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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Queue growing and growing and growing...


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Bioware!!....you need to create a sticky for this and explain yourself. This is the worst customer support. The only response to this post i have seen from you is "stop using bad language". How about stop launching games when your obviously not ready to. Fix this issue, it cant me that difficult.



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adding more servers dosnt fix my servers 4 hour queue time


No it does not unfortunately. :(


Man...four hrs that's a pretty long wait. I'd definitely put in a couple movies or something. Good luck friend. Hopefully this will all pass soon. :)

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Not only will they add resources as needed, but they probably set the max user artifically low at first. Let the server fill up and watch the performance. If things are performing well, they will increase the max users (probably several times each day).


If there is a performance issue, they work it fix it without the servers crashing continuously. This is the first time they are able to put a real world load on these servers so the early adopter time allows them to ramp up the number of users.


It probably also help distrubute people among the server by having some create characters on different servers when some are HIGH or FULL.


Give me a break! Adjust those max user numbers ASAP! And don't expect people to start over on another server!

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My question is, Legions of Lettow is completely jammed. At the moment the usual is to wait 40~80 minutes to enter, it's unacceptable.


Is BW going to do some kind of improvements on this server (and other crowded servers)?


Because I don't feel like leaving PC on 1 hour before I ever think to play.



Kind regards


Let me guess you were one of the people wanting in all at once.


Cheese, tissue or hot beverage?

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People are presenting flawed arguments on how to handle the queue problem.


Roll on a lower pop server.- Really? I'm a day 1 entrant. When I chose my server it WAS low pop. Now it is full and I have to wait in a queue. A queue caused by a ton of people that pre-ordered at the last minute. So even though I pre-ordered in July, I can't get in because of all the late people they rushed in to quell the complaining.


Don't play at peak times.- Do the people that say this have jobs? Because I do. My time to play is when I get off work. When else should I be playing?



If it is like this through the weekend I'm going to have to reconsider paying for the game. Since I got mine at a brick and mortar store, I haven't paid for it yet. I have a limited time to play between the time I get home from work and go to bed. If 30-60 minutes of that is spent simply waiting to get into the game, that is too much. I enjoy the game, but I don't enjoy it enough to up with that for any length of time.

Edited by Wren_Atticus
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Well the problem with the ETA is that it only exist to make people feel good. It doesn't have any sort of dependency on anything that could be used to predict a waiting time. It's based on other people playing or not playing so there is no way to accurately predict that.:eek:
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LOL I play on space bug and last night I can log in even just heavy now around 40mins que time. I am sure I won't LOG off unless I am going to bed. Even if I have to be away for sometime just jam the spacebar so my character is constaly doing something.


Sorry but waiting for over 40mins fo que times is unacceptable. Even when WoW launch their last 2 expansion there is no such issue and i play on a very populated server. When RIFT launch there are no que as well.


Remember this is just early game access, think aobut when offical launch, there is going to be 2+ hour que times. Do you really customer to be on hold for 2+ hours? Think about the last time you call your cell phone provider, Internet, cable provider and they put you on a 2+ hour hold times will you be happy?

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I too am annoyed by the queue times. I pray that bioware has something planned for launch. My guild is already deployed to one server and have no good way of moving my entire guild to another server. If this is balancing, they should enable the queue for people who haven't made a character on a particular server yet. That would achieve balancing AND allow people to actually play.
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Not only will they add resources as needed, but they probably set the max user artifically low at first. Let the server fill up and watch the performance. If things are performing well, they will increase the max users (probably several times each day).


If there is a performance issue, they work it fix it without the servers crashing continuously. This is the first time they are able to put a real world load on these servers so the early adopter time allows them to ramp up the number of users.


It probably also help distrubute people among the server by having some create characters on different servers when some are HIGH or FULL.


Unacceptable, let us in. Period.

