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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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The problem and great annoyance with the queueing is that: I didnt choose this server, it was chosen through guild deployment.


I would have chosen a low populated server if it wasnt for my firends and guildies.


I just hope BW is working with a group transfer, divide the server or something simmilar to ease the pressure from the servers that are overpopulated.



BW must have known the size of the guilds they put on the servers. You cant just tell people to go play on another server if 100+ of your guildmates are on the full server.

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need to see what BW do on tuesday when they do the first maintinence cicle, see if thing get better then


I pretend answers now! I wasted so much time wating for this incompetents! I dont pretend a solution now, but at least a *********** **** answer! **** them!

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i dont see anything getting done on the weekend, people do have time off, they do have till the 20th to get something sorted as that is the actual release date, MMO's get updates all the time , just need to wait and see what they do, its in there best interests to sort it as the easyer it is to get in the more chance they have to get people to subscribe and pay
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*facepalm* This is a message to all those who joined today and some yesterday.

If the server was heavy, or seemed popular, why join?

I got in on the first day found the least popular server, I can log in without a queue even now.

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*facepalm* This is a message to all those who joined today and some yesterday.

If the server was heavy, or seemed popular, why join?

I got in on the first day found the least popular server, I can log in without a queue even now.


Because your guild and your friends and your enemies and their guilds and their friends are there??? What a question....

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dosnt help if a server that was sparsly populated is now full with a queue, not as big a queue as others i will say that, the easyest fix would probably be to split that characters from the servers so they span in a virtual environment, so that is one is full you just pick another one and carry on, guilds could possibly be done the same way, but it would take a while to get that done
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So I go to all the trouble of preordering, putting in the code , betaing, getting excited etc....and now I can't play in the only window of time I have.


If I can't play, I sure as **** ain't paying. If queues persist, I shall be wanting a refund for 'product not fit for purpose'.


I'm REALLY hoping this gets sorted. It better... because the game is awesome, but if I can't play it when I have the time, what's the point?

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Don't scream at Bioware treating them incompetent. Before players were whinning cause they could not get in the early stage process. Now they are in, but there is queue. Of course..what were you expecting! Now Bioware know exactly the size and the capacity of their server, and they will increase the capacity slightly and add more servers.



What's annoying me at the moment, but this is not Bioware fault, is that I've unfortunately a crap connection since 2 days (what a perfect moment seriously!) and I'm disconnecting regulary. Which mean that I might simply be unable to play. Disconnection + queue are not a good thing at all. :(

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Don't scream at Bioware treating them incompetent. Before players were whinning cause they could not get in the early stage process. Now they are in, but there is queue. Of course..what were you expecting! Now Bioware know exactly the size and the capacity of their server, and they will increase the capacity slightly and add more servers.



What's annoying me at the moment, but this is not Bioware fault, is that I've unfortunately a crap connection since 2 days (what a perfect moment seriously!) and I'm disconnecting regulary. Which mean that I might simply be unable to play. Disconnection + queue are not a good thing at all. :(



this argoument would be right from 20 decembers and on...we are all preorders and they knew exactly how many we were...also they messed up with random alliance distributions

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Of course..what were you expecting! (


For Bioware to know how many people preordered, how many got the email saying they could play. and have the server capacity to match. ESPECIALLY as the queues were bad yesterday, servers were down to day so you might expect things to be better...and for what? So the queues can be worse?


If the queues are bad, why invite more people to play and make it WORSE? Unless, ofc, you have increased capacity. Inviting extra without doing so just makes you look silly.

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