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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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This is simply TOTALLY UNACCEPTIBLE! I have paid for this ****. I have been in queue now FOR THREE HOURS AND 15 MINUTES. And don't tell me to change server, they are all friggin full. *** is this???? EA knew how many ppl they let in on early access, and they don't have room for them???? What the hell


actually you have not payed yet. this is still "free" playtime :p

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I have now waited 2 hours and 45 minutes to get in on Bloodworthy. Theres still 168 people in queue before me.. I really hope Bioware have some neat solutions to this problem. Letting more people on each server or free guildwide migrations or something.


Yeah ... they should just make ppl swap for free with some week cooldown and it would be golden. Ppl wouldn't have to be so obsessed with what server to pick, because they could remedy the situation in case they make a mistake.

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This is ridiculous. I tried to log, 1200 queue, I started watching a movie on television about half way through, movie finishes and remembered I forgot about the queue but no worries, still 300 to go.


Do they want people to do other stuff than play their game?

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I did not ever want be "one of those people" that moaned and cry about things. But WHAAAAAAAA WHAAAAAAA I was qued up on frostclaw for 50 mins it got down to 0 then it just took me back to the server selection screen. When I qued again it said estimated wait time 1 hour 10 mins....... Err that was 2 hours ago so in total I have been waiting for 3 hours which is pretty bad and I’m still waiting I’m not going to say anything about the game because I love it and see myself playing for a long time to come (well if I ever get in but please sort something out.




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I play on EU Servers... all Servers are FULL! ... Queue ~ 30-80mins... BUT this aint true... after 40-60mins many people get a Connection Problem to the Server and the position in the queue goes back to 1500... since 4PM i'm trying to login, but i have to wait 4 more hours now... i have to pay for this game?? woot?


ps dont write -"change the server"... it is a stupid anwser cause i allready play on a "empty" Server and my Character is allready 20, dont want to start again -.-'


@EA let more people on the Servers! Friends are ingame and they say, that the server is empty -.-

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lets make a thread! there are already 3 os us!


I dunno, seems dangerous. For instance I could say, "I got in on the 2nd wave and you first wavers are causing the server que to be longer. If anything you had your chance to level and now the new people need their turn."


I don't believe that, everyone should get to have fun, just saying. :p

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Anyone know the correlation between Server Status and queues?


Light=No queues

Standard=No queues


Very Heavy=queues?

Full=Yes queues


This might be a bit helpful for a new players picking a server for the first time.

Edited by Rialth
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I dunno, seems dangerous. For instance I could say, "I got in on the 2nd wave and you first wavers are causing the server que to be longer. If anything you had your chance to level and now the new people need their turn."


I don't believe that, everyone should get to have fun, just saying. :p


i would be okay with playing 1 day and one not. better a day than a 6 hours queue.

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Anyone know the correlation between Server Status and queues?


Light=No queues

Standard=No queues


Very Heavy=queues?

Full=Yes queues


This might be a bit helpful for a new player picking a server for the first time.


Full doesnt have to have any queues. it just says Full.

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ive got in the second wave. im not happy. 4.15 hours an pilling up. 170 on queue started at 2008


yeah but you probably had a chance to play the real game. I don't even know if my name is free as of yet :) 200 in queue after 4+ hours (server list said it will be like 2 hours).

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