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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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The queues are rediculous. I cant waste an hour of the few I get to play. Sadly there are some people on the servers their guilds got assigned to that are still missing members that did not get into EGA yet. So the situation will get worse before it gets better. There should have been limits of accounts allowed on servers. This #$%^ happens all the time on mmo launches but no one learns.
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just adding one more voice to the chorus.



getting home to a 90 minute wait, is insane.


My CE arrived today, I'm delighted to have it, and know I will have many happy years playing this game.. but right now, I'm looking at a login queue that is longer than a lot of movies.


How long should we expect this to be the norm? I don't care, I'm here for the long run, I just want to know if I should have a movie ready to roll every time I want to log in.

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guess you will just have to go to the Apple store for Apple Products then... Ironic huh, but its ok, the IPhone Sucks Balls anyway. Long live the Droid!!!


"Proud Owner of the Limited Edition R2-D2 Droid"



Except that Apple just diverts shipments to other retailers back to their own stores which screws non-apple stores selling their products.
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I really hope that players that have played since Tuesday aren't complaining. I understand the frustration but i['m not whining about it.


Also I could note that a majority of new players logging in will gravitate/migrate to the more populated servers because they are worried that some of the lower populated wont be as flourishing. Tha'ts my 2 cents at least. At least I reserved my empire classes on harbringer. Harbringer is was 1 of the busier servers even on Tuesday.

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Ok some one explain this I get in que at 733 pm and it says 1 hour 25 min que, now 2 hours later I am 300 in line for que and it has gone up to 1 hour 55 min que wait, are people getting ahead of me or what lol.


And I know a bunch of posted it will get better, but really what's the time table on that? Launch ? Or a month, 2 months or even 6 months after? And also wasn't open beta to test and see how many you can cram in a server, why on earth still be testing it? Hmmmmmm maybe this is why you have more than two weekends of open beta and also not two freaking weeks before release.


Will say this game is great, but this is a big issue to have to wait not all of us have alot of time to play at night and now in getting left behind for group instances that my guild is running.


They are using Windows Time :p

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Thank goodness I'm in a US guild. When I play the servers are not clogged, when it gets to peak time it's 11pm over here.


I do think the servers needs expanding though, looking at the list right now is ridiculous. So many servers that are full with 20+ minute queues, maybe even 40+ on some of them!

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I don't know what the hell the BW is thinking, they don't need to create new servers, they just need to add hardware to existing servers to increase server capacity. PROBLEM SOLVED.


Thank you, good night I just did someone job that gets paid more money than they deserve and i figured it out in 2 seconds. BTW I hate Aussies now.

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I'm just saying that you're complaining at a gift offered to you, as you just said. So basically your hard earned money will enter the balance when the gift will vanish, that's all. Too bad the surprise cake wasn't at your taste, my apologies.


*goes bleat a little farther*


Its not a surprise cake brother. They made it aware they would open up servers early to pre orders. Thats not a gift. Thats a sales tactic to drive up orders. When you offer up that incentive to buy the games its NOT DOING SOMETHING NICE FOR US, its trying to get sales up.


As far as I, and im sure thousands of others are concerned, my hard earned money entered the equation when I hit the pre-order button so I could get in a few days before the folks who buy a hard copy do.

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This is my fear realized. First timers will hit queues like this, and flee from the genre for ever. Cannot say I blame you, though.


Agreed, I mean MMO regulars like us and hard core fans like us will wait till this is fixed, but the guy that sees this on the shelf of some store come post December 20th and gets all excited to play it, pays the 50 or so dollars it costs, creates his account, signs in to have to wait an hour + the average non mmo playing customer will most likely be turned off by this and go back to skyrim or something of the like. I was really hoping this game would really draw in new people to mmo's casue star wars is such a huge franchise, but now I'm worried they will be getting a horrible first impression if these queue times are not improved greatly by launch.

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got in, crashed for some unknown reason. back to the back of the line. at work I cut people down for this type pitiful time of response. here i feel like they don't even have a network admin department.


bioware is getting flamed down just for not fixing it. one person that sees you waiting on the queue will pass that information to others and so on. I am playing it on the overhead monitor. a bit collage of monitors making one big one at work. had 65 employees pass by and ask if the queues are like that one the game, had to give them my honest response and some were not too happy.

Edited by Minnlin
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been waiting an hour now to get back in to The Harbinger.