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So a game that has attracted a large amount of interest is suddenly unacceptable for you now? Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but nobody really cares. Be an adult and have some paitence. Try logging in, quea up, and go read a book; knock out some college homework; read the forums; play another game in the background "i like playing EVE while I wait'. Point is, get a life. Do other things besides impaitentaly getting all angry about something nobody can control. You should be excited that this game is this popular. Plenty other games and walking ghosts towns now and are tremendously boring.


Not to point out anything obvious, but the fact that this thread is increasing by about a page every minute or so belies your statements.

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Opened my launcher and saw my server had a 55 minute queue, placed 800th in queue.


Over an hour and a half later, I finally get in. I play for 3 minutes, then experience a random 9000 error.


I log back into the server not even 30 seconds later; and am placed in a 1200 queue with an "estimated" 1.5 hr wait (which means 3 hours).


My computer is brand new; no issues. Intel i7 quad core, 8 gig RAM, NVIDIA GTX 560M, etc.


GG Bioware. Waiting over 4 hours to play a game when it hasn't even launched yet.


- W.

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People are presenting flawed arguments on how to handle the queue problem.


Roll on a lower pop server.- Really? I'm a day 1 entrant. When I chose my server it WAS low pop. Now it is full and I have to wait in a queue. A queue caused by a ton of people that pre-ordered at the last minute. So even though I pre-ordered in July, I can't get in because of all the late people they rushed in to quell the complaining.


Don't play at peak times.- Do the people that say this have jobs? Because I do. My time to play is when I get off work. When else should I be playing?



If it is like this through the weekend I'm going to have to reconsider paying for the game. Since I got mine at a brick and mortar store, I haven't paid for it yet. I have a limited time to play between the time I get home from work and go to bed. If 30-60 minutes of that is spent simply waiting to get into the game, that is too much. I enjoy the game, but I don't enjoy it enough to up with that for any length of time.


Definitely understand your frustration. That really sucks my friend. I also hate to rain on anyone's parade, but I do think you'll be waiting in queues all weekend long, and probably the next weekend after that.


Seeing as how popular this game is, and how all other MMO launches before have had long queues, I definitely don't see TOR being any different. Waits suck really badly, I'm in queue right now, but I really don't see us not waiting for the next couple of weeks. It really is a fun game, and I hope you do give it a try and stick with it.

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Switching servers does not help at all. we were having the problem with the long *** queue and guild members said "lets switch server" we did and now that *********** server has a queue.



This. Its *********** unacceptable. Act like a real company, let everyone on to servers, don't cap artificially low so you get a false impression of server performance. *********** stupid. Let people play, if it crashes, it crashes, then NO ONE gets to play, and you get to FIX it.


Oh, AND if you are going to cap artificially low, STOP LETTING PEOPLE ROLL ON THESE SERVERS. Jesus it's not rocket science. Only let people roll the number of characters you are going to allow on. How hard is that? NOT *********** HARD AT ALL.

Edited by Gun_Slinger
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I kinda understand where people would get the whole early game access argument. But in reality, this is a "Launch" its not an "early 5 day Beta access where you get to keep your level after beta" its a full scale early access wave launch. So fix your shiz BioLucas or watch the mass go back to WoW and never return which would be sad because this story line cinematic driven MMO is turning out great but MMOs take enough of my time to have to lay around for 2 hours then maybe play id rather just fire up my wow account and play an MMO that has worked for several years.
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Mainstream gamers are not going to dig this come the 20th...


and this game doesn't have the trappings to get Hardcores to stick around either.


I bought this game cause i love bioware single player games, and i've always imagined playing them with a few friends as well.


Since right now thats problematic, the game is starting out behind the eightball for me.

Edited by kalexkhan
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Veela is nuts... there are post all over the internet saying its a good server cause it has "nooby" republic players and low population of Empire. I have been put here via the guild launch program and am a little ticked I can't even play with my guild. I have been waiting for over 4 years and every minute I'm falling behind in level, in correlation to my guildies. Hopefully, this server will upgrade in the population max department. I know other servers have to wait 2 hours, but I thought they did all this testing in beta.
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