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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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They are adding more resources over the next week or so to allow more users on the servers. Have patients. It does suck but you're logging in at peak hours which doesn't help. And remember, this is early access, not launch. People screamed loud and they allowed more than they were planning to stagger in. That's the double edge sword of complaining. Ask and you shall receive.


HAHA that is very true. Its been that way since day one with these forums with needless complaints from people trying to get there way. The truth is people are doing more harm then good with there complaints. Well lets be honest alot of posts can be taken as threats to take a buisness out of buisness if a users demands were not met. Thats why all you trolls should be catagorized as a domestic terrorist!

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Dear Bioware,


I really like your game, but I am sorry to have to tell you, I am not willing to pay you any amount of money, regardless of how trivial, to sit in a queue waiting to play. My family considers my time invaluable. My employer is willing to pay me a very good salary to do my job. I consider my time to be important--I only have so much of it. You, Bioware, seem to think I am so enamored with your game that regardless of how long you make me sit around watching a queue line decrease, I will keep playing. I am afraid I am not one of those people. I realize there are a lot of people out there willing to pay you money to sit around for an hour and a half, but I am not one of them.


I have really enjoyed the game, so it is with a heavy heart I tell you... I will seek my enjoyment and entertainment elsewhere. When you finally get your act together and figure out how to balance server loads, please let me know. i would be more than happy to throw money at you to play. In the meantime, I am sure there are plenty of people with plenty of time on their hands who believe sitting around for 1.5 hours waiting to play a game is completely acceptable. It warms my heart that there are so many people with nothing else better to do than sit around waiting on a game. These people will keep this game in business while I do other, much more important things with my life.

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I consider if some players realize that they can play on realms not assigned to their guilds by bioware?


i understand most servers are full and queued, but small guilds or so, can move together to another realm, instead of "BIOWARE assigned me here, its my post!" complains.


Servers will get increased caps, more servers will open up (just today 10 servers popped up, 6 US and 4 EU - at least), so, hang on for a couple of days...


dont forget the official launch is at the 20th...

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I was almost ready to ding 19 on my Marauder when I got DC'd.


Started at near 1200 in queue on The Fatman.


Down to 875 after twenty minutes.


Whats that math?


if you take the estimated queue time bioware gives you and doubble it then add 30 minutes to that seems generally accurate

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1. There has to be a response from BioWare, are they really going to just let a 153 page forum post go nuts with a bunch of unhappy customers and really not say anything? For example I'd like to know:

  1. Are you working on increasing the cap per server?
  2. Are you working on a way to transfer whole guilds to new servers on less populated servers?
  3. Are the current caps on the servers the realistic limitation of what they can handle?
  4. How do you plan on handling the go live when millions more people start playing? - Note: you do realize they aren't all going to just pick new servers, they will be joining their friends and guilds on these already "FULL" servers?

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1. There has to be a response from BioWare, are they really going to just let a 153 page forum post go nuts with a bunch of unhappy customers and really not say anything? For example I'd like to know:

  1. Are you working on increasing the cap per server?
  2. Are you working on a way to transfer whole guilds to new servers on less populated servers?
  3. Are the current caps on the servers the realistic limitation of what they can handle?
  4. How do you plan on handling the go live when millions more people start playing? - Note: you do realize they aren't all going to just pick new servers, they will be joining their friends and guilds on these already "FULL" servers?


This /\/\/\

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It warms my heart that there are so many people with nothing else better to do than sit around waiting on a game. These people will keep this game in business while I do other, much more important things with my life.



Don't let the virtual door hit your entitled *** on the way out.

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1. There has to be a response from BioWare, are they really going to just let a 153 page forum post go nuts with a bunch of unhappy customers and really not say anything?


It seems so.

BW, learning how to loose costumers before game even starts.

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1. There has to be a response from BioWare, are they really going to just let a 153 page forum post go nuts with a bunch of unhappy customers and really not say anything? For example I'd like to know:

  1. Are you working on increasing the cap per server?
  2. Are you working on a way to transfer whole guilds to new servers on less populated servers?
  3. Are the current caps on the servers the realistic limitation of what they can handle?
  4. How do you plan on handling the go live when millions more people start playing? - Note: you do realize they aren't all going to just pick new servers, they will be joining their friends and guilds on these already "FULL" servers?

