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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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Ok here is my only NERD RAGE against the Machine!!!!!!!!



AWESOME fantastic game, I am thoroughly addicted.


But the freaken QUE is intollerable!!!!!!!!!!!!!


THE game hasn't even launched, what the hell are you going to do when it go LIVE!! with 1 hour + ques already!!!!!!



YA'LL seriously need to get more servers up pronto and move some ppl fast before shorter tempered ppl leave the game ques and the GAME!!!

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absolutely nuts, my main character server has over 1300 in queue, secondary server has over 450 in server..and over 20 servers say full


how bonkers is this, i thought they were doing something about this??? its just gotten worse . Yes i understand more people every day..but they should be keeping up by increasing either the limits or the numbers of servers

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Really BW should be posting numbers of how many accounts are on a server out of total allowed. Its kinda silly creating a character on a light server just to find out that there are a zillion people on there, but not logged in, all ready. I joined a light server,today it is full and I am now waiting, number 358 in line.


I really hope this does not happen during live. When paying people log in, we expect to play, not wait in line.

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There are servers with low populaations, to anyone who doesn't have a level >10 toon. I suggest you make a toon on one of those servers.


TO the rest of us, here is hoping for a free character transfer off the 3horu quees !


you are suggesting me to start over every time I'm getting on queue? my Sith is lvl 12, I', creasy but not that creasy ;)


Best regards


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Ok here is my only NERD RAGE against the Machine!!!!!!!!



AWESOME fantastic game, I am thoroughly addicted.


But the freaken QUE is intollerable!!!!!!!!!!!!!


THE game hasn't even launched, what the hell are you going to do when it go LIVE!! with 1 hour + ques already!!!!!!



YA'LL seriously need to get more servers up pronto and move some ppl fast before shorter tempered ppl leave the game ques and the GAME!!!


I agree. If they don't fix this for launch, it's only going to get much worse, and I can see them actually losing many subscriptions over this until they DO fix it.

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Hope they fix it is all... I work 12 hour days and come home to get a 45min to an hour of play time in before bed and I am 785 in que with an average wait time of 83 min ?


I agree with the person that said that they need to open up the servers. I have the collectors edition as well but i think ill check the times a few days after launch and see what they are before i start my 30 day game time...


I would hate to come home each night during my inital 30 days and not be able to play at all due to large que times.


... Also... chose another server you say... It took me a long time to get to 16 with how much I play I dont want to start again....


...Signed HardcoreCasual

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The que times are ridiculous really. I thought the whole purpose of staggering early access was to prevent overloading the servers? A wait of a few minutes is one thing, but over an hour? Why haven't they been pushing newly invited players to less populated servers to prevent certain one's from getting clogged? I'm also, like many other people, wondering how this happened, since they know how many pre orders they have, surely they could and should have calculated the amount of servers necessary. Though I suspect it is a case of people all trying to join the same servers instead of going for the ones with lighter loads.
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More servers doesn't fix the servers that are full.


People aren't going to abandon characters/guilds and go start over on new servers.


BioWare completely dropped the ball here.


Only solution is to do your damndest to never log out til they come up with a solution.


This. All of this. The only argument you need when someone tries to bring up that point.

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You know it wasn't 'launched' in Australia yet, right? So why would they open up an Oceanic Server for us.


I think if they either increase server population / phasing if possible, or launch new servers with characters under level 10 allowed to transfer free, it would fix a lot of problems.


Yeah, I noted that the game was not released in Oz yet. So what? People have the game and are playing. You don't have to be a six figure, college graduate who's dad funded a dev company to know that.


The solutions you offer are suitable, just late! Should have been done on the first day it was known OZ intended to "occupy" The Swiftsure.

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