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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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This queue crap is BS. It's been 2 hours. And numbers is a non-issue; you knew exactly how many people were going to logon, so the argument about unexpected high volume of players is BS. Really sad. One of the better launches for an MMO, but fail due to server capacity planning. :mad:


Worse part: You wait 3 hours only to get booted out because you're AFK passed out waiting to login.

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I think I'll be done doing what I'm doing in WoW in 45 minutes or so, so queued up now for Hyperspace Cannon. I REALLY hope Bioware plans on upgrading their servers before launch... This will get very, very messy otherwise, and people will be driven away. I can tolerate a 15 minute queue when I come home for the day, but not 45 minutes plus. That's way too long to wait to use a service that I'm paying for.
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How is it the Aussies fault ya tool? Maybe if BW allocated the guilds to servers more than one day ahead of EGA people would've had advance warning which servers the Aussies were rolling on.


Racist ******!


Not all of the Aussie guilds were assigned to Swiftsure and The Harbinger. The prominent guilds from Australia were assigned to those two servers and the rest followed suit and created guilds there as the server became live.

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I understand the reason for queues and such. I am fine with waiting in a queue to get into a server when I first log in. However I would like Bioware to try and implement some sort of grace period for people who have a crap ISP. If someone disconnects in the middle of a flashpoint, then the party as a whole is F'd. A small window for them to be able to log back in without being place back into the queue would be amazing. I'd make a new topic for it but my forums won't let me place a title on them, hence I can't make one. As for people logging in for the first time, wait your turn like everyone else.
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What you think everyone at Bioware is out having a smoke brake and no one sees the line ups in the servers?


Do you really need it confirmed?


I don't mean to bust your balls but I'm sure they know very well. If you read the face book and twitter feeds they open servers when they think it will help.


Time for you to move from the "its beta" snarky mentality to a "paying customer" one.


Yes, I expect a game company to speak to their customers. Let us know they are aware of the queues and that they ARE going to upgrade the hardware soon.


I want this game to be successful and to do that they need to tell people what is going on so they dont leave.

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You make millions of dollars, you have the numbers of how many pre-ordered, you have studied the market to know how many people play and at what hours and yet you still cheap out on the number of servers you put up for launch and I hope you understand how much something so easily fixed will tarnish your name in the minds of the people who shelled out the money for pre-order.
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It wont be bad in a Month. For the first month though lookout! I hope they add a ton of servers with the launch coming up and offer people free xfers to those servers as well. I will be tough for people in guilds but I am sure there are plenty of people myself included who would be happy to move to avoid the queues.


In the end though its good news really for the game. BW tried the staggerd launch to avoid this sort of thing and yet hear it is. Guess the game is popular =)

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wow *********** awesome nearly 2 hours in queue and i get a login error and cant even get into the *********** queue now masive failure bioware your a **** hair from losing my subscription and returning my preorder


Well most preorders are not refundable (sp?) but you can always just sell your copy on ebay and not subscribe.

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The funny thing about all of this is that I can't think of a single MMO that I've played which offered early access. I always played from the official launch and the queues were there, just like they are now. Actually these queues are MUCH shorter, which is really surprising considering the vast number of pre-orders estimated to have been sold. Maybe I'm wrong as I haven't played more recent launches like Rift or Aion, but considering we are a 3 whole days from the actual launch with two maintenance windows between now and then... I'm immensely impressed. Yes I've been sitting in queue too, but I have experienced far worse. It's really irritating seeing all the doomsday prediction posts that come from people who haven't a single clue how an MMO launch works. They just think since they are paying for it (which they actually ARE NOT yet) it should work their way. If only everything else in life were as easy as that line of thought...


EDIT: I don't care for the "what ifs" either. People can "what it" until Dec. 20th all they want and they won't prove themselves right or change a thing until it actually happens.

Edited by lucasomega
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If wish they would stop adding servers and just up the capacity of the ones they already got. and for ****s sake bioware drop of a bone and say something about the issue. besides rockjaw telling us your monitoring the queues because so are we because we are stuck in the god damn things and we can see there is a problem!
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2 + hours in que, error message, back to end of que. I will be cancelling my pre-order.


Also ppl keep saying that we have not payed to play yet in the early access. That is crap because we payed a crap ton extra for the pre-order.

Edited by neolific
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Ok I say this we all stand up to Bioware and EA no one has actually bought subscriptions, so either his is fixed *before* launch not on or after or we all cut out get our money back, used to be a time in human history when they didn't like a product they boycotted till the masses got their way soooo.......
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