The history of huge threads on here is they are ignored. They reopen them multiple times over but don't address them.

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The Swiftsure was assigned to me. As of right now, I'm half way through and have about 2.25 hours accounted for in queue. Another 2.25 hours, as it looks like it will be, is unacceptable. a 4 and a half hour queue time is ok with you? I'm sorry, but I work a full-time job and my only wish was to come home and get to play for a little while. You can surely understand the frustration. You may have time to sit in queue, but there are a lot of us who don't, who'd like a chance for some of the great game play BioWare has created for us.


I have to admit I feel the exact same way, this is especially frustrating since I had though with pre-order access I would have a few days to enjoy the game without queues before the general press starts pouring in, that clearly has not been the case.


So this just leads me to wonder that if Bioware and it's realms are so overwhelmed with just the pre-orders what is going to happen when other 75% of players suddenly starts trying to login on the 20th? I mean if they can't handle just us things are going to get truly absurd in 3 days.


Also given the fact that Bioware knew the amount of players that would be coming given the fact that we pre-ordered my tolerance and acceptance of a 4+ hour wait time to get onto The Swiftsure is next to none. This issue needs to be sorted out very quickly since no matter how great a game is I for one will not be sticking around paying for something that I can't even get a chance to play.

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Then don't accept it, and move to a lower pop server...


BUT LEMME GUESS, you are going to find issue with that too,.


My guild was assigned to The Swiftsure. I'd like to play with them. I would have no problem switching to a low pop server if I didn't have my character there with my friends. I have every right to be frustrated by this; I do not ask anyone to console me band with me an uprising, but again, I do have my opinions on this and I have every right to have those opinions. This is not your place to GUESS what my thoughts on anything are, so don't speak for me.

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Over 150+ pages of complaints, and 65,000 views.


Not a single peep from Bioware.


Shows how much they care about their customers. If it's this bad now...launch will be a whole lot worse....


- W.



*sigh* Obviously you have never been in a mmo launch before.

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They are adding more resources over the next week or so to allow more users on the servers. Have patients. It does suck but you're logging in at peak hours which doesn't help. And remember, this is early access, not launch. People screamed loud and they allowed more than they were planning to stagger in. That's the double edge sword of complaining. Ask and you shall receive.


HAHAHAH...........we pre-order and why did we? so we can play 5 day early access so please don't give me this **** about them let more people in than usual. STOP FKIN KISSin ASSS!


Still waiting to get in and its only been 3 hours and 500th in queue.

Edited by joemladic
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People are getting in ASAP (as soon as possible) - they are getting in as soon as they are at the top of the 'q'.


People really need to grow up. If there is a wait go do something else. The great thing about games like this is they will be there later.


I dont think its a matter of whos grown up or not. I have the time and there is my complaint. Also ppl are talking about server queues and making it some ego thing. "My server has a 3 hour queue so your wait of an hour or more is nothing." Any wait to log into a game will not bode well for it. Im already about to say f it and go play skyrim so that is where one of their many customers is at. also i paid to have early access and this isnt it.

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The Swiftsure was assigned to me. As of right now, I'm half way through and have about 2.25 hours accounted for in queue. Another 2.25 hours, as it looks like it will be, is unacceptable. a 4 and a half hour queue time is ok with you? I'm sorry, but I work a full-time job and my only wish was to come home and get to play for a little while. You can surely understand the frustration. You may have time to sit in queue, but there are a lot of us who don't, who'd like a chance for some of the great game play BioWare has created for us.


I understand, but I'm just saying let BW iron out things first. this is the first week and it was never expected to be perfect. If you think its as easy as putting up a bunch of servers and listing them then you are wrong. A few others MMOs have done this and then merged the low population realms together and kept decreasing servers until it was resolved. BW doesn't want to approach it in that way. I work full time and I'm also going to school. I just got home from a 10 hour shift and the first thing I wanted to do was play SWTOR and now I have to wait 2 hours to do that. But I have an understanding for what they are going through, and I'm not going to complain. If I wanted to play right now I could but it just wouldn't be on the server of my choosing.

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