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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Queue growing and growing and growing...


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That's only the estimate. They can't give accurate times because it's based on when people log out or get booted. I was 1283rd in the queue on Harbinger with an est wait time of 1hr 20mins. I'm down to 500th in the queue and have been waiting 1hr 15mins.


Same. I started at 500 and its said wait time of 35min. Its been 8mins in and I m 250 how, looks like a 15min wait.

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One of the biggest things needed is a reserve spot for server errors / dc problems which they are facing. So far I've only been kicked twice, but to come back and have a 2 hour queue time is a little frustrating to say the least.


Especially when you're healing in a Flashpoint. . .

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Seriously, the current instant gratification generation is just hand fed too much. Some people have got thier life priorities way way off centre.


Just chill out, go do some work round the house, play with the dog, go to the shops and stack up some food. It's a frigging hour or two out of your life, not an life-time. I've done all of above, started at 1500, down to 60 now.


This would totally make sense if they didn't have an obnoxiously short afk timer that boots you back to the server select if you're afk for more than a blink. The whole thing is set up to force people to sit near their screens "just in case" or be booted back to the end of the line.


DMV anyone?

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Almost 1300 queue for The Fatman. No way in hell I am waiting in that. I waited for an hour and a half to get in today, crashed after four hours, and if I wanted to play again, I'd be waiting for another 2-3 hours. Nearly every minute I wait is a minute I play.
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I agree..it was an idiotic idea to not have an actual open beta or stress test. Even in the very limited stress tests they did perform the servers couldn't handle the load what so ever. It's not that i'm crying over wasting an hour of my day (kind of what i play video games for to begin with)...I'm just not going to pay for inferior service. This is money we're talking about and not f2p (which it'll end up soon enough). If you want to collect a subscription from me...EARN IT.


Has anyone ever watched what happens at the apple store when the new iPhone comes out? People flood them, no matter what precautions the stores do in advance to get ready, setting up lines prepping station they get flooded.


Its a new release this happens. I'm waiting 40 minutes here too and you know what? its okay because I know things will settle down in a week or so.

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Just want to bring up "The Harbinger" again.


Waiting in queue is not very fun for someone who is suppose to be on that server while other similar servers are not so packed.


My situation is that, if i knew it was the "unofficial oceanic" server i wouldn't have picked it, but as is now i'm getting burned for bad luck even though i'm allowed to be there.


I don't blame the Oceanics cause obviously they want to play together on one server and I would feel the same way.


I feel like it was somewhat my fault for not researching the server before hand but. why should the burden of research fall on me, why should i look out for a whole country somehow all rolling on my server.


I feel that bioware should have just labeled a west coast server "oceanic" and that would be that. but, now there is a huge issue involving transfers, and kicks, and server, upgrades.


Its too late to say what Bioware "should" have done in this situation, so lets look to solutions.


Myself and others I know a lot of others would gladly leave Harbinger if there were transfers available and other means. but as is right now, to re-roll you would be asking people to give up their early release advantage.... which is a touchy subject.


We would just like to see some feedback or communication on plans for this specific server because it is affecting a lot of people and we would like to have some information on what we should do in the future.

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I am currently sitting at 527 after 20 minutes of being in queue, I started at just over 800.


I am now looking at another 40ish minutes of waiting, the average wait time to get in has gone up 20 minutes each of the last 2 days.


This is not a complaint, this is information. Bioware should at least let us know that they KNOW about the long wait times and WILL do something to correct the problem in soon. THis is no longer beta, speaking with the community is NOW VERY IMPORTANT because we ARE paying customers now.


While queues are for the most part expected in a new game, it doesnt mean we dont want our issues confirmed and fixed.

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Has anyone ever watched what happens at the apple store when the new iPhone comes out? People flood them, no matter what precautions the stores do in advance to get ready, setting up lines prepping station they get flooded.


Its a new release this happens. I'm waiting 40 minutes here too and you know what? its okay because I know things will settle down in a week or so.



/clap Good analogy.

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No. You paid to play from the 20th. And there's still time since then :)


As for the rest of the post, everything about that was already said.


lol So what? They offered to open up the game early. I didnt ask for it. Go back to being a sheep and sitting in your queue time and not complaining. Me, I work to hard for my money to spend it so I can sit and wait in queue.

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Its a new release this happens. I'm waiting 40 minutes here too and you know what? its okay because I know things will settle down in a week or so.


Umm game hasn't launched yet bro, and more people will be coming. If anything it's only going to get worse unless something is done.


I have a mate on steam atm, been trying to get in since 9AM, its now 2:30pm here. He keeps getting server errors. You tell me that's acceptable for an AAA MMO that charges you $60 for first month and $15 p/m after that.


I understand queues, that's OK, however I'd like some information or updates from BW on how they are hoping to tackle them. It's getting worse. Perhaps they should disable char creation on high pop realms.

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Yeah but at least apple puts the phone out in every store they can, not open more storesup as more people being standing on the sidewalk.