Created my character there as people I know are playing on that server. Was able tog et in and create my character this morning, but had to log off and go to Aikido.


Came back and waiting....waiting.....waiting...


And still 300 people ahead of me. Even the server list says it has an estimated wait time of 1 hour 25 minutes.

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Well this thread is now over 140+ pages, I think that at some point either two things will happen -


(1) We will get a queue to post on the forum too

(2) Bioware might actually realize that this is a serious issue that needs to be communicated on.


Does it take say 200 pages before support realizes that the one pre canned answer so far on the forums that ive seen - saying re-roll on a lighter server just doesnt cut it.


Remember too please EA that you guys hand picked the servers for our guilds to go on, so what brainiac decided to put their most loyal gamers all on the same few servers and then cap them, very stupid id say.


Lets finally hope their backend isnt running on a bunch of windows 2008 server systems and actually is scalable... we can live and hope otherwise EA is going to very quickly realize that people wont subscribe to a service and pay for it if they have to queue, simple as that so fix it please with at least a response from a senior person that isnt working on a help desk from india (no offense to india, I love my curry)

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Thank goodness I'm in a US guild. When I play the servers are not clogged, when it gets to peak time it's 11pm over here.


I do think the servers needs expanding though, looking at the list right now is ridiculous. So many servers that are full with 20+ minute queues, maybe even 40+ on some of them!


man im in a US server and peak time starts at around 3 pm with a 20 min queue then moves to an over 2 hour queue before 9. I just want to play my game after i come home from work :(

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It really is a great MMO and I'm sad this is so upsetting to some people. I've been playing MMOs so long that these kinds of queues don't really phase me. They are a sign of a very popular product, but it took me reading some replies here to remember how many different ways this can be perceived as a massive failure or customer disservice. I'm just happy I got my character names and gave them a bit of a head start but I might stop playing for a few days just to give Bioware and the players that move elsewhere time to balance out the queues. Not a big deal to me, but I know there's a lot of good reasons why others feel differently. :( I hope Bioware can get on it quick enough that this won't become the reason for years of "I remember how bad it was when SWTOR launched..." comments just because of queues. Edited by Chaizen
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Bioware had years to plan for this game. With the amount of registered people on this site alone they new thier were hundreds of thousands to milllions of people that were going to want into the game. Here we are not even at launch and thier servers are saying full.


You shouldnt have terabytes of space or even petabytes....you should have servers the size of alaska hosting the game. *yes thats an over exaggeration but come on*


Servers shouldnt lag when approaching 100 people in a zone. This may be a bad example as I dont know your architecture compared to Eve online but they are a single server that handle up to 50k or so at one time. It will be 2012 soon and thier is no reason to have technology issues of this magnatude considering the recent beta stress tests....


I just read that they claim they will be increasing resources and server cap capacity. Wouldnt it of been prudent to be overprepared than have paying customers leave over this issue. And no Im not leaving anytime soon, but thier will be some that may or others that will decide not to buy due to word of mouth. Not sayin just sayin


Ok im done ranting, If I manage to get into game Ill see you there.


this is a copy of a post from one of the thousands of closed threads on the server issue.

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Once again, swotor crashes at about the same time at night, and once again, 3 minutes after I bring it back up, I am thrust into a 700+queue. Freaking....ridiculous. I understand queue times, but shouldn't they be based on NEW PLAYERS getting in? Not ALREADY EXISTING players, getting booted or DC'd, and suddenly finding themselves in the back of the line? This has got to stop! It's like standing in line to buy tickets, getting to the counter, dropping your wallet, leaning down to pick it up, and when you stand up you find you have somehow been replaced at the head of the line by the guy behind you...and the guy behind him...and the girl behind him...and the grandma behind her...and, HEY! How did 700 people suddenly get in front of me in 3 minutes?! (And trolls, don't ask 'It takes you 3 minutes to lean down and pick up your wallet old man?' because you are not welcome here.) So, Bioware, on behalf of what I can only assume is roughly 800-1000 people on this feed, are you going to respond to us? Give us an answer? Something other than 'This is a know issue and we are working on it as quickly as possible' because that's a load of crap no one wants to hear. We have surpassed 'Beta Testers' and have become 'Paying Customers'. I really love this game, and I would rather eat kitty litter than go back to WoW, but at least there I can get DC'd and come back in, in under a minute. We would like some recognition, and some answers, please.
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