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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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The service imo is very good compaired to other developers. Noticed in beta and after.


I however do agree that it would be nice that someone would give an official statement saying it will be fixed in x number of time.


I just hope they work this out before 20th of december. Took a few guildies indeed more then 80 min to log on. Thats not healthy. At 17:00 this afternoon it was already 30 min.

And they are all FULL now... or atleast 90%. I definitly wont log on quickly if it indeed takes so long to log in.

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Your arguments are terrible, WAR isn't here now because they opened to many servers, it's not here because it was terrible. I never had many problems with the release of WoW, some did but not all, unlike this SWTOR fiasco.


Wasn't an arguement, those are facts. Also, the opening of so many servers did in fact disperse the population in very imbalanced ways which lead to huge gaps in balance for the RvR lakes. I knew WAR was dead before release when they scrapped their other 4 capitol cities and starting cutting down areas, zones and nerfing things into oblivion. Oh cutting out the classes didn't help things either.

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yeah people are tards at times its a launch technology isnt like uber super yet in the mmo market expect que's thats the way of the mmo dont even try to bring other games up as great launches only reason rift and a few games had it smooth is because they didnt have a masss exodus of players like tor does these guys have had about 6 years to earn their fans expect a rocky few weeks of patches after launch its not a console game its a online persistant one duh expect downtimes.


I dont have a problem with a que, but if you crash you should get a 5 min timer to get instant back in! Or when the que timer went from 1500+ to 0 and get a 900 time out error that you not instant get kicked back to the end, no other mmo had this they always had a 5 min timer to get back in!!



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I waited patiently 4 days watching twitter updates due to zero communication from Devs on estimated access...I was patient like a true Jedi because I was promised a smooth launch..


finally got invite and all I´ve seen since are queues,error messages and more queues because of a minor hick-ups on my connection..I guess the "smooth launch" was reserved for an elitist core that pre-ordered 1/2 year ago..the rest of us are getting shafted.


Furthermore the EGA days are 3x more expensive than what a normal day will be:(


My guild was assigned to Freedon Nadd and you obviously allowed it to get flooded by the Italian and Spanish community.


Time to man up BW and show what your made of..taking the money was the easy part.


Not impressed..pretty disappointed tbh

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yeah people are tards at times its a launch technology isnt like uber super yet in the mmo market expect que's thats the way of the mmo dont even try to bring other games up as great launches only reason rift and a few games had it smooth is because they didnt have a masss exodus of players like tor does these guys have had about 6 years to earn their fans expect a rocky few weeks of patches after launch its not a console game its a online persistant one duh expect downtimes.


all popular games got queues. that is known. The problem is when ALL servers have queues and in most cases exceed an hour. thats a matter to take care of. asap. cos it could really degrade your companies name for future proyects regarding this kind of game. Or will anyone be willing to wait 3 hours to play an online Mass Effect? Be real.

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I am going to log my toon on each morning and have a robot arm thing press my jump button every five minutes.


I have a couple hours to play ever night and joining with a 2 hour queue and all servers full sucks.


Get one of those little birds that bob back and forth with the liquid in them. I forget the name but they do wor well for making you jump every few seconds and not logging out. I used that WAY back in the day for WoW. Lol

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the que's are to much now , it's gotten out of hand.


They need to open new servers and direct new players to them.


I'll be patient for a week or so as it must be an almost impossible nightmare for bioware to keep everyone happy , and with so many players it's hard to get the servers just right.


All of the EA people are in now, aren't they? The next wave will be Tuesday, at which time they will probably open a few more. Opening new servers now probably won't help much, since people refuse to move to a server that already doesn't have a queue because they don't want to lose their whopping 2-3 days of progress.

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This is a little bit unacceptable I'm afraid. A queue of around 30 minutes would be perfectly acceptable and understandable, however I've been in the queue for my realm (Legions of Lettow) for 2 hours and 15 minutes now and I'm still only position number 205.


Please take a look at the caps and allow us to play, some of us already have part levelled characters on these servers that we would like to use.

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I've been in a queue for the red eclipse since 19:00 and its 21:13 now :(.....


Try getting in , then error 1002 and back to the end of the queue, now that would pee you off lol ,


There should let people in the front of the queue who have input there Retail codes, atm this is unexpectable.

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I can´t agree more. Number of EU servers must be incresed ASAP and free migration from FULL servers must be alloved. Last 5 hours are all EU PVP servers VERY HEAVY or FULL status with 2h+- wait time. According my opinion, number of EU players will be doubled during few weaks. How many players will be continue with 10h wait time ??? (about my opinion, thats hapend during few weaks). Im sorry for my bad english.


Here is a proof. Almost all servers are full for last 5 hours. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/856/screenshot2011121621441.jpg/

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All of the EA people are in now, aren't they? The next wave will be Tuesday, at which time they will probably open a few more. Opening new servers now probably won't help much, since people refuse to move to a server that already doesn't have a queue because they don't want to lose their whopping 2-3 days of progress.


What server? all EU servers are full.

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For the second fockign time in a 1843!!!! QUE!!!!!!!!! if it now instant crashes then i will take a crap on this CE statue and send it to EA!!!


Calm down it is only a game, do something else while you wait


take a walk, get some housework done/Chores


As i said it is only a game, you do not NEED to play right now

Shut up


One should think most people would understand how this works but many are whiny as heck


Take a deep breath, calm down

Alt tab watch a movie or something

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just a forward: I am new to pc mmos.


what I don't understand is the need to have characters and servers linked? Let me play on any old server I don't mind. Guilds can have a server which is 'their server' just by choice. Surely technologically the two don't have to be linked. Sign into character, choose server with space, play.


Or alternatively put the mini games in for that queue time, instead of just staring at a load bar. Straight into warzones, space combat, paazaak anything.


I can see why they don't put loads of servers in at first, as people will eventually stop playing as much/as often, but still. Its the character/server linked together that bugs me.

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The sad part about the queues is this is pre-release and BW is the one that brought this many in this fast. Don't bring people in, up the caps, or bring on the right amount of servers. This is a BW created problem that should have been easily avoided.
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