Has anyone ever watched what happens at the apple store when the new iPhone comes out? People flood them, no matter what precautions the stores do in advance to get ready, setting up lines prepping station they get flooded.


Its a new release this happens. I'm waiting 40 minutes here too and you know what? its okay because I know things will settle down in a week or so.

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Has anyone ever watched what happens at the apple store when the new iPhone comes out? People flood them, no matter what precautions the stores do in advance to get ready, setting up lines prepping station they get flooded.


Its a new release this happens. I'm waiting 40 minutes here too and you know what? its okay because I know things will settle down in a week or so.


and the problem gets fixed in 2 minutes when they ask them to form a line. server queue has not been fixed and just keeps getting worse. kid you are talking to a person that if the servers get jammed and or crashes the insurance companies start loosing money and then you are starting to loose that money because you can't keep them up and running so you make sure this doesn't happen. when a server slows down or crashes there is always a call to have the issue fix and it usually takes 30 minutes to do so. this is unacceptable.

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Im in queue at 572... guess I wont be playing a game I paid money to play.


Thanks a lot BioWare.


You know, at 34 years old I thought I would enjoy an mmropg, and see what all the hub ubb is about. I had friends try to get me in WoW, but it wasnt my thing. I declined, never played it. But Star Wars, well, that is an entirely different thing all together.


Much to my chagrin, I've been duped. I figured if I paid money for a game I could come in, casually play while the 4.5 yr old is at preK or after he goes to bed, for a few hours a few times a week, that it would be fun, and relieve some stress.


Now here I am, Friday night, kids sleeping, wife is downstairs scrap booking, and waiting in queue. I lay stone, brick, and block for a living. It wears me out. I cant stay up all night waiting in line to play a game I paid money, and will be paying a monthly subscription to play.


I guess you get the last laugh because you already have my money. Im willing to be though, that you will lose MANY people who otherwise would be willing to pay $15/month to play this sweet game, if you dont fix this issue NOW, or at least give a response.


For Christs sake, you know its a problem, and you say nothing?? It would be like one of my customers saying to me "We gave you a down payment to come and build us a fireplace, and were wondering when youre coming to start?" , and me sitting there staring at them saying nothing.


This is really unacceptable to me.


This is my fear realized. First timers will hit queues like this, and flee from the genre for ever. Cannot say I blame you, though.

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I am currently sitting at 527 after 20 minutes of being in queue, I started at just over 800.


I am now looking at another 40ish minutes of waiting, the average wait time to get in has gone up 20 minutes each of the last 2 days.


This is not a complaint, this is information. Bioware should at least let us know that they KNOW about the long wait times and WILL do something to correct the problem in soon. THis is no longer beta, speaking with the community is NOW VERY IMPORTANT because we ARE paying customers now.


While queues are for the most part expected in a new game, it doesnt mean we dont want our issues confirmed and fixed.


What you think everyone at Bioware is out having a smoke brake and no one sees the line ups in the servers?


Do you really need it confirmed?


I don't mean to bust your balls but I'm sure they know very well. If you read the face book and twitter feeds they open servers when they think it will help.

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lol So what? They offered to open up the game early. I didnt ask for it. Go back to being a sheep and sitting in your queue time and not complaining. Me, I work to hard for my money to spend it so I can sit and wait in queue.


I'm just saying that you're complaining at a gift offered to you, as you just said. So basically your hard earned money will enter the balance when the gift will vanish, that's all. Too bad the surprise cake wasn't at your taste, my apologies.


*goes bleat a little farther*

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Yeah but at least apple puts the phone out in every store they can, not open more storesup as more people being standing on the sidewalk.


Except that Apple just diverts shipments to other retailers back to their own stores which screws non-apple stores selling their products.

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Ok some one explain this I get in que at 733 pm and it says 1 hour 25 min que, now 2 hours later I am 300 in line for que and it has gone up to 1 hour 55 min que wait, are people getting ahead of me or what lol.


And I know a bunch of posted it will get better, but really what's the time table on that? Launch ? Or a month, 2 months or even 6 months after? And also wasn't open beta to test and see how many you can cram in a server, why on earth still be testing it? Hmmmmmm maybe this is why you have more than two weekends of open beta and also not two freaking weeks before release.


Will say this game is great, but this is a big issue to have to wait not all of us have alot of time to play at night and now in getting left behind for group instances that my guild is running.

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Has anyone ever watched what happens at the apple store when the new iPhone comes out? People flood them, no matter what precautions the stores do in advance to get ready, setting up lines prepping station they get flooded.


Its a new release this happens. I'm waiting 40 minutes here too and you know what? its okay because I know things will settle down in a week or so.


are you even using your brain? seriously? your going to use a physical store as your example? I cant even begin to tell you how dumb of a thought process that is. were not talking about a physical building that can only hold so many people. this is cyber space "new buildings" can be put up in the blink of an eye not waiting 4 months for a "new store" to come up. herpa derp

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