys and somtimes, we dont even get an hour.


Just because you ran out of stuff to do and have no RL doesnt mean the game sucks and is a hand holding POS.


You sound mad because everyone is getting to raid and full clear regular content. You seem really angry that the game isnt appeasing the 10% hardcore, while the other 90% doesnte ven get to run one raid.


As someone else said, breathe it in. Enjoy the game. The other reason why we arnt maxed out in gear is as follows.


I dont play an mmorpg for gear, nor does the wife. If I run a heroic or a raid, its to see the content and experience it. I have run BP and BT well over 70 times and STILL watch all of the cute scenes. We are NOT here for the gear treamil hamster wheel.


Secondly, we are leveling alts. I have a sith warrior level 21, sith assassin level 15, jedi sage level 15. Play in moderation.

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I have thus far only gotten a single character to 50. A Sorcerer.


Got some gear, did a lot of pvp, and generally destroyed heroics. And frankly? I got bored so fast. None of my guild mates wanted to do anything. None of my friends wanted to do anything. It was terribly dull sitting around the station all day.


But then, I stumbled on something interesting within the game. Did you know this game has cheat codes?



I entered: [Logout] -> [server Selection] -> [sort by type] (Look for: RP/PvP) -> [Create Character]



And the difference was just night and day, I'm once again enjoying just about every minute I spend in game.

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The wife and I are level 550. We have been for over a month as well. We have full cleared regular EV and every heroic flshpoint at least once.


Do we want to go to the Palace raid? Sure, will we in the next week or two, No. Why? Because we dont play much every single day. I think we are able to play for around 3-5 hours a day MAX with twin boys and somtimes, we dont even get an hour.


Just because you ran out of stuff to do and have no RL doesnt mean the game sucks and is a hand holding POS.


You sound mad because everyone is getting to raid and full clear regular content. You seem really angry that the game isnt appeasing the 10% hardcore, while the other 90% doesnte ven get to run one raid.


As someone else said, breathe it in. Enjoy the game. The other reason why we arnt maxed out in gear is as follows.


I dont play an mmorpg for gear, nor does the wife. If I run a heroic or a raid, its to see the content and experience it. I have run BP and BT well over 70 times and STILL watch all of the cute scenes. We are NOT here for the gear treamil hamster wheel.


Secondly, we are leveling alts. I have a sith warrior level 21, sith assassin level 15, jedi sage level 15. Play in moderation.



Bro I play 2 hrs a night and have a RL same as you. Again the fact that there is so much discusssion on the forums shows that I'm not the only one that thinks this is a lacking game. The fact that you have done bt 70 time and still watch all the cut scenes is just disturbing. But then again some people like remedial repetative tasks.

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Bro I play 2 hrs a night and have a RL same as you. Again the fact that there is so much discusssion on the forums shows that I'm not the only one that thinks this is a lacking game. The fact that you have done bt 70 time and still watch all the cut scenes is just disturbing. But then again some people like remedial repetative tasks.


What is your MMO of choice?

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Been playing mmos for over 13 years. My fav was EQ I hate how most mmos follow this cookie cutter format of this boss drops boots this boss drops chest picture just like the swtor ops. I also really hate not having named mobs in a game the system of all mobs dropping random trash rather than having one named sucks to me.
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It is a awesome game if it was released in 2004, i can't imagine anything better. What else could come out in the next year with basics features and A whole world thats isnt broken like ILLIUM. Atleast companies know now what not to do, put all their money into voice acting and leave some for engine that can support more then 20 people with out fps drops like crazy. How is it going to grow when its playing catch up with games that are beta and yet have more features...



Guild wars 2 server vs server pvp, that would be thousands not 30 people lagging all over the place.:D

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The game is good, still have some bugs and so what? Wich game doenst have them? lol And dont come to me saying that WoW doenst have bugs... Dont lie to yourself.


SWTOR has the best gameplay i played in a MMO so far... The best story, i really want to go futher to see what happens to me and my companions... To the galaxy! :D


I love the pvp, yes we need more mini-games! But the pvp is fun. Atleast for me.


Pve loving it. :D Yes, some bugs... They will fix it. Give them time.

Edited by -Kelerak-
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It is a awesome game if it was released in 2004, i can't imagine anything better. What else could come out in the next year with basics features and A whole world thats isnt broken like ILLIUM. Atleast companies know now what not to do, put all their money into voice acting and leave some for engine that can support more then 20 people with out fps drops like crazy. How is it going to grow when its playing catch up with games that are beta and yet have more features...



Guild wars 2 server vs server pvp, that would be thousands not 30 people lagging all over the place.:D


Your computer cannot handle thousands of players at one time.


Expect to be disappointed.

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Your computer cannot handle thousands of players at one time.


Expect to be disappointed.


It already has but thanks for trying, now fanboi its hard to grasp but there is a thing called YouTube, I know it very new thing. You can see other people who were able to enjoy the server vs server stuff if you don't believe me. I know with TOR's multimillion dollar engine you figure nothing can possibly surpass it..

Next think before you respond please.

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