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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Queue growing and growing and growing...


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I think there has been some attempt to avoid the queue on DC as I did get diconnected and immediatly clicked connect and the FULL listed server that was still coloured yellow. Login server placed me at number one in the queue.


10 mins later I DCed again and accidently clicked the info button. when I closed that window down my server was red and I had to wait 25 mins.


.. anyway .. im still waiting in the massive queue after a DC on their end which is lame ;D

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I just waited about 50 minutes in the queue and when it got to position number 9 in queue the launcher said "Lost connection to server error code 9000" even though i know that my connection was fine on my end.




had the same issue at position 11

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All popular MMO releases go through this and balance out later. Just take this as a growing pain that you'll have to accept. Once the population spreads out in levels and Bioware continues to fine tune things internally they the wait times will dwindle or dissappear.


I picked a less then optimal named server for this very reason and still went to very heavy last night. My perk is a wife at home to get me logged in while I commute home. :D



They known how many people will play and they also placed guilds on servers, so i do not understand that there is not enoug spase for all, i do not understand that full servers arent locked for new comers etc....


this is only not good planning nothing else

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2 hours Queue here, wasted 45 mins in queue before a Client Crash. Only logged out because of a crash as well :(


Guess its funny and tragic at the same time. Afaik Age of Conan was 100 x smoother than this. 15 min wait times is nothing, 2 hours is like "why am I even bothering?"

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Frostclaw 50 mins queue! =/ BioWare do you have any plan to fix the queues?


Also on Frost, its the first listed PvE server so everyone joins it when theres no queue. Then when all the people that already are higherlvl and cant change server loggs in, it gets really crowded.


They should order servers by population automaticly, and lock them if they get to full and only get in if your preset or get someone in that server to "invite" you



In Beta server stress test, they had WAY to few European servers already, especialy English ones, so English speaking people went to the German, French or American servers just to be able to play.


Now we have overcrowded EU servers, way to few English server, and new ones added way to late

Edited by SeloDaoC
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2 hours Queue here, wasted 45 mins in queue before a Client Crash. Only logged out because of a crash as well :(


Guess its funny and tragic at the same time. Afaik Age of Conan was 100 x smoother than this. 15 min wait times is nothing, 2 hours is like "why am I even bothering?"


thats because they could fit the entire population of AoC on 1 SWTOR server lol :D

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Also on Frost, its the first listed PvE server so everyone joins it when theres no queue. Then when all the people that already are higherlvl and cant change server loggs in, it gets really crowded.


They should order servers by population automaticly, and lock them if they get to full and only get in if your preset or get someone in that server to "invite" you


Yeah... But when i made a character last night i joined it because it was the 1 before last one =/

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Yesterday red eclipse was fine, now with this new wave blergh.

Protip for new players dont roll on a server thats saying full(or near full) and then expect quick acces.


The queue itself is going really slow right now been in 6xx for about 30 mins now.

People are not logging out at all right now, talked to some yesterday that they never log out.

They just alt tab and press spacebar every now and then.

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Unless they do something to fix the "que" issue they are going to lose a lot of customers before even the game begins.It's unacceptible to wait fot 1 hour to play a game when you have only 3 hours of real life's spare time.


I hope they have people looking in to this matter and soon they will provide a solution to the problem.

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Hmm I have more waiting hours than playing hours actually . I am confident that in a few days , or the next couple of weeks , things will sort out eventually . Untill then we must be pretty patient ...

Rerolling other chars of opposite faction in a lower population server also helps ...

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Yesterday red eclipse was fine, now with this new wave blergh.

Protip for new players dont roll on a server thats saying full(or near full) and then expect quick acces.


The queue itself is going really slow right now been in 6xx for about 30 mins now.

People are not logging out at all right now, talked to some yesterday that they never log out.

They just alt tab and press spacebar every now and then.


I think the problem with that is as i said, they join when their not full, then when all the earier acces player gets home from work/school it gets extremly crowded


I hope they add some kind of character transfer later on

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Players play more now than they will be in 6 months. The servers with queues are the servers who will have a decent population in 6 months. The servers with only a high load today with be those who will be closed and merged first.


So, the big question: What is better for players and Bioware? Queues today or dead servers in 6 months. Bioware can't just magically double the server capacity during the launch month.


It sucks but my experience from Rift was that the server I am on which had 6hour+ queues during peak hours is the best populated server after 9 months while many of the other servers have been shut down.


Bioware is doing the right thing, they try to even the load as well as they can be stretching the launch over several days so that people joining later have an idea which servers to avoid. Ideally they would offer transfers, of course. I am sure those will be available at some point but this is a rarely a priority when a game launches.


The only way to totally avoid queues would be by artificially limiting the number of pre orders and orders during the launch month. Half of us wouldn't have been able to buy the game at all and would have to wait a month or two. I can't say that I would like this option more.

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Unless they do something to fix the "que" issue they are going to lose a lot of customers before even the game begins.It's unacceptible to wait fot 1 hour to play a game when you have only 3 hours of real life's spare time.


I hope they have people looking in to this matter and soon they will provide a solution to the problem.



I think BW is not much operative in this case.... it will took long time (what about was today mainstance?)

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Also on Frost, its the first listed PvE server so everyone joins it when theres no queue. Then when all the people that already are higherlvl and cant change server loggs in, it gets really crowded.


They should order servers by population automaticly, and lock them if they get to full and only get in if your preset or get someone in that server to "invite" you



In Beta server stress test, they had WAY to few European servers already, especialy English ones, so English speaking people went to the German, French or American servers just to be able to play.


Now we have overcrowded EU servers, way to few English server, and new ones added way to late


It's only listed first for you because you have a character on there. Servers you have characters on go to the top of the list.

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Ive been waiting to get on Frostclaw for about 3 hours, queue gets bigger and bigger. I have gone from 400 to first, 650 to first, 800 to first. Each time I get to first in queue, the load screen comes up and doesnt go away for about 10minutes, then the game comes up not responding.


I love the game, but these server queues are amateur hour!

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Ive been waiting to get on Frostclaw for about 3 hours, queue gets bigger and bigger. I have gone from 400 to first, 650 to first, 800 to first. Each time I get to first in queue, the load screen comes up and doesnt go away for about 10minutes, then the game comes up not responding.


I love the game, but these server queues are amateur hour!


Same issue here Dac.. also on Frostclaw

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Queue estimates are right out as well. Just sat through a projected 55 minute queue for LoL which lasted 90 mins, got the bloody error 9000 then dumped back into the back of a 1250 queue estimated at 80 mins that will likely take well over 2 hours.
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Welcome to a popular game. More servers are being added, and the population will balance out. After the 20th, only those who enter a retail code will play. After 30 days, those who only use the free trial period will drop away.


It does suck yes, but its not the end of the world. If your main concern is playing an MMO, then perhaps a re evaluation of priorities is in order. Roll on a different server or wait in line.

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I'm at the point where I wish the server they sent our guild to had a queue. It's like a barren wasteland with little to no sign of life. Consider yourselves lucky, you have some type of community on your server.


Frostclaws community is right here on the forums waiting to get into game...

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